bonemeal = { item_list = { bucket_water = "bucket:bucket_water", bucket_empty = "bucket:bucket_empty", dirt = "default:dirt", torch = "default:torch", coral = "default:coral_skeleton" } } local a = bonemeal.item_list if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_core") then a.bucket_water = "mcl_buckets:bucket_water" a.bucket_empty = "mcl_buckets:bucker_empty" a.dirt = "mcl_core:dirt" a.torch = "mcl_torches:torch" a.coral = "mcl_ocean:dead_horn_coral_block" end local path = minetest.get_modpath("bonemeal") local min, max, random = math.min, math.max, math.random -- translation support local S = minetest.get_translator("bonemeal") -- creative check local creative_mode_cache = minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") function bonemeal.is_creative(name) return creative_mode_cache or minetest.check_player_privs(name, {creative = true}) end local crops = {} local saplings = {} local deco = {} -- -- local functions -- -- particles local function particle_effect(pos) minetest.add_particlespawner({ amount = 4, time = 0.15, minpos = pos, maxpos = pos, minvel = {x = -1, y = 2, z = -1}, maxvel = {x = 1, y = 4, z = 1}, minacc = {x = -1, y = -1, z = -1}, maxacc = {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}, minexptime = 1, maxexptime = 1, minsize = 1, maxsize = 3, texture = "bonemeal_particle.png", glow = 5 }) end -- tree type check local function grow_tree(pos, object) if type(object) == "table" and object.axiom then -- grow L-system tree minetest.remove_node(pos) minetest.spawn_tree(pos, object) elseif type(object) == "string" and minetest.registered_nodes[object] then -- place node minetest.set_node(pos, {name = object}) elseif type(object) == "function" then -- function object(pos) end end -- sapling check local function check_sapling(pos, sapling_node, strength, light_ok) -- what is sapling placed on? local under = minetest.get_node({ x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z }) local can_grow, grow_on -- check list for sapling and function for n = 1, #saplings do if saplings[n][1] == sapling_node then grow_on = saplings[n][3] or "" -- backwards compatibility, add 'group:' to older grouping if grow_on == "soil" or grow_on == "sand" then grow_on = "group:" .. grow_on end -- sapling grows on top of specific node group if grow_on:find("group:") then local group = grow_on:split(":")[2] if minetest.get_item_group(, group) > 0 then can_grow = true end -- sapling grows on specific node elseif grow_on == then can_grow = true end -- check if we can grow sapling at current light level if can_grow and (light_ok or saplings[n][4] == true) then particle_effect(pos) if math.random(5 - strength) == 1 then grow_tree(pos, saplings[n][2]) end return true end end end end -- crops check local function check_crops(pos, nodename, strength, light_ok) local mod, crop, stage, nod, def -- grow registered crops for n = 1, #crops do -- check if crop can grow in current light level if (light_ok or crops[n][4] == true) and (nodename:find(crops[n][1]) or nodename == crops[n][3]) then -- separate mod and node name mod = nodename:split(":")[1] .. ":" crop = nodename:split(":")[2] -- get stage number or set to 0 for seed if crop:split("_")[3] then stage = crop:split("_")[3] else stage = crop:split("_")[2] end stage = tonumber(stage) or 0 stage = min(stage + strength, crops[n][2]) -- check for place_param setting nod = crops[n][1] .. stage def = minetest.registered_nodes[nod] -- make sure crop exists or isn't fully grown already if not def or nod == nodename then return false end def = def and def.place_param2 or 0 minetest.set_node(pos, {name = nod, param2 = def}) particle_effect(pos) minetest.get_node_timer(pos):start(10) -- restart any timers return true end end end -- check soil for specific decoration placement local function check_soil(pos, nodename, strength) -- set radius according to strength local side = strength - 1 local tall = max(strength - 2, 0) -- get area of land with free space above local dirt = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air( {x = pos.x - side, y = pos.y - tall, z = pos.z - side}, {x = pos.x + side, y = pos.y + tall, z = pos.z + side}, {nodename}) -- set default grass and decoration local grass, decor -- choose grass and decoration to use on dirt patch for n = 1, #deco do -- do we have a grass match? if nodename == deco[n][1] then grass = deco[n][2] or {} decor = deco[n][3] or {} end end local pos2, nod, def -- loop through soil for _, n in pairs(dirt) do if random(5) == 5 then if decor and #decor > 0 then -- place random decoration (rare) local dnum = #decor or 1 nod = decor[random(dnum)] or "" end else if grass and #grass > 0 then -- place random grass (common) local dgra = #grass or 1 nod = #grass > 0 and grass[random(dgra)] or "" end end pos2 = n pos2.y = pos2.y + 1 if nod and nod ~= "" then -- get crop param2 value def = minetest.registered_nodes[nod] def = def and def.place_param2 -- if param2 not preset then get from existing node if not def then local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos2) def = node and node.param2 or 0 end minetest.set_node(pos2, {name = nod, param2 = def}) end particle_effect(pos2) end end -- helper function local function use_checks(user, pointed_thing) -- make sure we use on node if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return false end -- get position and node info local pos = pointed_thing.under local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local def = minetest.registered_items[] local dirt = def and def.groups -- does node have groups set if not dirt then return false end -- if we're using on ground, move position up if dirt.soil or dirt.sand or dirt.can_bonemeal then pos = pointed_thing.above end -- check if protected if minetest.is_protected(pos, user:get_player_name()) then return false end return node end -- global functions -- add to sapling list -- {sapling node, schematic or function name, "soil"|"sand"|specific_node|"group:"} --e.g. {"default:sapling", default.grow_new_apple_tree, "soil"} function bonemeal:add_sapling(list) for n = 1, #list do saplings[#saplings + 1] = list[n] end end -- add to crop list to force grow -- {crop name start_, growth steps, seed node (if required)} -- e.g. {"farming:wheat_", 8, "farming:seed_wheat"} function bonemeal:add_crop(list) for n = 1, #list do crops[#crops + 1] = list[n] end end -- add grass and flower/plant decoration for specific dirt types -- {dirt_node, {grass_nodes}, {flower_nodes} -- e.g. {"default:dirt_with_dry_grass", dry_grass, flowers} -- if an entry already exists for a given dirt type, it will add new entries and all empty -- entries, allowing to both add decorations and decrease their frequency. function bonemeal:add_deco(list) for l = 1, #list do for n = 1, #deco do -- update existing entry if list[l][1] == deco[n][1] then -- adding grass types for _, extra in pairs(list[l][2]) do if extra ~= "" then for _, entry in pairs(deco[n][2]) do if extra == entry then extra = false break end end end if extra then deco[n][2][#deco[n][2] + 1] = extra end end -- adding decoration types for _, extra in ipairs(list[l][3]) do if extra ~= "" then for __, entry in pairs(deco[n][3]) do if extra == entry then extra = false break end end end if extra then deco[n][3][#deco[n][3] + 1] = extra end end list[l] = false break end end if list[l] then deco[#deco + 1] = list[l] end end end -- definitively set a decration scheme -- this function will either add a new entry as is, or replace the existing one function bonemeal:set_deco(list) for l = 1, #list do for n = 1, #deco do -- replace existing entry if list[l][1] == deco[n][1] then deco[n][2] = list[l][2] deco[n][3] = list[l][3] list[l] = false break end end if list[l] then deco[#deco + 1] = list[l] end end end -- global on_use function for bonemeal function bonemeal:on_use(pos, strength, node) -- get node pointed at local node = node or minetest.get_node(pos) -- return if nothing there if == "ignore" then return end -- make sure strength is between 1 and 4 strength = strength or 1 strength = max(strength, 1) strength = min(strength, 4) -- papyrus and cactus if == "default:papyrus" then default.grow_papyrus(pos, node) particle_effect(pos) return true elseif == "default:cactus" then default.grow_cactus(pos, node) particle_effect(pos) return true elseif == "default:dry_dirt" and strength == 1 then minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "default:dry_dirt_with_dry_grass"}) particle_effect(pos) return true end -- grow grass and flowers if minetest.get_item_group(, "soil") > 0 or minetest.get_item_group(, "sand") > 0 or minetest.get_item_group(, "can_bonemeal") > 0 then check_soil(pos,, strength) return true end -- light check depending on strength (strength of 4 = no light needed) local light_ok = true if (minetest.get_node_light(pos) or 0) < (12 - (strength * 3)) then light_ok = nil end -- check for sapling growth if check_sapling(pos,, strength, light_ok) then return true end -- check for crop growth if check_crops(pos,, strength, light_ok) then return true end end -- -- items -- -- mulch (strength 1) minetest.register_craftitem("bonemeal:mulch", { description = S("Mulch"), inventory_image = "bonemeal_mulch.png", on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- use helper function to do checks and return position and node local node = use_checks(user, pointed_thing) if node then -- call global on_use function with strength of 1 local used = bonemeal:on_use(pointed_thing.under, 1, node) -- take item if not in creative if used and not bonemeal.is_creative(user:get_player_name()) then itemstack:take_item() end end return itemstack end }) -- bonemeal (strength 2) minetest.register_craftitem("bonemeal:bonemeal", { description = S("Bone Meal"), inventory_image = "bonemeal_item.png", on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- use helper function to do checks and return position and node local node = use_checks(user, pointed_thing) if node then -- call global on_use function with strength of 2 local used = bonemeal:on_use(pointed_thing.under, 2, node) -- take item if not in creative if used and not bonemeal.is_creative(user:get_player_name()) then itemstack:take_item() end end return itemstack end }) -- fertiliser (strength 3) minetest.register_craftitem("bonemeal:fertiliser", { description = S("Fertiliser"), inventory_image = "bonemeal_fertiliser.png", on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- use helper function to do checks and return position and node local node = use_checks(user, pointed_thing) if node then -- call global on_use function with strength of 3 local used = bonemeal:on_use(pointed_thing.under, 3, node) -- take item if not in creative if used and not bonemeal.is_creative(user:get_player_name()) then itemstack:take_item() end end return itemstack end }) -- bone minetest.register_craftitem("bonemeal:bone", { description = S("Bone"), inventory_image = "bonemeal_bone.png", groups = {bone = 1} }) -- gelatin powder minetest.register_craftitem("bonemeal:gelatin_powder", { description = S("Gelatin Powder"), inventory_image = "bonemeal_gelatin_powder.png", groups = {food_gelatin = 1, flammable = 2} }) -- -- crafting recipes -- -- gelatin powder minetest.register_craft({ output = "bonemeal:gelatin_powder 4", recipe = { {"group:bone", "group:bone", "group:bone"}, {a.bucket_water, a.bucket_water, a.bucket_water}, {a.bucket_water, a.torch, a.bucket_water} }, replacements = { {a.bucket_water, a.bucket_empty .. " 5"} } }) -- bonemeal (from bone) minetest.register_craft({ type = "cooking", output = "bonemeal:bonemeal 2", recipe = "group:bone", cooktime = 4 }) -- bonemeal (from player bones) if minetest.settings:get_bool("bonemeal.disable_deathbones_recipe") ~= true then minetest.register_craft({ output = "bonemeal:bone 2", recipe = {{"bones:bones"}} }) end -- bonemeal (from coral skeleton) minetest.register_craft({ output = "bonemeal:bonemeal 2", recipe = {{a.coral}} }) -- mulch minetest.register_craft({ output = "bonemeal:mulch 4", recipe = { {"group:tree", "group:leaves", "group:leaves"}, {"group:leaves", "group:leaves", "group:leaves"}, {"group:leaves", "group:leaves", "group:leaves"} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = "bonemeal:mulch", recipe = { {"group:seed", "group:seed", "group:seed"}, {"group:seed", "group:seed", "group:seed"}, {"group:seed", "group:seed", "group:seed"} } }) -- fertiliser minetest.register_craft({ output = "bonemeal:fertiliser 2", recipe = {{"bonemeal:bonemeal", "bonemeal:mulch"}} }) -- add bones to dirt if minetest.registered_items[a.dirt] then minetest.override_item(a.dirt, { drop = { max_items = 1, items = { { items = {"bonemeal:bone"}, rarity = 40 }, { items = {a.dirt} } } } }) end -- add support for mods dofile(path .. "/mods.lua") -- lucky block support if minetest.get_modpath("lucky_block") then dofile(path .. "/lucky_block.lua") end print ("[MOD] Bonemeal loaded")