# # Copyright 2015 ClusterHQ # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ nvlist_in and nvlist_out provide support for converting between a dictionary on the Python side and an nvlist_t on the C side with the automatic memory management for C memory allocations. nvlist_in takes a dictionary and produces a CData object corresponding to a C nvlist_t pointer suitable for passing as an input parameter. The nvlist_t is populated based on the dictionary. nvlist_out takes a dictionary and produces a CData object corresponding to a C nvlist_t pointer to pointer suitable for passing as an output parameter. Upon exit from a with-block the dictionary is populated based on the nvlist_t. The dictionary must follow a certain format to be convertible to the nvlist_t. The dictionary produced from the nvlist_t will follow the same format. Format: - keys are always byte strings - a value can be None in which case it represents boolean truth by its mere presence - a value can be a bool - a value can be a byte string - a value can be an integer - a value can be a CFFI CData object representing one of the following C types: int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t, int64_t, uint64_t, boolean_t, uchar_t - a value can be a dictionary that recursively adheres to this format - a value can be a list of bools, byte strings, integers or CData objects of types specified above - a value can be a list of dictionaries that adhere to this format - all elements of a list value must be of the same type """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import numbers from collections import namedtuple from contextlib import contextmanager from .bindings import libnvpair from .ctypes import _type_to_suffix _ffi = libnvpair.ffi _lib = libnvpair.lib def nvlist_in(props): """ This function converts a python dictionary to a C nvlist_t and provides automatic memory management for the latter. :param dict props: the dictionary to be converted. :return: an FFI CData object representing the nvlist_t pointer. :rtype: CData """ nvlistp = _ffi.new("nvlist_t **") res = _lib.nvlist_alloc(nvlistp, 1, 0) # UNIQUE_NAME == 1 if res != 0: raise MemoryError('nvlist_alloc failed') nvlist = _ffi.gc(nvlistp[0], _lib.nvlist_free) _dict_to_nvlist(props, nvlist) return nvlist @contextmanager def nvlist_out(props): """ A context manager that allocates a pointer to a C nvlist_t and yields a CData object representing a pointer to the pointer via 'as' target. The caller can pass that pointer to a pointer to a C function that creates a new nvlist_t object. The context manager takes care of memory management for the nvlist_t and also populates the 'props' dictionary with data from the nvlist_t upon leaving the 'with' block. :param dict props: the dictionary to be populated with data from the nvlist. :return: an FFI CData object representing the pointer to nvlist_t pointer. :rtype: CData """ nvlistp = _ffi.new("nvlist_t **") nvlistp[0] = _ffi.NULL # to be sure try: yield nvlistp # clear old entries, if any props.clear() _nvlist_to_dict(nvlistp[0], props) finally: if nvlistp[0] != _ffi.NULL: _lib.nvlist_free(nvlistp[0]) nvlistp[0] = _ffi.NULL def packed_nvlist_out(packed_nvlist, packed_size): """ This function converts a packed C nvlist_t to a python dictionary and provides automatic memory management for the former. :param bytes packed_nvlist: packed nvlist_t. :param int packed_size: nvlist_t packed size. :return: an `dict` of values representing the data containted by nvlist_t. :rtype: dict """ props = {} with nvlist_out(props) as nvp: ret = _lib.nvlist_unpack(packed_nvlist, packed_size, nvp, 0) if ret != 0: raise MemoryError('nvlist_unpack failed') return props _TypeInfo = namedtuple('_TypeInfo', ['suffix', 'ctype', 'is_array', 'convert']) def _type_info(typeid): return { _lib.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN: _TypeInfo(None, None, None, None), _lib.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN_VALUE: _TypeInfo("boolean_value", "boolean_t *", False, bool), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_BYTE: _TypeInfo("byte", "uchar_t *", False, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_INT8: _TypeInfo("int8", "int8_t *", False, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT8: _TypeInfo("uint8", "uint8_t *", False, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_INT16: _TypeInfo("int16", "int16_t *", False, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT16: _TypeInfo("uint16", "uint16_t *", False, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_INT32: _TypeInfo("int32", "int32_t *", False, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT32: _TypeInfo("uint32", "uint32_t *", False, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_INT64: _TypeInfo("int64", "int64_t *", False, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT64: _TypeInfo("uint64", "uint64_t *", False, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_STRING: _TypeInfo("string", "char **", False, _ffi.string), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_NVLIST: _TypeInfo("nvlist", "nvlist_t **", False, lambda x: _nvlist_to_dict(x, {})), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("boolean_array", "boolean_t **", True, bool), # noqa: E501 # XXX use bytearray ? _lib.DATA_TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("byte_array", "uchar_t **", True, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_INT8_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("int8_array", "int8_t **", True, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT8_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("uint8_array", "uint8_t **", True, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_INT16_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("int16_array", "int16_t **", True, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT16_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("uint16_array", "uint16_t **", True, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_INT32_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("int32_array", "int32_t **", True, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT32_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("uint32_array", "uint32_t **", True, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_INT64_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("int64_array", "int64_t **", True, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_UINT64_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("uint64_array", "uint64_t **", True, int), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("string_array", "char ***", True, _ffi.string), # noqa: E501 _lib.DATA_TYPE_NVLIST_ARRAY: _TypeInfo("nvlist_array", "nvlist_t ***", True, lambda x: _nvlist_to_dict(x, {})), # noqa: E501 }[typeid] # only integer properties need to be here _prop_name_to_type_str = { b"rewind-request": "uint32", b"type": "uint32", b"N_MORE_ERRORS": "int32", b"pool_context": "int32", } def _nvlist_add_array(nvlist, key, array): def _is_integer(x): return isinstance(x, numbers.Integral) and not isinstance(x, bool) ret = 0 specimen = array[0] is_integer = _is_integer(specimen) specimen_ctype = None if isinstance(specimen, _ffi.CData): specimen_ctype = _ffi.typeof(specimen) for element in array[1:]: if is_integer and _is_integer(element): pass elif type(element) is not type(specimen): raise TypeError('Array has elements of different types: ' + type(specimen).__name__ + ' and ' + type(element).__name__) elif specimen_ctype is not None: ctype = _ffi.typeof(element) if ctype is not specimen_ctype: raise TypeError('Array has elements of different C types: ' + _ffi.typeof(specimen).cname + ' and ' + _ffi.typeof(element).cname) if isinstance(specimen, dict): # NB: can't use automatic memory management via nvlist_in() here, # we have a loop, but 'with' would require recursion c_array = [] for dictionary in array: nvlistp = _ffi.new('nvlist_t **') res = _lib.nvlist_alloc(nvlistp, 1, 0) # UNIQUE_NAME == 1 if res != 0: raise MemoryError('nvlist_alloc failed') nested_nvlist = _ffi.gc(nvlistp[0], _lib.nvlist_free) _dict_to_nvlist(dictionary, nested_nvlist) c_array.append(nested_nvlist) ret = _lib.nvlist_add_nvlist_array(nvlist, key, c_array, len(c_array)) elif isinstance(specimen, bytes): c_array = [] for string in array: c_array.append(_ffi.new('char[]', string)) ret = _lib.nvlist_add_string_array(nvlist, key, c_array, len(c_array)) elif isinstance(specimen, bool): ret = _lib.nvlist_add_boolean_array(nvlist, key, array, len(array)) elif isinstance(specimen, numbers.Integral): suffix = _prop_name_to_type_str.get(key, "uint64") cfunc = getattr(_lib, "nvlist_add_%s_array" % (suffix,)) ret = cfunc(nvlist, key, array, len(array)) elif isinstance( specimen, _ffi.CData) and _ffi.typeof(specimen) in _type_to_suffix: suffix = _type_to_suffix[_ffi.typeof(specimen)][True] cfunc = getattr(_lib, "nvlist_add_%s_array" % (suffix,)) ret = cfunc(nvlist, key, array, len(array)) else: raise TypeError('Unsupported value type ' + type(specimen).__name__) if ret != 0: raise MemoryError('nvlist_add failed, err = %d' % ret) def _nvlist_to_dict(nvlist, props): pair = _lib.nvlist_next_nvpair(nvlist, _ffi.NULL) while pair != _ffi.NULL: name = _ffi.string(_lib.nvpair_name(pair)) typeid = int(_lib.nvpair_type(pair)) typeinfo = _type_info(typeid) is_array = bool(_lib.nvpair_type_is_array(pair)) cfunc = getattr(_lib, "nvpair_value_%s" % (typeinfo.suffix,), None) val = None ret = 0 if is_array: valptr = _ffi.new(typeinfo.ctype) lenptr = _ffi.new("uint_t *") ret = cfunc(pair, valptr, lenptr) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError('nvpair_value failed') length = int(lenptr[0]) val = [] for i in range(length): val.append(typeinfo.convert(valptr[0][i])) else: if typeid == _lib.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN: val = None # XXX or should it be True ? else: valptr = _ffi.new(typeinfo.ctype) ret = cfunc(pair, valptr) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError('nvpair_value failed') val = typeinfo.convert(valptr[0]) props[name] = val pair = _lib.nvlist_next_nvpair(nvlist, pair) return props def _dict_to_nvlist(props, nvlist): for k, v in props.items(): if not isinstance(k, bytes): raise TypeError('Unsupported key type ' + type(k).__name__) ret = 0 if isinstance(v, dict): ret = _lib.nvlist_add_nvlist(nvlist, k, nvlist_in(v)) elif isinstance(v, list): _nvlist_add_array(nvlist, k, v) elif isinstance(v, bytes): ret = _lib.nvlist_add_string(nvlist, k, v) elif isinstance(v, bool): ret = _lib.nvlist_add_boolean_value(nvlist, k, v) elif v is None: ret = _lib.nvlist_add_boolean(nvlist, k) elif isinstance(v, numbers.Integral): suffix = _prop_name_to_type_str.get(k, "uint64") cfunc = getattr(_lib, "nvlist_add_%s" % (suffix,)) ret = cfunc(nvlist, k, v) elif isinstance(v, _ffi.CData) and _ffi.typeof(v) in _type_to_suffix: suffix = _type_to_suffix[_ffi.typeof(v)][False] cfunc = getattr(_lib, "nvlist_add_%s" % (suffix,)) ret = cfunc(nvlist, k, v) else: raise TypeError('Unsupported value type ' + type(v).__name__) if ret != 0: raise MemoryError('nvlist_add failed') # vim: softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4