# Vehicle Mash [![LuaCheck status](https://github.com/minetest-mods/vehicle_mash/workflows/luacheck/badge.svg)](https://github.com/minetest-mods/vehicle_mash/actions) [![ContentDB](https://content.minetest.net/packages/Panquesito7/vehicle_mash/shields/downloads/)](https://content.minetest.net/packages/Panquesito7/vehicle_mash/) - Current version: 2.4.0 - By [blert2112](https://github.com/blert2112), and handed over to [Panquesito7](https://github.com/Panquesito7). ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minetest-mods/vehicle_mash/master/screenshot.png) A merge of all the vehicles from: - "Mesecars" by paramat. - "Car" by Esteban. - "Boats" by PilzAdam. - "Hovercraft" by Stuart Jones. - 28 vehicles currently. - All CAR01's can carry 3 passengers. - Disable vehicles by going to your Minetest Settings. - Adding new vehicles is a simple matter of: - Create/acquire vehicle model and textures. - Create, and name appropriately, a new `.lua` file on its appropiate folder for the vehicle based on one of the existing ones. - Add a setting in `settingtypes.txt` for users to enable/disable it. - Change settings in the file you created to reflect the new vehicle. - Add a new line to `init.lua` to load the vehicle `dofile(minetest.get_modpath("vehicle_mash") .. "/NAME_OF_VEHICLE.lua")` ## Installation - Unzip the archive, rename the folder to `vehicle_mash` and place it in ../minetest/mods/ - GNU/Linux: If you use a system-wide installation place it in ~/.minetest/mods/. - If you only want this to be used in a single world, place the folder in worldmods/ in your world directory. For further information or help, see:\ ## Known issues - None as of now. ## License Copyright (C) 2015-2016 blert2112 and contributors\ Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Panquesito7 (halfpacho@gmail.com) and contributors All licenses of previous works, of course, apply (see credits below). As far as the work I did... It's really just a fork of a fork of a fork of a fork, tossed it all into a blender and spun it on puree for a bit. Baked it for a while and set it on the counter to cool. What I mean is, make what you will of it, it matters not to me. See [`LICENSE.md`](LICENSE.md) for more information. ## Dependencies - `default` (included in [Minetest Game](https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game)) - [`lib_mount`](https://github.com/minetest-mods/lib_mount) ## Requirements - `vehicle_mash` 2.1.0 for MT 5.0.0+. - `vehicle_mash` 2.0 for MT 0.4.12+ (may work on older versions). ## TODO There are no pending tasks to do yet. ## Changelog v2.4.0 1/12/2022 - Added new API support for `lib_mount`. - Customizable HP/Armor for all vehicles. Players will be affected. - Short and tweak the code. - Cars can now be killed by players. - Support for 3+ passengers (beta). v2.3.0 2/12/2021 - Improved formatting in `README.md`. - Added [API Mode](https://github.com/minetest-mods/vehicle_mash/commit/6b3bdac4d880a6fde298a286b3bd5043750e904e) setting. - Removed F1 and 126r cars due to closed-source license. - Improved vehicle drops. - Vehicles can now drop multiple items. - Add option for vehicles to fly (setting per vehicle). - Can enable/disable crash separately for each vehicle. - Added ContentDB badge on `README.md`. - Improved GitHub workflow. v2.2.2 6/02/2020 - Fix passengers not detaching when driver gets out. - Various other tweaks and fixes for passengers. v2.2.1 5/28/2020 - Added vehicle crafting (Enabled by default). - Added car battery, windshield, tire, and motor. - All CAR01's can now carry 3 passengers. - Add `screenshot.png`. - Improve `README.md`. v2.2 5/15/2020 - Move files to a folder of its own. - Add GitHub workflow and LuaCheck. - Add `settingtypes.txt` to select enabled cars. - Improve `README.md`. - Short a bit the code. v2.1 6/10/2019 - Fix attachment positions for drivers/passengers on all vehicles. - Adds red, green, and yellow hovercrafts. - Use `mod.conf` for name, description and dependencies. - Support for MT 5.0.0+. v2.0 8/13/2016 - converted to use the lib_mount mod for "driving" - enlarged F1 and 126r models x2.5 - added yellow Mesecar - updated boat model from default boat mod - various speed/braking/turning/acceleration tweaks - various collision box tweaks - various other tweaks I probably forgot about - last version supporting MT 0.4.12+. v1.4 5/19/2015 - attach (one) passenger added - reorganized vehicle definition file code and added some variables pertaining to passengers - added a vehicle definition file template with comments - cleaned up to remove code dulplication v1.3 5/5/2015 - player now sits forward in vehicles - tweaked player sit positions - tweaked collison boxes - proper placement on_ground/in_water v1.2 5/1/2015 - added boats - changed name so to not conflict with other mods v1.1 4/25/2015 - car won't come to a complete stop (fixed) v1.0 4/24/2015 - first release ## Bugs, suggestions and new features Report bugs or suggest ideas by [creating an issue](https://github.com/minetest-mods/vehicle_mash/issues/new).\ If you know how to fix an issue, consider opening a [pull request](https://github.com/minetest-mods/vehicle_mash/compare).