#!/usr/bin/python # # This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0. # You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version # 1.0 of the CDDL. # # A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this # source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at # http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. # # # Copyright (c) 2012, 2018 by Delphix. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2019 Datto Inc. # # This script must remain compatible with Python 2.6+ and Python 3.4+. # # some python 2.7 system don't have a configparser shim try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser import os import sys import ctypes from datetime import datetime from optparse import OptionParser from pwd import getpwnam from pwd import getpwuid from select import select from subprocess import PIPE from subprocess import Popen from threading import Timer from time import time BASEDIR = '/var/tmp/test_results' TESTDIR = '/usr/share/zfs/' KILL = 'kill' TRUE = 'true' SUDO = 'sudo' LOG_FILE = 'LOG_FILE' LOG_OUT = 'LOG_OUT' LOG_ERR = 'LOG_ERR' LOG_FILE_OBJ = None # some python 2.7 system don't have a concept of monotonic time CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 4 # see class timespec(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('tv_sec', ctypes.c_long), ('tv_nsec', ctypes.c_long) ] librt = ctypes.CDLL('librt.so.1', use_errno=True) clock_gettime = librt.clock_gettime clock_gettime.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(timespec)] def monotonic_time(): t = timespec() if clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, ctypes.pointer(t)) != 0: errno_ = ctypes.get_errno() raise OSError(errno_, os.strerror(errno_)) return t.tv_sec + t.tv_nsec * 1e-9 class Result(object): total = 0 runresults = {'PASS': 0, 'FAIL': 0, 'SKIP': 0, 'KILLED': 0, 'RERAN': 0} def __init__(self): self.starttime = None self.returncode = None self.runtime = '' self.stdout = [] self.stderr = [] self.result = '' def done(self, proc, killed, reran): """ Finalize the results of this Cmd. """ Result.total += 1 m, s = divmod(monotonic_time() - self.starttime, 60) self.runtime = '%02d:%02d' % (m, s) self.returncode = proc.returncode if reran is True: Result.runresults['RERAN'] += 1 if killed: self.result = 'KILLED' Result.runresults['KILLED'] += 1 elif self.returncode == 0: self.result = 'PASS' Result.runresults['PASS'] += 1 elif self.returncode == 4: self.result = 'SKIP' Result.runresults['SKIP'] += 1 elif self.returncode != 0: self.result = 'FAIL' Result.runresults['FAIL'] += 1 class Output(object): """ This class is a slightly modified version of the 'Stream' class found here: http://goo.gl/aSGfv """ def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream self._buf = b'' self.lines = [] def fileno(self): return self.stream.fileno() def read(self, drain=0): """ Read from the file descriptor. If 'drain' set, read until EOF. """ while self._read() is not None: if not drain: break def _read(self): """ Read up to 4k of data from this output stream. Collect the output up to the last newline, and append it to any leftover data from a previous call. The lines are stored as a (timestamp, data) tuple for easy sorting/merging later. """ fd = self.fileno() buf = os.read(fd, 4096) if not buf: return None if b'\n' not in buf: self._buf += buf return [] buf = self._buf + buf tmp, rest = buf.rsplit(b'\n', 1) self._buf = rest now = datetime.now() rows = tmp.split(b'\n') self.lines += [(now, r) for r in rows] class Cmd(object): verified_users = [] def __init__(self, pathname, outputdir=None, timeout=None, user=None, tags=None): self.pathname = pathname self.outputdir = outputdir or 'BASEDIR' """ The timeout for tests is measured in wall-clock time """ self.timeout = timeout self.user = user or '' self.killed = False self.reran = None self.result = Result() if self.timeout is None: self.timeout = 60 def __str__(self): return "Pathname: %s\nOutputdir: %s\nTimeout: %d\nUser: %s\n" % \ (self.pathname, self.outputdir, self.timeout, self.user) def kill_cmd(self, proc, keyboard_interrupt=False): """ Kill a running command due to timeout, or ^C from the keyboard. If sudo is required, this user was verified previously. """ self.killed = True do_sudo = len(self.user) != 0 signal = '-TERM' cmd = [SUDO, KILL, signal, str(proc.pid)] if not do_sudo: del cmd[0] try: kp = Popen(cmd) kp.wait() except Exception: pass """ If this is not a user-initiated kill and the test has not been reran before we consider if the test needs to be reran: If the test has spent some time hibernating and didn't run the whole length of time before being timed out we will rerun the test. """ if keyboard_interrupt is False and self.reran is None: runtime = monotonic_time() - self.result.starttime if int(self.timeout) > runtime: self.killed = False self.reran = False self.run(False) self.reran = True def update_cmd_privs(self, cmd, user): """ If a user has been specified to run this Cmd and we're not already running as that user, prepend the appropriate sudo command to run as that user. """ me = getpwuid(os.getuid()) if not user or user is me: if os.path.isfile(cmd+'.ksh') and os.access(cmd+'.ksh', os.X_OK): cmd += '.ksh' if os.path.isfile(cmd+'.sh') and os.access(cmd+'.sh', os.X_OK): cmd += '.sh' return cmd if not os.path.isfile(cmd): if os.path.isfile(cmd+'.ksh') and os.access(cmd+'.ksh', os.X_OK): cmd += '.ksh' if os.path.isfile(cmd+'.sh') and os.access(cmd+'.sh', os.X_OK): cmd += '.sh' ret = '%s -E -u %s %s' % (SUDO, user, cmd) return ret.split(' ') def collect_output(self, proc): """ Read from stdout/stderr as data becomes available, until the process is no longer running. Return the lines from the stdout and stderr Output objects. """ out = Output(proc.stdout) err = Output(proc.stderr) res = [] while proc.returncode is None: proc.poll() res = select([out, err], [], [], .1) for fd in res[0]: fd.read() for fd in res[0]: fd.read(drain=1) return out.lines, err.lines def run(self, dryrun): """ This is the main function that runs each individual test. Determine whether or not the command requires sudo, and modify it if needed. Run the command, and update the result object. """ if dryrun is True: print(self) return privcmd = self.update_cmd_privs(self.pathname, self.user) try: old = os.umask(0) if not os.path.isdir(self.outputdir): os.makedirs(self.outputdir, mode=0o777) os.umask(old) except OSError as e: fail('%s' % e) self.result.starttime = monotonic_time() proc = Popen(privcmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) # Allow a special timeout value of 0 to mean infinity if int(self.timeout) == 0: self.timeout = sys.maxsize t = Timer(int(self.timeout), self.kill_cmd, [proc]) try: t.start() self.result.stdout, self.result.stderr = self.collect_output(proc) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.kill_cmd(proc, True) fail('\nRun terminated at user request.') finally: t.cancel() if self.reran is not False: self.result.done(proc, self.killed, self.reran) def skip(self): """ Initialize enough of the test result that we can log a skipped command. """ Result.total += 1 Result.runresults['SKIP'] += 1 self.result.stdout = self.result.stderr = [] self.result.starttime = monotonic_time() m, s = divmod(monotonic_time() - self.result.starttime, 60) self.result.runtime = '%02d:%02d' % (m, s) self.result.result = 'SKIP' def log(self, options): """ This function is responsible for writing all output. This includes the console output, the logfile of all results (with timestamped merged stdout and stderr), and for each test, the unmodified stdout/stderr/merged in it's own file. """ logname = getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name rer = '' if self.reran is True: rer = ' (RERAN)' user = ' (run as %s)' % (self.user if len(self.user) else logname) msga = 'Test: %s%s ' % (self.pathname, user) msgb = '[%s] [%s]%s\n' % (self.result.runtime, self.result.result, rer) pad = ' ' * (80 - (len(msga) + len(msgb))) result_line = msga + pad + msgb # The result line is always written to the log file. If -q was # specified only failures are written to the console, otherwise # the result line is written to the console. write_log(bytearray(result_line, encoding='utf-8'), LOG_FILE) if not options.quiet: write_log(result_line, LOG_OUT) elif options.quiet and self.result.result != 'PASS': write_log(result_line, LOG_OUT) lines = sorted(self.result.stdout + self.result.stderr, key=lambda x: x[0]) # Write timestamped output (stdout and stderr) to the logfile for dt, line in lines: timestamp = bytearray(dt.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f ")[:11], encoding='utf-8') write_log(b'%s %s\n' % (timestamp, line), LOG_FILE) # Write the separate stdout/stderr/merged files, if the data exists if len(self.result.stdout): with open(os.path.join(self.outputdir, 'stdout'), 'wb') as out: for _, line in self.result.stdout: os.write(out.fileno(), b'%s\n' % line) if len(self.result.stderr): with open(os.path.join(self.outputdir, 'stderr'), 'wb') as err: for _, line in self.result.stderr: os.write(err.fileno(), b'%s\n' % line) if len(self.result.stdout) and len(self.result.stderr): with open(os.path.join(self.outputdir, 'merged'), 'wb') as merged: for _, line in lines: os.write(merged.fileno(), b'%s\n' % line) class Test(Cmd): props = ['outputdir', 'timeout', 'user', 'pre', 'pre_user', 'post', 'post_user', 'tags'] def __init__(self, pathname, outputdir=None, timeout=None, user=None, pre=None, pre_user=None, post=None, post_user=None, tags=None): super(Test, self).__init__(pathname, outputdir, timeout, user) self.pre = pre or '' self.pre_user = pre_user or '' self.post = post or '' self.post_user = post_user or '' self.tags = tags or [] def __str__(self): post_user = pre_user = '' if len(self.pre_user): pre_user = ' (as %s)' % (self.pre_user) if len(self.post_user): post_user = ' (as %s)' % (self.post_user) return "Pathname: %s\nOutputdir: %s\nTimeout: %d\nPre: %s%s\nPost: " \ "%s%s\nUser: %s\nTags: %s\n" % \ (self.pathname, self.outputdir, self.timeout, self.pre, pre_user, self.post, post_user, self.user, self.tags) def verify(self): """ Check the pre/post scripts, user and Test. Omit the Test from this run if there are any problems. """ files = [self.pre, self.pathname, self.post] users = [self.pre_user, self.user, self.post_user] for f in [f for f in files if len(f)]: if not verify_file(f): write_log("Warning: Test '%s' not added to this run because" " it failed verification.\n" % f, LOG_ERR) return False for user in [user for user in users if len(user)]: if not verify_user(user): write_log("Not adding Test '%s' to this run.\n" % self.pathname, LOG_ERR) return False return True def run(self, options): """ Create Cmd instances for the pre/post scripts. If the pre script doesn't pass, skip this Test. Run the post script regardless. """ odir = os.path.join(self.outputdir, os.path.basename(self.pre)) pretest = Cmd(self.pre, outputdir=odir, timeout=self.timeout, user=self.pre_user) test = Cmd(self.pathname, outputdir=self.outputdir, timeout=self.timeout, user=self.user) odir = os.path.join(self.outputdir, os.path.basename(self.post)) posttest = Cmd(self.post, outputdir=odir, timeout=self.timeout, user=self.post_user) cont = True if len(pretest.pathname): pretest.run(options.dryrun) cont = pretest.result.result == 'PASS' pretest.log(options) if cont: test.run(options.dryrun) else: test.skip() test.log(options) if len(posttest.pathname): posttest.run(options.dryrun) posttest.log(options) class TestGroup(Test): props = Test.props + ['tests'] def __init__(self, pathname, outputdir=None, timeout=None, user=None, pre=None, pre_user=None, post=None, post_user=None, tests=None, tags=None): super(TestGroup, self).__init__(pathname, outputdir, timeout, user, pre, pre_user, post, post_user, tags) self.tests = tests or [] def __str__(self): post_user = pre_user = '' if len(self.pre_user): pre_user = ' (as %s)' % (self.pre_user) if len(self.post_user): post_user = ' (as %s)' % (self.post_user) return "Pathname: %s\nOutputdir: %s\nTests: %s\nTimeout: %s\n" \ "Pre: %s%s\nPost: %s%s\nUser: %s\nTags: %s\n" % \ (self.pathname, self.outputdir, self.tests, self.timeout, self.pre, pre_user, self.post, post_user, self.user, self.tags) def verify(self): """ Check the pre/post scripts, user and tests in this TestGroup. Omit the TestGroup entirely, or simply delete the relevant tests in the group, if that's all that's required. """ # If the pre or post scripts are relative pathnames, convert to # absolute, so they stand a chance of passing verification. if len(self.pre) and not os.path.isabs(self.pre): self.pre = os.path.join(self.pathname, self.pre) if len(self.post) and not os.path.isabs(self.post): self.post = os.path.join(self.pathname, self.post) auxfiles = [self.pre, self.post] users = [self.pre_user, self.user, self.post_user] for f in [f for f in auxfiles if len(f)]: if self.pathname != os.path.dirname(f): write_log("Warning: TestGroup '%s' not added to this run. " "Auxiliary script '%s' exists in a different " "directory.\n" % (self.pathname, f), LOG_ERR) return False if not verify_file(f): write_log("Warning: TestGroup '%s' not added to this run. " "Auxiliary script '%s' failed verification.\n" % (self.pathname, f), LOG_ERR) return False for user in [user for user in users if len(user)]: if not verify_user(user): write_log("Not adding TestGroup '%s' to this run.\n" % self.pathname, LOG_ERR) return False # If one of the tests is invalid, delete it, log it, and drive on. for test in self.tests: if not verify_file(os.path.join(self.pathname, test)): del self.tests[self.tests.index(test)] write_log("Warning: Test '%s' removed from TestGroup '%s' " "because it failed verification.\n" % (test, self.pathname), LOG_ERR) return len(self.tests) != 0 def run(self, options): """ Create Cmd instances for the pre/post scripts. If the pre script doesn't pass, skip all the tests in this TestGroup. Run the post script regardless. """ # tags assigned to this test group also include the test names if options.tags and not set(self.tags).intersection(set(options.tags)): return odir = os.path.join(self.outputdir, os.path.basename(self.pre)) pretest = Cmd(self.pre, outputdir=odir, timeout=self.timeout, user=self.pre_user) odir = os.path.join(self.outputdir, os.path.basename(self.post)) posttest = Cmd(self.post, outputdir=odir, timeout=self.timeout, user=self.post_user) cont = True if len(pretest.pathname): pretest.run(options.dryrun) cont = pretest.result.result == 'PASS' pretest.log(options) for fname in self.tests: test = Cmd(os.path.join(self.pathname, fname), outputdir=os.path.join(self.outputdir, fname), timeout=self.timeout, user=self.user) if cont: test.run(options.dryrun) else: test.skip() test.log(options) if len(posttest.pathname): posttest.run(options.dryrun) posttest.log(options) class TestRun(object): props = ['quiet', 'outputdir'] def __init__(self, options): self.tests = {} self.testgroups = {} self.starttime = time() self.timestamp = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') self.outputdir = os.path.join(options.outputdir, self.timestamp) self.setup_logging(options) self.defaults = [ ('outputdir', BASEDIR), ('quiet', False), ('timeout', 60), ('user', ''), ('pre', ''), ('pre_user', ''), ('post', ''), ('post_user', ''), ('tags', []) ] def __str__(self): s = 'TestRun:\n outputdir: %s\n' % self.outputdir s += 'TESTS:\n' for key in sorted(self.tests.keys()): s += '%s%s' % (self.tests[key].__str__(), '\n') s += 'TESTGROUPS:\n' for key in sorted(self.testgroups.keys()): s += '%s%s' % (self.testgroups[key].__str__(), '\n') return s def addtest(self, pathname, options): """ Create a new Test, and apply any properties that were passed in from the command line. If it passes verification, add it to the TestRun. """ test = Test(pathname) for prop in Test.props: setattr(test, prop, getattr(options, prop)) if test.verify(): self.tests[pathname] = test def addtestgroup(self, dirname, filenames, options): """ Create a new TestGroup, and apply any properties that were passed in from the command line. If it passes verification, add it to the TestRun. """ if dirname not in self.testgroups: testgroup = TestGroup(dirname) for prop in Test.props: setattr(testgroup, prop, getattr(options, prop)) # Prevent pre/post scripts from running as regular tests for f in [testgroup.pre, testgroup.post]: if f in filenames: del filenames[filenames.index(f)] self.testgroups[dirname] = testgroup self.testgroups[dirname].tests = sorted(filenames) testgroup.verify() def read(self, options): """ Read in the specified runfile, and apply the TestRun properties listed in the 'DEFAULT' section to our TestRun. Then read each section, and apply the appropriate properties to the Test or TestGroup. Properties from individual sections override those set in the 'DEFAULT' section. If the Test or TestGroup passes verification, add it to the TestRun. """ config = configparser.RawConfigParser() if not len(config.read(options.runfile)): fail("Coulnd't read config file %s" % options.runfile) for opt in TestRun.props: if config.has_option('DEFAULT', opt): setattr(self, opt, config.get('DEFAULT', opt)) self.outputdir = os.path.join(self.outputdir, self.timestamp) for section in config.sections(): if 'tests' in config.options(section): if os.path.isdir(section): pathname = section elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(options.testdir, section)): pathname = os.path.join(options.testdir, section) else: pathname = section testgroup = TestGroup(os.path.abspath(pathname)) for prop in TestGroup.props: for sect in ['DEFAULT', section]: if config.has_option(sect, prop): if prop == "tags": setattr(testgroup, prop, eval(config.get(sect, prop))) else: setattr(testgroup, prop, config.get(sect, prop)) # Repopulate tests using eval to convert the string to a list testgroup.tests = eval(config.get(section, 'tests')) if testgroup.verify(): self.testgroups[section] = testgroup else: test = Test(section) for prop in Test.props: for sect in ['DEFAULT', section]: if config.has_option(sect, prop): setattr(test, prop, config.get(sect, prop)) if test.verify(): self.tests[section] = test def write(self, options): """ Create a configuration file for editing and later use. The 'DEFAULT' section of the config file is created from the properties that were specified on the command line. Tests are simply added as sections that inherit everything from the 'DEFAULT' section. TestGroups are the same, except they get an option including all the tests to run in that directory. """ defaults = dict([(prop, getattr(options, prop)) for prop, _ in self.defaults]) config = configparser.RawConfigParser(defaults) for test in sorted(self.tests.keys()): config.add_section(test) for testgroup in sorted(self.testgroups.keys()): config.add_section(testgroup) config.set(testgroup, 'tests', self.testgroups[testgroup].tests) try: with open(options.template, 'w') as f: return config.write(f) except IOError: fail('Could not open \'%s\' for writing.' % options.template) def complete_outputdirs(self): """ Collect all the pathnames for Tests, and TestGroups. Work backwards one pathname component at a time, to create a unique directory name in which to deposit test output. Tests will be able to write output files directly in the newly modified outputdir. TestGroups will be able to create one subdirectory per test in the outputdir, and are guaranteed uniqueness because a group can only contain files in one directory. Pre and post tests will create a directory rooted at the outputdir of the Test or TestGroup in question for their output. """ done = False components = 0 tmp_dict = dict(list(self.tests.items()) + list(self.testgroups.items())) total = len(tmp_dict) base = self.outputdir while not done: paths = [] components -= 1 for testfile in list(tmp_dict.keys()): uniq = '/'.join(testfile.split('/')[components:]).lstrip('/') if uniq not in paths: paths.append(uniq) tmp_dict[testfile].outputdir = os.path.join(base, uniq) else: break done = total == len(paths) def setup_logging(self, options): """ This funtion creates the output directory and gets a file object for the logfile. This function must be called before write_log() can be used. """ if options.dryrun is True: return global LOG_FILE_OBJ if options.cmd != 'wrconfig': try: old = os.umask(0) os.makedirs(self.outputdir, mode=0o777) os.umask(old) filename = os.path.join(self.outputdir, 'log') LOG_FILE_OBJ = open(filename, buffering=0, mode='wb') except OSError as e: fail('%s' % e) def run(self, options): """ Walk through all the Tests and TestGroups, calling run(). """ try: os.chdir(self.outputdir) except OSError: fail('Could not change to directory %s' % self.outputdir) # make a symlink to the output for the currently running test logsymlink = os.path.join(self.outputdir, '../current') if os.path.islink(logsymlink): os.unlink(logsymlink) if not os.path.exists(logsymlink): os.symlink(self.outputdir, logsymlink) else: write_log('Could not make a symlink to directory %s\n' % self.outputdir, LOG_ERR) iteration = 0 while iteration < options.iterations: for test in sorted(self.tests.keys()): self.tests[test].run(options) for testgroup in sorted(self.testgroups.keys()): self.testgroups[testgroup].run(options) iteration += 1 def summary(self): if Result.total == 0: return 2 print('\nResults Summary') for key in list(Result.runresults.keys()): if Result.runresults[key] != 0: print('%s\t% 4d' % (key, Result.runresults[key])) m, s = divmod(time() - self.starttime, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) print('\nRunning Time:\t%02d:%02d:%02d' % (h, m, s)) print('Percent passed:\t%.1f%%' % ((float(Result.runresults['PASS']) / float(Result.total)) * 100)) print('Log directory:\t%s' % self.outputdir) if Result.runresults['FAIL'] > 0: return 1 if Result.runresults['KILLED'] > 0: return 1 if Result.runresults['RERAN'] > 0: return 3 return 0 def write_log(msg, target): """ Write the provided message to standard out, standard error or the logfile. If specifying LOG_FILE, then `msg` must be a bytes like object. This way we can still handle output from tests that may be in unexpected encodings. """ if target == LOG_OUT: os.write(sys.stdout.fileno(), bytearray(msg, encoding='utf-8')) elif target == LOG_ERR: os.write(sys.stderr.fileno(), bytearray(msg, encoding='utf-8')) elif target == LOG_FILE: os.write(LOG_FILE_OBJ.fileno(), msg) else: fail('log_msg called with unknown target "%s"' % target) def verify_file(pathname): """ Verify that the supplied pathname is an executable regular file. """ if os.path.isdir(pathname) or os.path.islink(pathname): return False for ext in '', '.ksh', '.sh': script_path = pathname + ext if os.path.isfile(script_path) and os.access(script_path, os.X_OK): return True return False def verify_user(user): """ Verify that the specified user exists on this system, and can execute sudo without being prompted for a password. """ testcmd = [SUDO, '-n', '-u', user, TRUE] if user in Cmd.verified_users: return True try: getpwnam(user) except KeyError: write_log("Warning: user '%s' does not exist.\n" % user, LOG_ERR) return False p = Popen(testcmd) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: write_log("Warning: user '%s' cannot use passwordless sudo.\n" % user, LOG_ERR) return False else: Cmd.verified_users.append(user) return True def find_tests(testrun, options): """ For the given list of pathnames, add files as Tests. For directories, if do_groups is True, add the directory as a TestGroup. If False, recursively search for executable files. """ for p in sorted(options.pathnames): if os.path.isdir(p): for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk(p): if options.do_groups: testrun.addtestgroup(dirname, filenames, options) else: for f in sorted(filenames): testrun.addtest(os.path.join(dirname, f), options) else: testrun.addtest(p, options) def fail(retstr, ret=1): print('%s: %s' % (sys.argv[0], retstr)) exit(ret) def options_cb(option, opt_str, value, parser): path_options = ['runfile', 'outputdir', 'template', 'testdir'] if option.dest == 'runfile' and '-w' in parser.rargs or \ option.dest == 'template' and '-c' in parser.rargs: fail('-c and -w are mutually exclusive.') if opt_str in parser.rargs: fail('%s may only be specified once.' % opt_str) if option.dest == 'runfile': parser.values.cmd = 'rdconfig' if option.dest == 'template': parser.values.cmd = 'wrconfig' if option.dest == 'tags': value = [x.strip() for x in value.split(',')] setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) if option.dest in path_options: setattr(parser.values, option.dest, os.path.abspath(value)) def parse_args(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-c', action='callback', callback=options_cb, type='string', dest='runfile', metavar='runfile', help='Specify tests to run via config file.') parser.add_option('-d', action='store_true', default=False, dest='dryrun', help='Dry run. Print tests, but take no other action.') parser.add_option('-g', action='store_true', default=False, dest='do_groups', help='Make directories TestGroups.') parser.add_option('-o', action='callback', callback=options_cb, default=BASEDIR, dest='outputdir', type='string', metavar='outputdir', help='Specify an output directory.') parser.add_option('-i', action='callback', callback=options_cb, default=TESTDIR, dest='testdir', type='string', metavar='testdir', help='Specify a test directory.') parser.add_option('-p', action='callback', callback=options_cb, default='', dest='pre', metavar='script', type='string', help='Specify a pre script.') parser.add_option('-P', action='callback', callback=options_cb, default='', dest='post', metavar='script', type='string', help='Specify a post script.') parser.add_option('-q', action='store_true', default=False, dest='quiet', help='Silence on the console during a test run.') parser.add_option('-t', action='callback', callback=options_cb, default=60, dest='timeout', metavar='seconds', type='int', help='Timeout (in seconds) for an individual test.') parser.add_option('-u', action='callback', callback=options_cb, default='', dest='user', metavar='user', type='string', help='Specify a different user name to run as.') parser.add_option('-w', action='callback', callback=options_cb, default=None, dest='template', metavar='template', type='string', help='Create a new config file.') parser.add_option('-x', action='callback', callback=options_cb, default='', dest='pre_user', metavar='pre_user', type='string', help='Specify a user to execute the pre script.') parser.add_option('-X', action='callback', callback=options_cb, default='', dest='post_user', metavar='post_user', type='string', help='Specify a user to execute the post script.') parser.add_option('-T', action='callback', callback=options_cb, default='', dest='tags', metavar='tags', type='string', help='Specify tags to execute specific test groups.') parser.add_option('-I', action='callback', callback=options_cb, default=1, dest='iterations', metavar='iterations', type='int', help='Number of times to run the test run.') (options, pathnames) = parser.parse_args() if not options.runfile and not options.template: options.cmd = 'runtests' if options.runfile and len(pathnames): fail('Extraneous arguments.') options.pathnames = [os.path.abspath(path) for path in pathnames] return options def main(): options = parse_args() testrun = TestRun(options) if options.cmd == 'runtests': find_tests(testrun, options) elif options.cmd == 'rdconfig': testrun.read(options) elif options.cmd == 'wrconfig': find_tests(testrun, options) testrun.write(options) exit(0) else: fail('Unknown command specified') testrun.complete_outputdirs() testrun.run(options) exit(testrun.summary()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()