--= Creatures MOB-Engine (cme) =-- -- Copyright (c) 2015-2016 BlockMen -- -- functions.lua -- -- This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no -- event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of -- this software. -- -- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including -- commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the -- following restrictions: -- -- 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not -- claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a -- product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation is required. -- 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not -- be misrepresented as being the original software. -- 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. -- -- Localizations local rnd = math.random local function knockback(selfOrObject, dir, old_dir, strengh) local object = selfOrObject if selfOrObject.mob_name then object = selfOrObject.object end local current_fmd = object:get_properties().automatic_face_movement_dir or 0 object:set_properties({automatic_face_movement_dir = false}) object:setvelocity(vector.add(old_dir, {x = dir.x * strengh, y = 3.5, z = dir.z * strengh})) old_dir.y = 0 core.after(0.4, function() object:set_properties({automatic_face_movement_dir = current_fmd}) object:setvelocity(old_dir) selfOrObject.falltimer = nil if selfOrObject.stunned == true then selfOrObject.stunned = false if selfOrObject.can_panic == true then selfOrObject.target = nil selfOrObject.mode = "_run" selfOrObject.modetimer = 0 end end end) end local function on_hit(me) core.after(0.1, function() me:settexturemod("^[colorize:#c4000099") end) core.after(0.5, function() me:settexturemod("") end) end local hasMoved = creatures.compare_pos local function getDir(pos1, pos2) local retval if pos1 and pos2 then retval = {x = pos2.x - pos1.x, y = pos2.y - pos1.y, z = pos2.z - pos1.z} end return retval end local function getDistance(vec, fly_offset) if not vec then return -1 end if fly_offset then vec.y = vec.y + fly_offset end return math.sqrt((vec.x)^2 + (vec.y)^2 + (vec.z)^2) end local findTarget = creatures.findTarget local function update_animation(obj_ref, mode, anim_def) if anim_def and obj_ref then obj_ref:set_animation({x = anim_def.start, y = anim_def.stop}, anim_def.speed, 0, anim_def.loop) end end local function update_velocity(obj_ref, dir, speed, add) local velo = obj_ref:getvelocity() if not dir.y then dir.y = velo.y/speed end local new_velo = {x = dir.x * speed, y = dir.y * speed or velo.y , z = dir.z * speed} if add then new_velo = vector.add(velo, new_velo) end obj_ref:setvelocity(new_velo) end local function getYaw(dirOrYaw) local yaw = 360 * rnd() if dirOrYaw and type(dirOrYaw) == "table" then yaw = math.atan(dirOrYaw.z / dirOrYaw.x) + math.pi^2 - 2 if dirOrYaw.x > 0 then yaw = yaw + math.pi end elseif dirOrYaw and type(dirOrYaw) == "number" then -- here could be a value based on given yaw end return yaw end local dropItems = creatures.dropItems local function killMob(me, def) if not def then if me then me:remove() end end local pos = me:getpos() me:setvelocity(nullVec) me:set_properties({collisionbox = nullVec}) me:set_hp(0) if def.sounds and def.sounds.on_death then local death_snd = def.sounds.on_death core.sound_play(death_snd.name, {pos = pos, max_hear_distance = death_snd.distance or 5, gain = death_snd.gain or 1}) end if def.model.animations.death then local dur = def.model.animations.death.duration or 0.5 update_animation(me, "death", def.model.animations["death"]) core.after(dur, function() me:remove() end) else me:remove() end if def.drops then if type(def.drops) == "function" then def.drops(me:get_luaentity()) else dropItems(pos, def.drops) end end end local function limit(value, min, max) if value < min then return min end if value > max then return max end return value end local function calcPunchDamage(obj, actual_interval, tool_caps) local damage = 0 if not tool_caps or not actual_interval then return 0 end local my_armor = obj:get_armor_groups() or {} for group,_ in pairs(tool_caps.damage_groups) do damage = damage + (tool_caps.damage_groups[group] or 0) * limit(actual_interval / tool_caps.full_punch_interval, 0.0, 1.0) * ((my_armor[group] or 0) / 100.0) end return damage or 0 end local function onDamage(self, hp) local me = self.object local def = core.registered_entities[self.mob_name] hp = hp or me:get_hp() if hp <= 0 then self.stunned = true killMob(me, def) else on_hit(me) -- red flashing if def.sounds and def.sounds.on_damage then local dmg_snd = def.sounds.on_damage core.sound_play(dmg_snd.name, {pos = me:getpos(), max_hear_distance = dmg_snd.distance or 5, gain = dmg_snd.gain or 1}) end end end local function changeHP(self, value) local me = self.object local hp = me:get_hp() hp = hp + math.floor(value) me:set_hp(hp) if value < 0 then onDamage(self, hp) end end local function checkWielded(wielded, itemList) for s,w in pairs(itemList) do if w == wielded then return true end end return false end local tool_uses = {0, 30, 110, 150, 280, 300, 500, 1000} local function addWearout(player, tool_def) if not core.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then local item = player:get_wielded_item() if tool_def and tool_def.damage_groups and tool_def.damage_groups.fleshy then local uses = tool_uses[tool_def.damage_groups.fleshy] or 0 if uses > 0 then local wear = 65535/uses item:add_wear(wear) player:set_wielded_item(item) end end end end local function spawnParticles(...) end if core.setting_getbool("creatures_enable_particles") == true then spawnParticles = function(pos, velocity, texture_str) local vel = vector.multiply(velocity, 0.5) vel.y = 0 core.add_particlespawner({ amount = 8, time = 1, minpos = vector.add(pos, -0.7), maxpos = vector.add(pos, 0.7), minvel = vector.add(vel, {x = -0.1, y = -0.01, z = -0.1}), maxvel = vector.add(vel, {x = 0.1, y = 0, z = 0.1}), minacc = vector.new(), maxacc = vector.new(), minexptime = 0.8, maxexptime = 1, minsize = 1, maxsize = 2.5, texture = texture_str, }) end end -- -- -- Default entity functions -- -- creatures.on_punch = function(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir) if self.stunned == true then return end local me = self.object local mypos = me:getpos() changeHP(self, calcPunchDamage(me, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities) * -1) if puncher then if self.hostile then self.mode = "attack" self.target = puncher end if time_from_last_punch >= 0.45 and self.stunned == false then if self.has_kockback == true then local v = me:getvelocity() v.y = 0 if not self.can_fly then me:setacceleration({x = 0, y = -15, z = 0}) end knockback(self, dir, v, 5) self.stunned = true end -- add wearout to weapons/tools addWearout(puncher, tool_capabilities) end end end creatures.on_rightclick = function(self, clicker) end creatures.on_step = function(self, dtime) -- first get the relevant specs; exit if we don't know anything (1-3ms) local def = core.registered_entities[self.mob_name] if not def then throw_error("Can't load creature-definition") return end -- timer updates self.lifetimer = self.lifetimer + dtime self.modetimer = self.modetimer + dtime self.soundtimer = self.soundtimer + dtime self.yawtimer = self.yawtimer + dtime self.nodetimer = self.nodetimer + dtime self.followtimer = self.followtimer + dtime if self.envtimer then self.envtimer = self.envtimer + dtime end if self.falltimer then self.falltimer = self.falltimer + dtime end if self.searchtimer then self.searchtimer = self.searchtimer + dtime end if self.attacktimer then self.attacktimer = self.attacktimer + dtime end if self.swimtimer then self.swimtimer = self.swimtimer + dtime end -- main if self.stunned == true then return end if self.lifetimer > def.stats.lifetime and not (self.mode == "attack" and self.target) then self.lifetimer = 0 if not self.tamed or (self.tamed and def.stats.dies_when_tamed) then killMob(self.object, def) end end -- localize some things local modes = def.modes local current_mode = self.mode local me = self.object local current_pos = me:getpos() current_pos.y = current_pos.y + 0.5 local moved = hasMoved(current_pos, self.last_pos) or false local fallen = false -- Update pos and current node if necessary if moved == true or not self.last_pos then -- for falldamage if self.has_falldamage and self.last_pos and not self.in_water then local dist = math.abs(current_pos.y - self.last_pos.y) if dist > 0 then self.fall_dist = self.fall_dist - dist if not self.falltimer then self.falltimer = 0 end end end self.last_pos = current_pos if self.nodetimer > 0.2 then self.nodetimer = 0 local current_node = core.get_node_or_nil(current_pos) self.last_node = current_node if def.stats.light then local wtime = core.get_timeofday() local llvl = core.get_node_light({x = current_pos.x, y = current_pos.y + 0.5, z = current_pos.z}) or 0 self.last_llvl = llvl end end else if (modes[current_mode].moving_speed or 0) > 0 then update_velocity(me, nullVec, 0) if modes["idle"] and not (current_mode == "attack" or current_mode == "follow") then current_mode = "idle" self.modetimer = 0 end end if self.fall_dist < 0 then fallen = true end end if fallen then local falltime = tonumber(self.falltimer) or 0 local dist = math.abs(self.fall_dist) or 0 self.falltimer = 0 self.fall_dist = 0 fallen = false local damage = 0 if dist > 3 and not self.in_water and falltime/dist < 0.2 then damage = dist - 3 end -- damage by calced value if damage > 0 then changeHP(self, damage * -1) end end -- special mode handling -- check distance to target if self.target and self.followtimer > 0.6 then self.followtimer = 0 local p2 = self.target:getpos() local dir = getDir(current_pos, p2) local offset if self.can_fly then offset = modes["fly"].target_offset end local dist = getDistance(dir, offset) local radius if self.hostile and def.combat then radius = def.combat.search_radius elseif modes["follow"] then radius = modes["follow"].radius end if dist == -1 or dist > (radius or 5) then self.target = nil current_mode = "" elseif dist > -1 and self.hostile and dist < def.combat.attack_radius then -- attack if self.attacktimer > def.combat.attack_speed then self.attacktimer = 0 if core.line_of_sight(current_pos, p2) == true then self.target:punch(me, 1.0, { full_punch_interval = def.combat.attack_speed, damage_groups = {fleshy = def.combat.attack_damage} }) end update_velocity(me, self.dir, 0) end else if current_mode == "attack" or current_mode == "follow" then self.dir = vector.normalize(dir) me:setyaw(getYaw(dir)) if self.in_water then self.dir.y = me:getvelocity().y end update_velocity(me, self.dir, modes[current_mode].moving_speed or 0) end end end -- search a target (1-2ms) if not self.target and ((self.hostile and def.combat.search_enemy) or modes["follow"]) and current_mode ~= "_run" then local timer if self.hostile then timer = def.combat.search_timer or 2 elseif modes["follow"] then timer = modes["follow"].timer end if self.searchtimer > (timer or 4) then self.searchtimer = 0 local targets = {} if self.hostile then targets = findTarget(me, current_pos, def.combat.search_radius, def.combat.search_type, def.combat.search_xray) else targets = findTarget(me, current_pos, modes["follow"].radius or 5, "player") end if #targets > 1 then self.target = targets[rnd(1, #targets)] elseif #targets == 1 then self.target = targets[1] end if self.target then if self.hostile and modes["attack"] then current_mode = "attack" else local name = self.target:get_wielded_item():get_name() if name and checkWielded(name, modes["follow"].items) == true then current_mode = "follow" self.modetimer = 0 else self.target = nil end end end end end if current_mode == "eat" and not self.eat_node then local nodes = modes[current_mode].nodes local p = {x = current_pos.x, y = current_pos.y - 1, z = current_pos.z} local sn = core.get_node_or_nil(p) local eat_node for _,name in pairs(nodes) do if self.last_node ~= nil and name == self.last_node.name then eat_node = current_pos break elseif sn and sn.name == name then eat_node = p break end end if not eat_node then current_mode = "idle" else self.eat_node = eat_node end end -- further mode handling -- update mode if current_mode ~= "attack" and (current_mode == "" or self.modetimer > (modes[current_mode].duration or 4)) then self.modetimer = 0 local new_mode = creatures.rnd(modes) or "idle" if new_mode == "eat" and self.in_water == true then new_mode = "idle" end if current_mode == "follow" and rnd(1, 10) < 3 then new_mode = current_mode elseif current_mode == "follow" then -- "lock" searching a little bit self.searchtimer = rnd(5, 8) * -1 self.target = nil end current_mode = new_mode -- change eaten node when mode changes if self.eat_node then local n = core.get_node_or_nil(self.eat_node) local nnn = n.name local def = core.registered_nodes[n.name] local sounds if def then if def.drop and type(def.drop) == "string" then nnn = def.drop elseif not def.walkable then nnn = "air" end end if nnn and nnn ~= n.name and core.registered_nodes[nnn] then core.set_node(self.eat_node, {name = nnn}) if not sounds then sounds = def.sounds end if sounds and sounds.dug then core.sound_play(sounds.dug, {pos = self.eat_node, max_hear_distance = 5, gain = 1}) end end self.eat_node = nil end end -- mode has changes, do things if current_mode ~= self.last_mode then self.last_mode = current_mode local moving_speed = modes[current_mode].moving_speed or 0 if moving_speed > 0 then local yaw = (getYaw(me:getyaw()) + 90.0) * DEGTORAD me:setyaw(yaw + 4.73) self.dir = {x = math.cos(yaw), y = 0, z = math.sin(yaw)} if self.can_fly then if current_pos.y >= (modes["fly"].max_height or 50) and not self.target then self.dir.y = -0.5 else self.dir.y = (rnd() - 0.5) end end -- reduce speed in water if self.in_water == true then moving_speed = moving_speed * 0.7 end else self.dir = nullVec end update_velocity(me, self.dir, moving_speed) local anim_def = def.model.animations[current_mode] if self.in_water and def.model.animations["swim"] then anim_def = def.model.animations["swim"] end update_animation(me, current_mode, anim_def) end -- update yaw if current_mode ~= "attack" and current_mode ~= "follow" and (modes[current_mode].update_yaw or 0) > 0 and self.yawtimer > (modes[current_mode].update_yaw or 4) then self.yawtimer = 0 local mod = nil if current_mode == "_run" then mod = me:getyaw() end local yaw = (getYaw(mod) + 90.0) * DEGTORAD me:setyaw(yaw + 4.73) local moving_speed = modes[current_mode].moving_speed or 0 if moving_speed > 0 then self.dir = {x = math.cos(yaw), y = nil, z = math.sin(yaw)} update_velocity(me, self.dir, moving_speed) end end --swim if self.can_swim and self.swimtimer > 0.8 and self.last_node then self.swimtimer = 0 local name = self.last_node.name if name then if name == "default:water_source" then self.air_cnt = 0 local vel = me:getvelocity() update_velocity(me, {x = vel.x, y = 0.9, z = vel.z}, 1) me:setacceleration({x = 0, y = -1.2, z = 0}) self.in_water = true -- play swimming sounds if def.sounds and def.sounds.swim then local swim_snd = def.sounds.swim core.sound_play(swim_snd.name, {pos = current_pos, gain = swim_snd.gain or 1, max_hear_distance = swim_snd.distance or 10}) end spawnParticles(current_pos, vel, "bubble.png") else self.air_cnt = self.air_cnt + 1 if self.in_water == true and self.air_cnt > 5 then self.in_water = false if not self.can_fly then me:setacceleration({x = 0, y = -15, z = 0}) end end end end end -- Add damage when drowning or in lava if self.env_damage and self.envtimer > 1 and self.last_node then self.envtimer = 0 local name = self.last_node.name if not self.can_swim and name == "default:water_source" then changeHP(self, -1) elseif self.can_burn then if name == "fire:basic_flame" or name == "default:lava_source" then changeHP(self, -4) end end -- add damage when light is too bright or too dark local tod = core.get_timeofday() * 24000 if self.last_llvl and self.can_burn and self.last_llvl > (def.stats.light.max or 15) and tod < 18000 then changeHP(self, -1) elseif self.last_llvl and self.last_llvl < (def.stats.light.min or 0) then changeHP(self, -2) end end -- Random sounds if def.sounds and def.sounds.random[current_mode] then local rnd_sound = def.sounds.random[current_mode] if not self.snd_rnd_time then self.snd_rnd_time = rnd((rnd_sound.time_min or 5), (rnd_sound.time_max or 35)) end if rnd_sound and self.soundtimer > self.snd_rnd_time + rnd() then self.soundtimer = 0 self.snd_rnd_time = nil core.sound_play(rnd_sound.name, {pos = current_pos, gain = rnd_sound.gain or 1, max_hear_distance = rnd_sound.distance or 30}) end end self.mode = current_mode end creatures.get_staticdata = function(self) return { hp = self.object:get_hp(), mode = self.mode, tamed = self.tamed, modetimer = self.modetimer, lifetimer = self.lifetimer, soundtimer = self.soundtimer, fall_dist = self.fall_dist, in_water = self.in_water, } end