--= Creatures MOB-Engine (cme) =-- -- Copyright (c) 2015-2016 BlockMen -- -- register.lua -- -- This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no -- event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of -- this software. -- -- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including -- commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the -- following restrictions: -- -- 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not -- claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a -- product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation is required. -- 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not -- be misrepresented as being the original software. -- 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. -- local allow_hostile = core.setting_getbool("only_peaceful_mobs") ~= true local function translate_def(def) local new_def = { physical = true, visual = "mesh", stepheight = 0.6, -- ensure we get over slabs/stairs automatic_face_movement_dir = def.model.rotation or 0.0, mesh = def.model.mesh, textures = def.model.textures, collisionbox = def.model.collisionbox or {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, visual_size = def.model.scale or {x = 1, y = 1}, backface_culling = def.model.backface_culling or false, collide_with_objects = def.model.collide_with_objects or true, makes_footstep_sound = true, stats = def.stats, model = def.model, sounds = def.sounds, combat = def.combat, modes = {}, drops = def.drops, } -- Tanslate modes to better accessable format for mn,def in pairs(def.modes) do local name = tostring(mn) if name ~= "update_time" then new_def.modes[name] = def --if name == "attack" then new_def.modes[name].chance = 0 end end end -- insert special mode "_run" which is used when in panic if def.stats.can_panic then if def.modes.walk then local new = table.copy(new_def.modes["walk"]) new.chance = 0 new.duration = 3 new.moving_speed = new.moving_speed * 2 if def.modes.panic and def.modes.panic.moving_speed then new.moving_speed = def.modes.panic.moving_speed end new.update_yaw = 0.7 new_def.modes["_run"] = new local new_anim = def.model.animations.panic if not new_anim then new_anim = table.copy(def.model.animations.walk) new_anim.speed = new_anim.speed * 2 end new_def.model.animations._run = new_anim end end if def.stats.can_jump and type(def.stats.can_jump) == "number" then if def.stats.can_jump > 0 then new_def.stepheight = def.stats.can_jump + 0.1 end end if def.stats.sneaky or def.stats.can_fly then new_def.makes_footstep_sound = false end new_def.get_staticdata = function(self) local main_tab = creatures.get_staticdata(self) -- is own staticdata function defined? If so, merge results if def.get_staticdata then local data = def.get_staticdata(self) if data and type(data) == "table" then for s,w in pairs(data) do main_tab[s] = w end end end -- return data serialized return core.serialize(main_tab) end new_def.on_activate = function(self, staticdata) -- Add everything we need as basis for the engine self.mob_name = def.name self.hp = def.stats.hp self.hostile = def.stats.hostile self.mode = "" self.stunned = false -- if knocked back or hit do nothing else self.has_kockback = def.stats.has_kockback self.has_falldamage = def.stats.has_falldamage self.can_swim = def.stats.can_swim self.can_fly = def.stats.can_fly self.can_burn = def.stats.can_burn self.can_panic = def.stats.can_panic == true and def.modes.walk ~= nil --self.is_tamed = nil --self.target = nil self.dir = {x = 0, z = 0} --self.last_pos = nil (was nullVec) --self.last_node = nil --self.last_llvl = 0 self.fall_dist = 0 self.air_cnt = 0 -- Timers self.lifetimer = 0 self.modetimer = math.random()--0 self.soundtimer = math.random() self.nodetimer = 2 -- ensure we get the first step self.yawtimer = math.random() * 2--0 self.followtimer = 0 if self.can_swim then self.swimtimer = 2 -- ensure we get the first step -- self.in_water = nil end if self.hostile then self.attacktimer = 0 end if self.hostile or def.modes.follow then self.searchtimer = 0 end if self.can_burn or not def.stats.can_swim or self.has_falldamage then self.env_damage = true self.envtimer = 0 end -- Other things if staticdata then local tab = core.deserialize(staticdata) if tab and type(tab) == "table" then for s,w in pairs(tab) do self[tostring(s)] = w end end end -- check we got a valid mode if not new_def.modes[self.mode] or (new_def.modes[self.mode].chance or 0) <= 0 then self.mode = "idle" end if not self.can_fly then if not self.in_water then self.object:setacceleration({x = 0, y = -15, z = 0}) end end -- check if falling and set velocity only 0 when not falling if self.fall_dist == 0 then self.object:setvelocity(nullVec) end self.object:set_hp(self.hp) if not core.setting_getbool("enable_damage") then self.hostile = false end -- immortal is needed to disable clientside smokepuff shit self.object:set_armor_groups({fleshy = 100, immortal = 1}) -- call custom on_activate if defined if def.on_activate then def.on_activate(self, staticdata) end end new_def.on_punch = function(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir) if def.on_punch and def.on_punch(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir) == true then return end creatures.on_punch(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir) end new_def.on_rightclick = function(self, clicker) if def.on_rightclick and def.on_rightclick(self, clicker) == true then return end creatures.on_rightclick(self, clicker) end new_def.on_step = function(self, dtime) if def.on_step and def.on_step(self, dtime) == true then return end creatures.on_step(self, dtime) end return new_def end function creatures.register_mob(def) -- returns true if sucessfull if not def or not def.name then throw_error("Can't register mob. No name or Definition given.") return false end local mob_def = translate_def(def) core.register_entity(":" .. def.name, mob_def) -- register spawn if def.spawning and not (def.stats.hostile and not allow_hostile) then local spawn_def = def.spawning spawn_def.mob_name = def.name spawn_def.mob_size = def.model.collisionbox if creatures.register_spawn(spawn_def) ~= true then throw_error("Couldn't register spawning for '" .. def.name .. "'") end if spawn_def.spawn_egg then local egg_def = def.spawning.spawn_egg egg_def.mob_name = def.name egg_def.box = def.model.collisionbox creatures.register_egg(egg_def) end if spawn_def.spawner then local spawner_def = def.spawning.spawner spawner_def.mob_name = def.name spawner_def.range = spawner_def.range or 4 spawner_def.number = spawner_def.number or 6 spawner_def.model = def.model creatures.register_spawner(spawner_def) end end return true end local function inRange(min_max, value) if not value or not min_max or not min_max.min or not min_max.max then return false end if (value >= min_max.min and value <= min_max.max) then return true end return false end local function checkSpace(pos, height) for i = 0, height do local n = core.get_node_or_nil({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + i, z = pos.z}) if not n or n.name ~= "air" then return false end end return true end local time_taker = 0 local function step(tick) core.after(tick, step, tick) time_taker = time_taker + tick end step(0.5) local function stopABMFlood() if time_taker == 0 then return true end time_taker = 0 end local function groupSpawn(pos, mob, group, nodes, range, max_loops) local cnt = 0 local cnt2 = 0 local nodes = core.find_nodes_in_area({x = pos.x - range, y = pos.y - range, z = pos.z - range}, {x = pos.x + range, y = pos.y, z = pos.z + range}, nodes) local number = #nodes - 1 if max_loops and type(max_loops) == "number" then number = max_loops end while cnt < group and cnt2 < number do cnt2 = cnt2 + 1 local p = nodes[math.random(1, number)] p.y = p.y + 1 if checkSpace(p, mob.size) == true then cnt = cnt + 1 core.add_entity(p, mob.name) end end if cnt < group then return false end end function creatures.register_spawn(spawn_def) if not spawn_def or not spawn_def.abm_nodes then throw_error("No valid definition for given.") return false end if not spawn_def.abm_nodes.neighbors then spawn_def.abm_nodes.neighbors = {} end table.insert(spawn_def.abm_nodes.neighbors, "air") core.register_abm({ nodenames = spawn_def.abm_nodes.spawn_on, neighbors = spawn_def.abm_nodes.neighbors, interval = spawn_def.abm_interval or 44, chance = spawn_def.abm_chance or 7000, catch_up = false, action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider) -- prevent abm-"feature" if stopABMFlood() == true then return end -- time check local tod = core.get_timeofday() * 24000 if spawn_def.time_range then local wanted_res = false local range = table.copy(spawn_def.time_range) if range.min > range.max and range.min <= tod then wanted_res = true end if inRange(range, tod) == wanted_res then return end end -- position check if spawn_def.height_limit and not inRange(spawn_def.height_limit, pos.y) then return end -- light check pos.y = pos.y + 1 local llvl = core.get_node_light(pos) if spawn_def.light and not inRange(spawn_def.light, llvl) then return end -- creature count check local max if active_object_count_wider > (spawn_def.max_number or 1) then local mates_num = #creatures.findTarget(nil, pos, 16, "mate", spawn_def.mob_name, true) if (mates_num or 0) >= spawn_def.max_number then return else max = spawn_def.max_number - mates_num end end -- ok everything seems fine, spawn creature local height_min = (spawn_def.mob_size[5] or 2) - (spawn_def.mob_size[2] or 0) height_min = math.ceil(height_min) local number = 0 if type(spawn_def.number) == "table" then number = math.random(spawn_def.number.min, spawn_def.number.max) else number = spawn_def.number or 1 end if max and number > max then number = max end if number > 1 then groupSpawn(pos, {name = spawn_def.mob_name, size = height_min}, number, spawn_def.abm_nodes.spawn_on, 5) else -- space check if not checkSpace(pos, height_min) then return end core.add_entity(pos, spawn_def.mob_name) end end, }) return true end local function eggSpawn(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, egg_def) if pointed_thing.type == "node" then local pos = pointed_thing.above pos.y = pos.y + 0.5 local height = (egg_def.box[5] or 2) - (egg_def.box[2] or 0) if checkSpace(pos, height) == true then core.add_entity(pos, egg_def.mob_name) if core.setting_getbool("creative_mode") ~= true then itemstack:take_item() end end return itemstack end end function creatures.register_egg(egg_def) if not egg_def or not egg_def.mob_name or not egg_def.box then throw_error("Can't register Spawn-Egg. Not enough parameters given.") return false end core.register_craftitem(":" .. egg_def.mob_name .. "_spawn_egg", { description = egg_def.description or egg_def.mob_name .. " spawn egg", inventory_image = egg_def.texture or "creatures_spawn_egg.png", liquids_pointable = false, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) return eggSpawn(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, egg_def) end, }) return true end local function makeSpawnerEntiy(mob_name, model) core.register_entity(":" .. mob_name .. "_spawner_dummy", { hp_max = 1, physical = false, collide_with_objects = false, collisionbox = nullVec, visual = "mesh", visual_size = {x = 0.42, y = 0.42}, mesh = model.mesh, textures = model.textures, makes_footstep_sound = false, automatic_rotate = math.pi * -2.9, mob_name = "_" .. mob_name .. "_dummy", on_activate = function(self) self.timer = 0 self.object:setvelocity(nullVec) self.object:setacceleration(nullVec) self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal = 1}) --self.object:set_bone_position("Root", nullVec, {x=45,y=0,z=0}) end, on_step = function(self, dtime) self.timer = self.timer + dtime if self.timer > 30 then self.timer = 0 local n = core.get_node_or_nil(self.object:getpos()) if n and n.name and n.name ~= mob_name .. "_spawner" then self.object:remove() end end end }) end local function spawnerSpawn(pos, spawner_def) local mates = creatures.findTarget(nil, pos, spawner_def.range, "mate", spawner_def.mob_name, true) or {} if #mates >= spawner_def.number then return false end local number_max = spawner_def.number - #mates local rh = math.floor(spawner_def.range/2) local area = { min = {x = pos.x - rh, y=pos.y - rh, z = pos.z - rh}, max = {x = pos.x + rh, y=pos.y + rh - spawner_def.height - 1, z = pos.z + rh} } local height = area.max.y - area.min.y local cnt = 0 for i = 0, height do if cnt >= number_max then break end local p = {x = math.random(area.min.x, area.max.x), y = area.min.y + i, z = math.random(area.min.z, area.max.z)} local n = core.get_node_or_nil(p) if n and n.name then local walkable = core.registered_nodes[n.name].walkable or false p.y = p.y + 1 if walkable and checkSpace(p, spawner_def.height) == true then local llvl = core.get_node_light(p) if not spawner_def.light or (spawner_def.light and inRange(spawner_def.light, llvl)) then cnt = cnt + 1 core.add_entity(p, spawner_def.mob_name) end end end end end local spawner_timers = {} function creatures.register_spawner(spawner_def) if not spawner_def or not spawner_def.mob_name or not spawner_def.model then throw_error("Can't register Spawn-Egg. Not enough parameters given.") return false end makeSpawnerEntiy(spawner_def.mob_name, spawner_def.model) core.register_node(":" .. spawner_def.mob_name .. "_spawner", { description = spawner_def.description or spawner_def.mob_name .. " spawner", paramtype = "light", tiles = {"creatures_spawner.png"}, is_ground_content = true, drawtype = "glasslike", groups = {cracky = 1, level = 1}, drop = "", on_construct = function(pos) pos.y = pos.y - 0.3 core.add_entity(pos, spawner_def.mob_name .. "_spawner_dummy") end, on_destruct = function(pos) for _,obj in ipairs(core.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)) do local entity = obj:get_luaentity() if obj and entity and entity.mob_name == "_" .. spawner_def.mob_name .. "_dummy" then obj:remove() end end end }) local box = spawner_def.model.collisionbox local height = (box[5] or 2) - (box[2] or 0) spawner_def.height = height if spawner_def.player_range and type(spawner_def.player_range) == "number" then core.register_abm({ nodenames = {spawner_def.mob_name .. "_spawner"}, interval = 2, chance = 1, catch_up = false, action = function(pos) local id = core.pos_to_string(pos) if not spawner_timers[id] then spawner_timers[id] = os.time() end local time_from_last_call = os.time() - spawner_timers[id] local mobs,player_near = creatures.findTarget(nil, pos, spawner_def.player_range, "player", nil, true, true) if player_near == true and time_from_last_call > 10 and (math.random(1, 5) == 1 or (time_from_last_call ) > 27) then spawner_timers[id] = os.time() spawnerSpawn(pos, spawner_def) end end }) else core.register_abm({ nodenames = {spawner_def.mob_name .. "_spawner"}, interval = 10, chance = 3, action = function(pos) spawnerSpawn(pos, spawner_def) end }) end return true end