--= Chicken for Creatures MOB-Engine (cme) =-- -- Copyright (c) 2015-2016 BlockMen -- -- init.lua -- -- This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no -- event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of -- this software. -- -- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including -- commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the -- following restrictions: -- -- 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not -- claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a -- product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation is required. -- 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not -- be misrepresented as being the original software. -- 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. -- -- Egg dofile(core.get_modpath("chicken") .. "/egg.lua") local function dropEgg(obj) local pos = obj:getpos() if pos then creatures.dropItems(pos, {{"creatures:egg"}}) end end -- Flesh core.register_craftitem(":creatures:chicken_flesh", { description = "Raw Chicken Flesh", inventory_image = "creatures_chicken_flesh.png", on_use = core.item_eat(1) }) core.register_craftitem(":creatures:chicken_meat", { description = "Chicken Meat", inventory_image = "creatures_chicken_meat.png", on_use = core.item_eat(3) }) core.register_craft({ type = "cooking", output = "creatures:chicken_meat", recipe = "creatures:chicken_flesh", }) -- Feather core.register_craftitem(":creatures:feather", { description = "Feather", inventory_image = "creatures_feather.png", }) local def = { -- general name = "creatures:chicken", stats = { hp = 5, lifetime = 300, -- 5 Minutes can_jump = 1, can_swim = true, can_burn = true, can_panic = true, has_kockback = true, sneaky = true, }, modes = { idle = {chance = 0.25, duration = 5, update_yaw = 3}, idle2 = {chance = 0.69, duration = 0.8}, pick = {chance = 0.2, duration = 2}, walk = {chance = 0.2, duration = 5.5, moving_speed = 0.7, update_yaw = 2}, panic = {moving_speed = 2.1}, lay_egg = {chance = 0.01, duration = 1}, }, model = { mesh = "creatures_chicken.b3d", textures = {"creatures_chicken.png"}, collisionbox = {-0.25, -0.01, -0.3, 0.25, 0.45, 0.3}, rotation = 90.0, collide_with_objects = false, animations = { idle = {start = 0, stop = 1, speed = 10}, idle2 = {start = 40, stop = 50, speed = 50}, pick = {start = 88, stop = 134, speed = 50}, walk = {start = 4, stop = 36, speed = 50}, -- special modes swim = {start = 51, stop = 87, speed = 40}, panic = {start = 51, stop = 87, speed = 55}, death = {start = 135, stop = 160, speed = 28, loop = false, duration = 2.12}, }, }, sounds = { on_damage = {name = "creatures_chicken_hit", gain = 0.5, distance = 10}, on_death = {name = "creatures_chicken_hit", gain = 0.5, distance = 10}, swim = {name = "creatures_splash", gain = 1.0, distance = 10}, random = { idle = {name = "creatures_chicken", gain = 0.9, distance = 12, time_min = 8, time_max = 50}, }, }, spawning = { abm_nodes = { spawn_on = {"default:dirt_with_grass", "default:dirt"}, }, abm_interval = 55, abm_chance = 7800, max_number = 1, number = 1, light = {min = 8, max = 15}, height_limit = {min = 0, max = 150}, spawn_egg = { description = "Chicken Spawn-Egg", }, }, drops = { {"creatures:chicken_flesh"}, {"creatures:feather", {min = 1, max = 2}, chance = 0.45}, }, on_step = function(self, dtime) if self.mode == "lay_egg" then dropEgg(self.object) self.modetimer = 2 end end } creatures.register_mob(def)