#include "p2p_test.h" char *naming_wpsinfo(int wps_info) { switch(wps_info) { case P2P_NO_WPSINFO: return ("P2P_NO_WPSINFO"); case P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_PEER_DISPLAY_PIN: return ("P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_PEER_DISPLAY_PIN"); case P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_SELF_DISPLAY_PIN: return ("P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_SELF_DISPLAY_PIN"); case P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_PBC: return ("P2P_GOT_WPSINFO_PBC"); default: return ("UI unknown failed"); } } char *naming_role(int role) { switch(role) { case P2P_ROLE_DISABLE: return ("P2P_ROLE_DISABLE"); case P2P_ROLE_DEVICE: return ("P2P_ROLE_DEVICE"); case P2P_ROLE_CLIENT: return ("P2P_ROLE_CLIENT"); case P2P_ROLE_GO: return ("P2P_ROLE_GO"); default: return ("UI unknown failed"); } } char *naming_status(int status) { switch(status) { case P2P_STATE_NONE: return ("P2P_STATE_NONE"); case P2P_STATE_IDLE: return ("P2P_STATE_IDLE"); case P2P_STATE_LISTEN: return ("P2P_STATE_LISTEN"); case P2P_STATE_SCAN: return ("P2P_STATE_SCAN"); case P2P_STATE_FIND_PHASE_LISTEN: return ("P2P_STATE_FIND_PHASE_LISTEN"); case P2P_STATE_FIND_PHASE_SEARCH: return ("P2P_STATE_FIND_PHASE_SEARCH"); case P2P_STATE_TX_PROVISION_DIS_REQ: return ("P2P_STATE_TX_PROVISION_DIS_REQ"); case P2P_STATE_RX_PROVISION_DIS_RSP: return ("P2P_STATE_RX_PROVISION_DIS_RSP"); case P2P_STATE_RX_PROVISION_DIS_REQ: return ("P2P_STATE_RX_PROVISION_DIS_REQ"); case P2P_STATE_GONEGO_ING: return ("P2P_STATE_GONEGO_ING"); case P2P_STATE_GONEGO_OK: return ("P2P_STATE_GONEGO_OK"); case P2P_STATE_GONEGO_FAIL: return ("P2P_STATE_GONEGO_FAIL"); case P2P_STATE_RECV_INVITE_REQ: return ("P2P_STATE_RECV_INVITE_REQ"); case P2P_STATE_PROVISIONING_ING: return ("P2P_STATE_PROVISIONING_ING"); case P2P_STATE_PROVISIONING_DONE: return ("P2P_STATE_PROVISIONING_DONE"); default: return ("UI unknown failed"); } } char* naming_enable(int enable) { switch(enable) { case P2P_ROLE_DISABLE: return ("[Disabled]"); case P2P_ROLE_DEVICE: return ("[Enable/Device]"); case P2P_ROLE_CLIENT: return ("[Enable/Client]"); case P2P_ROLE_GO: return ("[Enable/GO]"); default: return ("UI unknown failed"); } } void ui_screen(struct p2p *p) { system("clear"); printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); printf("****************************************************************************************************\n"); printf("* P2P UI TEST v0.5 *\n"); printf("****************************************************************************************************\n"); printf("* Enable: %-89s*\n", naming_enable(p->enable)); printf("* Intent: %2d *\n", p->intent); printf("* Status: %-89s*\n", naming_status(p->status)); printf("* Role: %-91s*\n", naming_role(p->role)); printf("* WPS method: %-85s*\n", naming_wpsinfo(p->wps_info)); printf("* PIN code: %08d *\n", p->pin); printf("* Device name: %-84s*\n", p->dev_name); printf("* Peer device address: %-76s*\n", p->peer_devaddr); printf("* Peer interface address: %-73s*\n", p->peer_ifaddr); printf("* *\n"); printf("* e) Wi-Fi Direct Enable/Disable *\n"); printf("* i) Intent ( The degree to be Group Owner/SoftAP ) *\n"); printf("* a) Scan Wi-Fi Direct devices *\n"); printf("* m) Peer device address you want to test *\n"); printf("* p) Provision discovery *\n"); printf("* c) Input PIN codes *\n"); printf("* w) WPS method *\n"); printf("* n) Group owner negotiation *\n"); printf("* x) Start wpa_supplicant/hostapd *\n"); printf("* h) Set operation channel | t) Set SoftAP ssid *\n"); printf("* r) Get Current P2P Role | s) Get Current P2P Status *\n"); printf("* d) Set device name | l) Set Listen channel *\n"); printf("* f) Reflash Current State | q) Quit *\n"); printf("****************************************************************************************************\n"); if(p->p2p_get==0) { printf("* *\n"); } else if(p->p2p_get==1) { printf("*%-98s*\n", p->print_line); } printf("****************************************************************************************************\n"); if( ( p->show_scan_result == 1 ) && ( p->have_p2p_dev == 1 ) ) //if( (p->have_p2p_dev == 1) && (p->enable >= P2P_ROLE_DEVICE) && ( p->wpsing == 0 ) && (p->status >= P2P_STATE_LISTEN && p->status <= P2P_STATE_FIND_PHASE_SEARCH) ) { scan_result(p); } else { int i=0; for(i = 0; i < SCAN_POOL_NO + 1; i++ ) printf("* *\n"); } printf("****************************************************************************************************\n"); p->show_scan_result = 0; } void init_p2p(struct p2p *p) { strcpy( p->ifname, "wlan0" ); p->enable = P2P_ROLE_DISABLE; p->res = 1; p->res_go = 1; p->status = P2P_STATE_NONE; p->intent = 1; p->wps_info = 0; p->wpsing = 0; p->pin = 12345670; p->role = P2P_ROLE_DISABLE; p->listen_ch = 11; strcpy( p->peer_devaddr, "00:00:00:00:00:00" ); p->p2p_get = 0; memset( p->print_line, 0x00, CMD_SZ); p->have_p2p_dev = 0; p->count_line = 0; strcpy( p->peer_ifaddr, "00:00:00:00:00:00" ); memset( p->cmd, 0x00, CMD_SZ); p->wpa_open=0; p->ap_open=0; strcpy(p->ok_msg, "WiFi Direct handshake done" ); strcpy(p->redo_msg, "Re-do GO handshake" ); strcpy(p->fail_msg, "GO handshake unsuccessful" ); strcpy(p->nego_msg, "Start P2P negotiation" ); strcpy(p->wpa_conf, "./wpa_0_8.conf" ); strcpy(p->wpa_path, "./wpa_supplicant" ); strcpy(p->wpacli_path, "./wpa_cli" ); strcpy(p->ap_conf, "./p2p_hostapd.conf" ); strcpy(p->ap_path, "./hostapd" ); strcpy(p->apcli_path, "./hostapd_cli" ); strcpy(p->scan_msg, "Device haven't enable p2p functionalities" ); } void rename_intf(struct p2p *p) { FILE *pfin = NULL; FILE *pfout = NULL; pfin = fopen( p->ap_conf, "r" ); pfout = fopen( "./p2p_hostapd_temp.conf", "w" ); if ( pfin ) { while( !feof( pfin ) ){ memset(p->parse, 0x00, CMD_SZ); fgets(p->parse, CMD_SZ, pfin); if(strncmp(p->parse, "interface=", 10) == 0) { memset(p->parse, 0x00, CMD_SZ); sprintf( p->parse, "interface=%s\n", p->ifname ); fputs( p->parse, pfout ); } else fputs(p->parse, pfout); } } fclose( pfout ); system( "rm -rf ./p2p_hostapd.conf" ); system( "mv ./p2p_hostapd_temp.conf ./p2p_hostapd.conf" ); return; } //int main() int main(int argc, char **argv) { char peerifa[40] = { 0x00 }; char scan[CMD_SZ]; struct p2p p2pstruct; struct p2p *p=NULL; p = &p2pstruct; if( p != NULL) { memset(p, 0x00, sizeof(struct p2p)); init_p2p(p); } strcpy(p->ifname, argv[1] ); /* Disable P2P functionalities at first*/ p->enable=P2P_ROLE_DISABLE; p2p_enable(p); p2p_get_hostapd_conf(p); usleep(50000); rename_intf(p); do { ui_screen(p); printf("*insert cmd:"); memset( scan, 0x00, CMD_SZ ); scanf("%s", scan); if( p->thread_trigger == THREAD_NONE ) //Active mode for user interface { if( strncmp(scan, "e", 1) == 0 ) //Enable { p->show_scan_result = 1; ui_screen(p); printf("Please insert enable mode;[0]Disable, [1]Device, [2]Client, [3]GO:"); scanf("%d",&p->enable); p2p_enable(p); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else if( strncmp(scan, "a", 1) == 0 ) // Scan P2P device { p2p_scan(p); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else if( strncmp(scan, "d", 1) == 0 ) // Set device name { p->p2p_get = 0; printf("Please insert device name :"); scanf("\n%[^\n]", p->dev_name); p2p_setDN(p); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else if( strncmp(scan, "i", 1) == 0 ) // Intent { p->show_scan_result = 1; ui_screen(p); printf("Please insert intent from [0~15(must be softap)] :"); scanf("%d",&p->intent); p2p_intent(p); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else if( strncmp(scan, "w", 1) == 0 ) // WPS_info { p->show_scan_result = 1; ui_screen(p); printf("Please insert WPS method\n"); printf("[0]None, [1]Peer Display PIN, [2]Self Display Pin, [3]PBC :"); scanf("%d",&p->wps_info); p2p_wpsinfo(p); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else if( strncmp(scan, "c", 1) == 0 ) // PIN_code { char ins_no[CMD_SZ], ins_no_again[CMD_SZ]; memset(ins_no, 0x00, CMD_SZ); strcpy(ins_no, "Please insert 8-digit number, eg:12345670 :" ); memset(ins_no_again, 0x00, CMD_SZ); strcpy(ins_no_again, "Invalid number, insert again, eg:12345670 :" ); p2p_pincode(p, ins_no, ins_no_again); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else if( strncmp(scan, "m", 1) == 0 ) // Set peer device address { p->show_scan_result = 1; ui_screen(p); printf("Please insert number in scan list:"); p2p_devaddr(p); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else if( strncmp(scan, "r", 1) == 0 ) // Get role { p2p_role(p,1); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else if( strncmp(scan, "s", 1) == 0 ) // Get status { p2p_status(p, 1); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else if( strncmp(scan, "p", 1) == 0 ) // Provision discovery { char msg[CMD_SZ]; memset( msg, 0x00, CMD_SZ ); char dis_msg[CMD_SZ]; memset( dis_msg, 0x00, CMD_SZ ); char label_msg[CMD_SZ]; memset( label_msg, 0x00, CMD_SZ ); if(strncmp(p->peer_devaddr, "00:00:00:00:00:00", 17) == 0) { strcpy( msg, "Please insert peer P2P device at first" ); p2p_prov_disc_no_addr(p, msg); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else { strcpy( msg, "Please insert WPS configuration method ;[0]display, [1]keypad, [2]pbc, [3]label:\n" ); strcpy( dis_msg, "Please insert PIN code displays on peer device screen:" ); strcpy( label_msg, "Please insert PIN code displays on peer label:" ); p2p_prov_disc(p, msg, dis_msg, label_msg); } } else if( strncmp(scan, "n", 1) == 0 ) // Set negotiation { p2p_set_nego(p); } else if( strncmp(scan, "f", 1) == 0 ) // Reflash current state { p->show_scan_result = 1; p2p_status(p, 0); p2p_role(p, 0); p2p_ifaddr(p); if( p->status == P2P_STATE_RX_PROVISION_DIS_REQ ) { char peer_devaddr[18]; char peer_req_cm[4]; memset( peer_devaddr, 0x00, 18); memset( peer_req_cm, 0x00, 4); p2p_peer_devaddr(p, peer_devaddr); p2p_peer_req_cm(p, peer_req_cm); p2p_peer_info(p, p->peer_devaddr, peer_req_cm); } #ifndef P2P_AUTO else { if( p->role == P2P_ROLE_CLIENT ) { p2p_client_mode(p); } else if( p->role == P2P_ROLE_GO ) { p2p_go_mode(p); } } #endif //P2P_AUTO } else if( strncmp(scan, "x", 1) == 0 ) // Start wpa_supplicant/hostapd { if( p->role == P2P_ROLE_CLIENT ) { p2p_client_mode(p); } else if( p->role == P2P_ROLE_GO ) { p2p_go_mode(p); } } else if( strncmp(scan, "h", 1) == 0 ) // Set operation channel { char msg[CMD_SZ]; memset( msg, 0x00, CMD_SZ ); strcpy( msg, "Please insert desired operation channel:" ); p2p_set_opch(p, msg, 1); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else if( strncmp(scan, "t", 1) == 0 ) // Set SoftAP ssid { char msg[CMD_SZ]; memset( msg, 0x00, CMD_SZ ); strcpy( msg, "Please insert desired SoftAP ssid:" ); p2p_softap_ssid(p, msg, 1); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else if( strncmp(scan, "l", 1) == 0 ) // Set Listen channel { char msg[CMD_SZ]; memset( msg, 0x00, CMD_SZ ); strcpy( msg, "Please insert desired Listen channel, only ch.1.6.11 are available:" ); p2p_listen_ch(p, msg); p->show_scan_result = 1; } else if( strncmp(scan, "q", 1) == 0 ) // Quit { if( p->res == 0 ) p->res = 1; if( p->res_go == 0 ) p->res_go = 1; break; } else // Insert wrong commamd { p->p2p_get=1; p->show_scan_result = 1; memset( p->print_line, 0x00, CMD_SZ ); sprintf( p->print_line, " BAD argument"); } } else if( p->thread_trigger == THREAD_DEVICE ) //Passive mode for user interface { p->thread_trigger = THREAD_NONE ; if( strncmp(scan, "b", 1) == 0 ) { p->wps_info=3; p2p_wpsinfo(p); p2p_status(p, 0); if(p->status != P2P_STATE_GONEGO_OK) { p2p_set_nego(p); } else { p2p_role(p,0); if( p->role == P2P_ROLE_CLIENT ) { p2p_client_mode(p); } else if( p->role == P2P_ROLE_GO ) { p2p_go_mode(p); } } } else if( strncmp(scan, "c", 1) == 0 ) { p->wps_info=2; p2p_wpsinfo(p); p2p_status(p, 0); if(p->status != P2P_STATE_GONEGO_OK) { p2p_set_nego(p); } else { p2p_role(p,0); p2p_ifaddr(p); if( p->role == P2P_ROLE_CLIENT ) { p2p_client_mode(p); } else if( p->role == P2P_ROLE_GO ) { p2p_go_mode(p); } } } else if( ('0' <= *scan ) && ( *scan <= '9') ) { printf("In passive pin code\n"); p->pin = atoi(scan); p->wps_info=1; p2p_wpsinfo(p); p2p_set_nego(p); } } else if( p->thread_trigger == THREAD_GO ) //Passive mode for user interface { p->thread_trigger = THREAD_NONE ; if( strncmp(scan, "b", 1) == 0 ) { p->wps_info=3; p2p_wpsinfo(p); } else if( strncmp(scan, "c", 1) == 0 ) { p->wps_info=2; p2p_wpsinfo(p); } else if( ('0' <= *scan ) && ( *scan <= '9') ) { printf("In passive pin code\n"); p->pin = atoi(scan); p->wps_info=1; p2p_wpsinfo(p); } p2p_go_mode(p); } } while( 1 ); /* Disable P2P functionalities when exits*/ p->enable= -1 ; p2p_enable(p); system( "rm -f ./supp_status.txt" ); system( "rm -f ./temp.txt" ); system( "rm -f ./scan.txt" ); system( "rm -f ./peer.txt" ); system( "rm -f ./status.txt" ); system( "rm -f ./cm.txt" ); return 0; }