
911 B

Teleport Potion

This minetest mod adds both a teleportation potion and pad to the game


Change log:

  • 1.2 - New teleport pad texture, code tweaks to work with minetest 5.x
  • 1.1 - Using 0.4.16+ code changes, can only teleport players now, added MineClone2 crafts and spanish translation
  • 1.0 - Added changes by maybe_dragon to bookmark teleport destination before using pads and potions
  • 0.9 - Update to newer functions, requires Minetest 0.4.16 to work.
  • 0.8 - Teleport pads now have arrows showing direction player will face after use
  • 0.7 - Can now enter descriptions for teleport pads e.g. (0,12,0,Home)
  • 0.6 - Tweaked and tidied code, added map_generation_limit's
  • 0.5 - Added throwable potions
  • 0.4 - Code tidy and particle effects added
  • 0.3 - Added Teleport Pad
  • 0.2 - Bug fixes
  • 0.1 - Added SFX
  • 0.0 - Initial release

Lucky Blocks: 4