local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname) local worldpath = minetest.get_worldpath() local last_punch_time = {} local pending_players = {} local timer = 0 dofile(modpath.."/api.lua") -- local functions local F = minetest.formspec_escape local S = armor.get_translator -- integration test if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_3d_armor_integration_test") then dofile(modpath.."/integration_test.lua") end -- Legacy Config Support local input = io.open(modpath.."/armor.conf", "r") if input then dofile(modpath.."/armor.conf") input:close() end input = io.open(worldpath.."/armor.conf", "r") if input then dofile(worldpath.."/armor.conf") input:close() end for name, _ in pairs(armor.config) do local global = "ARMOR_"..name:upper() if minetest.global_exists(global) then armor.config[name] = _G[global] end end if minetest.global_exists("ARMOR_MATERIALS") then armor.materials = table.copy(ARMOR_MATERIALS) end if minetest.global_exists("ARMOR_FIRE_NODES") then armor.fire_nodes = table.copy(ARMOR_FIRE_NODES) end -- Load Configuration for name, config in pairs(armor.config) do local setting = minetest.settings:get("armor_"..name) if type(config) == "number" then setting = tonumber(setting) elseif type(config) == "string" then setting = tostring(setting) elseif type(config) == "boolean" then setting = minetest.settings:get_bool("armor_"..name) end if setting ~= nil then armor.config[name] = setting end end for material, _ in pairs(armor.materials) do local key = "material_"..material if armor.config[key] == false then armor.materials[material] = nil end end -- Convert set_elements to a Lua table splitting on blank spaces local t_set_elements = armor.config.set_elements armor.config.set_elements = string.split(t_set_elements, " ") -- Remove torch damage if fire_protect_torch == false if armor.config.fire_protect_torch == false and armor.config.fire_protect == true then for k,v in pairs(armor.fire_nodes) do for k2,v2 in pairs(v) do if string.find (v2,"torch") then armor.fire_nodes[k] = nil end end end end -- Mod Compatibility if minetest.get_modpath("technic") then armor.formspec = armor.formspec.. "label[5,2.5;"..F(S("Radiation"))..": armor_group_radiation]" armor:register_armor_group("radiation") end local skin_mods = {"skins", "u_skins", "simple_skins", "wardrobe"} for _, mod in pairs(skin_mods) do local path = minetest.get_modpath(mod) if path then local dir_list = minetest.get_dir_list(path.."/textures") for _, fn in pairs(dir_list) do if fn:find("_preview.png$") then armor:add_preview(fn) end end armor.set_skin_mod(mod) end end if not minetest.get_modpath("moreores") then armor.materials.mithril = nil end if not minetest.get_modpath("ethereal") then armor.materials.crystal = nil end if not minetest.get_modpath("nether") then armor.materials.nether = nil end dofile(modpath.."/armor.lua") -- Armor Initialization armor.formspec = armor.formspec.. "label[5,1;"..F(S("Level"))..": armor_level]".. "label[5,1.5;"..F(S("Heal"))..": armor_attr_heal]" if armor.config.fire_protect then armor.formspec = armor.formspec.."label[5,2;"..F(S("Fire"))..": armor_attr_fire]" end armor:register_on_damage(function(player, index, stack) local name = player:get_player_name() local def = stack:get_definition() if name and def and def.description and stack:get_wear() > 60100 then minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Your @1 is almost broken!", def.description)) minetest.sound_play("default_tool_breaks", {to_player = name, gain = 2.0}) end end) armor:register_on_destroy(function(player, index, stack) local name = player:get_player_name() local def = stack:get_definition() if name and def and def.description then minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Your @1 got destroyed!", def.description)) minetest.sound_play("default_tool_breaks", {to_player = name, gain = 2.0}) end end) local function validate_armor_inventory(player) -- Workaround for detached inventory swap exploit local _, inv = armor:get_valid_player(player, "[validate_armor_inventory]") local pos = player:get_pos() if not inv then return end local armor_prev = {} local attribute_meta = player:get_meta() -- I know, the function's name is weird but let it be like that. ;) local armor_list_string = attribute_meta:get_string("3d_armor_inventory") if armor_list_string then local armor_list = armor:deserialize_inventory_list(armor_list_string) for i, stack in ipairs(armor_list) do if stack:get_count() > 0 then armor_prev[stack:get_name()] = i end end end local elements = {} local player_inv = player:get_inventory() for i = 1, 6 do local stack = inv:get_stack("armor", i) if stack:get_count() > 0 then local item = stack:get_name() local element = armor:get_element(item) if element and not elements[element] then if armor_prev[item] then armor_prev[item] = nil else -- Item was not in previous inventory armor:run_callbacks("on_equip", player, i, stack) end elements[element] = true; else inv:remove_item("armor", stack) minetest.item_drop(stack, player, pos) -- The following code returns invalid items to the player's main -- inventory but could open up the possibity for a hacked client -- to receive items back they never really had. I am not certain -- so remove the is_singleplayer check at your own risk :] if minetest.is_singleplayer() and player_inv and player_inv:room_for_item("main", stack) then player_inv:add_item("main", stack) end end end end for item, i in pairs(armor_prev) do local stack = ItemStack(item) -- Previous item is not in current inventory armor:run_callbacks("on_unequip", player, i, stack) end end local function init_player_armor(initplayer) local name = initplayer:get_player_name() local pos = initplayer:get_pos() if not name or not pos then return false end local armor_inv = minetest.create_detached_inventory(name.."_armor", { on_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) validate_armor_inventory(player) armor:save_armor_inventory(player) armor:set_player_armor(player) end, on_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) validate_armor_inventory(player) armor:save_armor_inventory(player) armor:set_player_armor(player) end, on_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) validate_armor_inventory(player) armor:save_armor_inventory(player) armor:set_player_armor(player) end, allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, put_stack, player) if player:get_player_name() ~= name then return 0 end local element = armor:get_element(put_stack:get_name()) if not element then return 0 end for i = 1, 6 do local stack = inv:get_stack("armor", i) local def = stack:get_definition() or {} if def.groups and def.groups["armor_"..element] and i ~= index then return 0 end end return 1 end, allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) if player:get_player_name() ~= name then return 0 end return stack:get_count() end, allow_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) if player:get_player_name() ~= name then return 0 end return count end, }, name) armor_inv:set_size("armor", 6) if not armor:load_armor_inventory(initplayer) and armor.migrate_old_inventory then local player_inv = initplayer:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("armor", 6) for i=1, 6 do local stack = player_inv:get_stack("armor", i) armor_inv:set_stack("armor", i, stack) end armor:save_armor_inventory(initplayer) player_inv:set_size("armor", 0) end for i=1, 6 do local stack = armor_inv:get_stack("armor", i) if stack:get_count() > 0 then armor:run_callbacks("on_equip", initplayer, i, stack) end end armor.def[name] = { init_time = minetest.get_gametime(), level = 0, state = 0, count = 0, groups = {}, } for _, phys in pairs(armor.physics) do armor.def[name][phys] = 1 end for _, attr in pairs(armor.attributes) do armor.def[name][attr] = 0 end for group, _ in pairs(armor.registered_groups) do armor.def[name].groups[group] = 0 end local skin = armor:get_player_skin(name) armor.textures[name] = { skin = skin, armor = "3d_armor_trans.png", wielditem = "3d_armor_trans.png", preview = armor.default_skin.."_preview.png", } local texture_path = minetest.get_modpath("player_textures") if texture_path then local dir_list = minetest.get_dir_list(texture_path.."/textures") for _, fn in pairs(dir_list) do if fn == "player_"..name..".png" then armor.textures[name].skin = fn break end end end armor:set_player_armor(initplayer) return true end -- Armor Player Model default.player_register_model("3d_armor_character.b3d", { animation_speed = 30, textures = { armor.default_skin..".png", "3d_armor_trans.png", "3d_armor_trans.png", }, animations = { stand = {x=0, y=79}, lay = {x=162, y=166}, walk = {x=168, y=187}, mine = {x=189, y=198}, walk_mine = {x=200, y=219}, sit = {x=81, y=160}, }, }) minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) local name = armor:get_valid_player(player, "[on_player_receive_fields]") if not name then return end local player_name = player:get_player_name() for field, _ in pairs(fields) do if string.find(field, "skins_set") then armor:update_skin(player_name) end end end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) default.player_set_model(player, "3d_armor_character.b3d") local player_name = player:get_player_name() minetest.after(0, function() -- TODO: Added in 7566ecc - What's the prupose? local pplayer = minetest.get_player_by_name(player_name) if pplayer and init_player_armor(pplayer) == false then pending_players[pplayer] = 0 end end) end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() if name then armor.def[name] = nil armor.textures[name] = nil end pending_players[player] = nil end) if armor.config.drop == true or armor.config.destroy == true then minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player) local name, armor_inv = armor:get_valid_player(player, "[on_dieplayer]") if not name then return end local drop = {} for i=1, armor_inv:get_size("armor") do local stack = armor_inv:get_stack("armor", i) if stack:get_count() > 0 then table.insert(drop, stack) armor:run_callbacks("on_unequip", player, i, stack) armor_inv:set_stack("armor", i, nil) end end armor:save_armor_inventory(player) armor:set_player_armor(player) local pos = player:get_pos() if pos and armor.config.destroy == false then minetest.after(armor.config.bones_delay, function() local meta = nil local maxp = vector.add(pos, 16) local minp = vector.subtract(pos, 16) local bones = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, {"bones:bones"}) for _, p in pairs(bones) do local m = minetest.get_meta(p) if m:get_string("owner") == name then meta = m break end end if meta then local inv = meta:get_inventory() for _,stack in ipairs(drop) do if inv:room_for_item("main", stack) then inv:add_item("main", stack) else armor.drop_armor(pos, stack) end end else for _,stack in ipairs(drop) do armor.drop_armor(pos, stack) end end end) end end) else -- reset un-dropped armor and it's effects minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(function(player) armor:set_player_armor(player) end) end if armor.config.punch_damage == true then minetest.register_on_punchplayer(function(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities) local name = player:get_player_name() local hit_ip = hitter:is_player() if name and hit_ip and minetest.is_protected(player:get_pos(), "") then return elseif name then armor:punch(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities) last_punch_time[name] = minetest.get_gametime() end end) end minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change, reason) if player and reason.type ~= "drown" and reason.hunger == nil and hp_change < 0 then local name = player:get_player_name() if name then local heal = armor.def[name].heal if heal >= math.random(100) then hp_change = 0 end -- check if armor damage was handled by fire or on_punchplayer local time = last_punch_time[name] or 0 if time == 0 or time + 1 < minetest.get_gametime() then armor:punch(player) end end end return hp_change end, true) minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) timer = timer + dtime if timer <= armor.config.init_delay then return end timer = 0 for player, count in pairs(pending_players) do local remove = init_player_armor(player) == true pending_players[player] = count + 1 if remove == false and count > armor.config.init_times then minetest.log("warning", S("3d_armor: Failed to initialize player")) remove = true end if remove == true then pending_players[player] = nil end end -- water breathing protection, added by TenPlus1 if armor.config.water_protect == true then for _,player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local name = player:get_player_name() if armor.def[name].water > 0 and player:get_breath() < 10 then player:set_breath(10) end end end end) -- Fire Protection, added by TenPlus1. if armor.config.fire_protect == true then -- override any hot nodes that do not already deal damage for _, row in pairs(armor.fire_nodes) do if minetest.registered_nodes[row[1]] then local damage = minetest.registered_nodes[row[1]].damage_per_second if not damage or damage == 0 then minetest.override_item(row[1], {damage_per_second = row[3]}) end end end else print ("[3d_armor] Fire Nodes disabled") end if armor.config.fire_protect == true then minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change, reason) if reason.type == "node_damage" and reason.node then -- fire protection if armor.config.fire_protect == true and hp_change < 0 then local name = player:get_player_name() for _,igniter in pairs(armor.fire_nodes) do if reason.node == igniter[1] then if armor.def[name].fire < igniter[2] then armor:punch(player, "fire") else hp_change = 0 end end end end end return hp_change end, true) end