trees_lib = {} -- place this node if a sapling does not like the environment and refuses -- to grow into a tree there trees_lib.place_when_tree_cant_grow = {name="default:dry_shrub"}; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- compatibility functions so that trees_lib can work without default mod ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- trees_lib.sound_leaves = function() if( default and default.node_sound_leaves_defaults) then return default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(table) else return nil end end trees_lib.sound_wood = function() if( default and default.node_sound_wood_defaults) then return default.node_sound_wood_defaults(table) else return nil end end -- copy of default.after_place_leaves trees_lib.after_place_leaves = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) node.param2 = 1 minetest.set_node(pos, node) end -- generalized function called after placing fruits trees_lib.after_place_fruit = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing) if placer:is_player() then -- find out the node name (this function is for all fruits that do not override it) local node = minetest.get_node( pos ); if( node and then minetest.set_node(pos, {name =, param2 = 1}) end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- the various node definitions that are common to all nodes of that type -- (unless overriden) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- trees_lib.node_def_tree = { --description = "TREENAME Tree", --tiles = nodes.tree.tiles, paramtype2 = "facedir", is_ground_content = false, -- moretrees uses snappy=1 here as well groups = {tree = 1, choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1, flammable = 2}, sounds = trees_lib.sound_wood, on_place = minetest.rotate_node } trees_lib.node_def_wood = { --description = "TREENAME Wood Planks", --tiles = nodes.wood.tiles, is_ground_content = false, -- moretrees uses snappy=1 here groups = {choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 2, flammable = 3, wood = 1}, sounds = trees_lib.sound_wood, } trees_lib.node_def_leaves = { --description = "TREENAME Leaves", --tiles = nodes[k].tiles, --special_tiles = nodes[k].special_tiles, -- moretrees has some options for this drawtype = "allfaces_optional", waving = 1, visual_scale = 1.3, paramtype = "light", is_ground_content = false, -- moretrees sets moretrees_leaves=1, leafdecay = decay groups = {snappy = 3, leafdecay = 3, flammable = 2, leaves = 1}, sounds = trees_lib.sound_leaves, after_place_node = trees_lib.after_place_leaves, -- the drop part of the node definition needs to be constructed -- for each leaf individually } trees_lib.node_def_fruit = { --description = "TREENAME Fruit", drawtype = "plantlike", visual_scale = 1.0, --tiles = nodes.fruit.tiles, --inventory_image = nodes.fruit.tiles[1], paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, walkable = false, is_ground_content = false, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.2, -0.5, -0.2, 0.2, 0, 0.2} }, groups = {fleshy = 3, dig_immediate = 3, flammable = 2, leafdecay = 3, leafdecay_drop = 1}, sounds = trees_lib.sound_leaves, -- store that this fruit has been placed manually after_place_node = trees_lib.after_place_fruit, -- a fruit that wants to be eatable ought to supply the following line in -- its fruit definition: --on_use = minetest.item_eat(food_points), } trees_lib.node_def_sapling = { --description = "TREENAME sapling", drawtype = "plantlike", visual_scale = 1.0, --tiles = nodes.sapling.tiles, --inventory_image = nodes.sapling.tiles[1], --wield_image = nodes.sapling.tiles[1], paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, walkable = false, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.3, -0.5, -0.3, 0.3, 0.35, 0.3} }, groups = {snappy = 2, dig_immediate = 3, flammable = 2, attached_node = 1, sapling = 1}, sounds = trees_lib.sound_leaves, } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- internal functions for handling identification of nodes (i.e. what is a -- trunk, what is a leaf, which nodes can be replaced by new trees) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- those are helpful for fast lookup (either by name or content id) trees_lib.is_tree = {} trees_lib.is_wood = {} trees_lib.is_leaf = {} trees_lib.is_sapling = {} trees_lib.is_fruit = {} trees_lib.ignore = {} -- trees are allowed to replace these nodes when growing -- (in addition to leaves, saplings and fruits from other trees) trees_lib.ignore_list = { "air","ignore", "default:water_source","default:water_flowing", "default:snow","default:ice"} trees_lib.build_lookup_table = function( node_name, node_type, value, allow_removal_by_other_saplings ) if( not( node_name ) or node_name == "" or not( minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ]) or not( trees_lib[ node_type ])) then return; end local id = minetest.get_content_id( node_name ); -- we store by id and nodename both for faster lookup trees_lib[ node_type ][ id ] = value; trees_lib[ node_type ][ node_name ] = value; -- if this is set, then other saplings can overwrite these nodes during -- their growth (i.e. replacing leaves with tree trunks) if( allow_removal_by_other_saplings ) then trees_lib.ignore[ id ] = value; trees_lib.ignore[ node_name ] = value; end end -- actually store the information from the ignore list for _,v in ipairs( trees_lib.ignore_list ) do trees_lib.build_lookup_table( v,"ignore", v, 1 ); end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- allow to call a function whenever a new tree has been registered ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- contains a list of all functions that need to be called whenever a new tree -- type is registered using trees_lib.register_tree(..) trees_lib.register_on_new_tree_type_function_list = {} -- the function new_tree_type_function will be called once for each tree type; -- use this for adding the 1 tree -> 4 wood craft receipe trees_lib.register_on_new_tree_type = function( new_tree_type_function ) -- call the function for all tree types that have been registered up -- until now for k,v in pairs( trees_lib.is_sapling) do new_tree_type_function( v.tree_name, v.mod_prefix, v.nodes ); end -- store the function so that it will get called at all subsequent -- registrations of new trees table.insert( trees_lib.register_on_new_tree_type_function_list, new_tree_type_function ); end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- mix basic node definition (see below), default constructed values (which -- are derived from modname and treename) as fallback and user (=user of the -- trees_lib) specified node defintion up into one node definition and -- register the node (provided it does not exist yet) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- trees_lib.register_one_node = function( def_common, def_default, def_user, node_type, sapling_node_name, cid ) if( not( def_user)) then def_user = {}; end -- find out which node we are supposed to register local node_name = def_user.node_name; if( not( node_name )) then node_name = def_default.node_name; end -- if the node is alrady registered, then abort if( minetest.registered_nodes[ node_name ]) then -- store the content id of this node for this type cid[ node_type ] = minetest.get_content_id( node_name ); def_user.node_name = node_name; return def_user; end -- create the new node definition local node_def = {}; -- first, add all entries from def_common for k,v in pairs( def_common ) do node_def[ k ] = v; end -- then try the default values for k,v in pairs( def_default) do node_def[ k ] = v; end -- last, apply all user supplied node definitions and thus overwrite -- common and default definitions for k,v in pairs( def_user ) do node_def[ k ] = v; end -- set inventory_image and wield_image for plantlike nodes if( node_def.drawtype and node_def.drawtype=="plantlike" and not( node_def.inventory_image )) then node_def.inventory_image = node_def.tiles[1]; node_def.wield_image = node_def.tiles[1]; end -- the node name does not belong into the node definition node_def.node_name = nil; -- actually register the new node minetest.register_node( node_name, node_def ); -- make sure the node name gets saved def_user.node_name = node_name; -- can this node (in theory) be overwritten by other trees? local allow_overwrite = nil; if( node_type=="leaf" or node_type=="fruit" or node_type=="sapling") then allow_overwrite = 1; end -- enter all these node names into a table for fast lookup -- (without having to resort to checking the group) -- the trees_lib.is_sapling field will later on contain more helpful information; -- the sapling needs to be the first node registered for this to work reliably trees_lib.build_lookup_table( node_name, "is_"..node_type, sapling_node_name, allow_overwrite ); -- store the content id of the newly registered node cid[ node_type ] = minetest.get_content_id( node_name ); return def_user; end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- nodes for the trees: trunk, planks, leaves, sapling and fruit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (internal function) -- * there can be up to 5 diffrent leaves types -- * Note: craft receipes for fuel (tree, wood, leaves) do not need to be -- added because default already contains general craft receipes -- based on the respective groups. -- * Note: The craft receipe for 1 tree -> 4 wood can be done via -- trees_lib.register_on_new_tree_type trees_lib.register_tree_nodes = function( tree_name, mod_prefix, nodes ) -- gather all the relevant content ids local cid = {}; local tree_name_upcase = tree_name:gsub("^%l", string.upper); local texture_prefix = mod_prefix.."_"..tree_name; if( not( nodes )) then nodes = {}; end -- the sapling node name will act as a reference in the lookup table later on; -- therefore, we need to determine how the node will be called early enough local sapling_node_name = mod_prefix..':'..tree_name..'_sapling'; if( nodes.sapling and nodes.sapling.node_name ) then sapling_node_name = nodes.sapling.node_name; end -- register the sapling nodes.sapling = trees_lib.register_one_node( trees_lib.node_def_sapling, { node_name = sapling_node_name, description = tree_name_upcase.." Sapling", tiles = { texture_prefix.."_sapling.png", }, }, nodes.sapling, "sapling", sapling_node_name, cid ); -- register the tree trunk nodes.tree = trees_lib.register_one_node( trees_lib.node_def_tree, { node_name = mod_prefix..':'..tree_name..'_tree', description = tree_name_upcase.." Tree", tiles = { texture_prefix.."_tree_top.png", texture_prefix.."_tree_top.png", texture_prefix.."_tree.png", }, }, nodes.tree, "tree", sapling_node_name, cid ); -- register the wood that belongs to the tree nodes.wood = trees_lib.register_one_node( trees_lib.node_def_wood, { node_name = mod_prefix..':'..tree_name..'_wood', description = tree_name_upcase.." Planks", tiles = { texture_prefix.."_wood.png", }, }, nodes.wood, "wood", sapling_node_name, cid ); -- default drop rate for the sapling (1/20) local sapling_rarity = 20; if( nodes.sapling and nodes.sapling.rarity ) then sapling_rarity = nodes.sapling.rarity; end -- register the leaves; some trees may have more than one type of leaves (i.e. moretrees jungletrees) local leaves_id = {'leaves','leaves2','leaves3','leaves4','leaves5'}; for _,k in ipairs( leaves_id ) do -- not all leaf types need to exist; we just expect at least one type of leaves to be there if( nodes[ k ] or k=='leaves') then -- we need to determine the node name now as leaves tend to drop themshelves sometimes local leaves_node_name = mod_prefix..':'..tree_name..'_'..k; if( nodes[ k ] and nodes[ k ].node_name ) then leaves_node_name = nodes[ k ].node_name; end nodes[ k ] = trees_lib.register_one_node( trees_lib.node_def_leaves, { node_name = leaves_node_name, description = tree_name_upcase.." Leaves", tiles = { texture_prefix.."_"..k..".png", }, -- special_tiles = { texture_prefix.."_"..k.."_simple.png", }, drop = { max_items = 1, items = { { -- player will get sapling with 1/20 chance items = { sapling_node_name}, rarity = sapling_rarity, }, { -- player will get leaves only if he get no saplings, -- this is because max_items is 1 items = { leaves_node_name}, } } }, }, nodes[ k ], "leaf", sapling_node_name, cid); -- also store the content ids of all leaf types cid[ k ] = cid[ "leaf" ]; end end -- register the fruit nodes.fruit = trees_lib.register_one_node( trees_lib.node_def_fruit, { node_name = mod_prefix..':'..tree_name..'_fruit', description = tree_name_upcase.." Fruit", tiles = { texture_prefix.."_fruit.png", }, }, nodes.fruit, "fruit", sapling_node_name, cid ); -- return the ids we've gathered return cid; end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- growing of the trees from saplings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- turn saplings that failed to grow (because they don't like the ground or -- environment) into dry shrub, thus allowing dry shrub farming; -- override this function if you don't like this feature trees_lib.failed_to_grow = function( pos, node ) minetest.set_node( pos, trees_lib.place_when_tree_cant_grow); end -- this function is called just before a tree actually grows; -- the function ought to return how_to_grow for normal tree growth; -- returning another way of growing is also possible (i.e. diffrent -- model when growing in flower pots/on stone) trees_lib.change_tree_growth = function( pos, node, how_to_grow ) return how_to_grow; end -- this function is called whenever a sapling of type node has grown -- into a tree using how_to_grow at position pos trees_lib.a_tree_has_grown = function( pos, node, how_to_grow ) return; end -- called by the abm running on the saplings; -- if force is set, the tree will grow even if it usually wouldn't in that -- environment trees_lib.tree_abm_called = function( pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider, force_grow) -- if we don't have further information about that sapling, then abort if( not( node ) or not( ) or not( trees_lib.is_sapling[ ])) then -- turn into dry shrub (because we don't know what to do with -- this sapling) trees_lib.failed_to_grow( pos, node ); return; end -- get information about what we're supposed to do with that sapling local sapling_data = trees_lib.is_sapling[ ]; -- the type of ground might be of intrest for further functions (i.e. can_grow, select_how_to_grow) local ground_found = nil; -- a quick check of the ground; sapling_data.grows_on has to be a list of all -- ground types acceptable for the tree if( not(force_grow) and sapling_data.grows_on and type( sapling_data.grows_on )=="table") then local node_under = minetest.get_node_or_nil({x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}); -- abort if this check cannot be done if( not(node_under) or"ignore") then return; end -- search all acceptable ground names for _,g in ipairs( sapling_data.grows_on ) do if( ) then ground_found = g; elseif( not( ground_found) and string.sub(g,1,6)=="group:" and minetest.get_item_group(, string.sub(g,7))~=0 ) then ground_found = g; end end -- abort if the tree does not like this type of ground if( not( ground_found )) then -- trun into dry shrub trees_lib.failed_to_grow( pos, node ); return; end end -- the tree may come with a more complex function that checks if it can grow there if( not(force_grow) and sapling_data.can_grow and type( sapling_data.can_grow)=="function" ) then -- the parameter ground_found is nil if the tree did not specify any demands for a particular ground local ret = sapling_data.can_grow( pos, node, ground_found ); if( ret < 1 ) then -- trun into dry shrub if growing failed finally (and was not just delayed) if( ret==0 ) then trees_lib.failed_to_grow( pos, node, ground_found ); end return; end end -- each tree can have several ways of growing local how_to_grow = nil; -- the sapling may - depending on the circumstances - choose a specific growth function -- instead of a random one if( sapling_data.select_how_to_grow and type( sapling_data.select_how_to_grow)=="function") then -- ground_found is nil if the tree did not specify any demands for a particular ground how_to_grow = sapling_data.select_how_to_grow( pos, node, sapling_data.how_to_grow, ground_found ); -- the select_how_to_grow function may either return a table or a number indicating which -- growth method to select if( how_to_grow and type(how_to_grow)=="number" and sapling_data.how_to_grow[ how_to_grow ]) then how_to_grow = sapling_data.how_to_grow[ how_to_grow ]; end else -- else select a random one how_to_grow = sapling_data.how_to_grow[ math.random( 1, #sapling_data.how_to_grow )]; end -- this function may change the way the tree grows (i.e. select a special method for trees growing in flower pots or on stone ground) how_to_grow = trees_lib.change_tree_growth( pos, node, how_to_grow ); -- actually grow the tree in a seperate function trees_lib.tree_abm_grow_tree( pos, node, sapling_data, how_to_grow, force_grow ); end -- actually grow the tree from a sapling trees_lib.tree_abm_grow_tree = function( pos, node, sapling_data, how_to_grow, force_grow ) -- abort if no way was found to grow the tree if( not( how_to_grow ) or type(how_to_grow)~="table") then trees_lib.failed_to_grow( pos, node ); return; -- grow the tree using a function (like the old apple trees did) elseif( how_to_grow.use_function and type(how_to_grow.use_function)=="function") then -- get the voxelmanip data local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip() local minp, maxp = vm:read_from_map( {x = pos.x - how_to_grow.xoff, y = pos.y - how_to_grow.yoff, z = pos.z - how_to_grow.zoff}, {x = pos.x + how_to_grow.xoff, y = pos.y + how_to_grow.height, z = pos.z + how_to_grow.zoff} ) local a = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = minp, MaxEdge = maxp}) local data = vm:get_data() how_to_grow.use_function( data, a, pos, sapling_data, how_to_grow.extra_params ); -- write the data back vm:set_data(data) vm:write_to_map() vm:update_map() -- grow the tree using a schematic elseif( how_to_grow.use_schematic and (type(how_to_grow.use_schematic)=="string" or type(how_to_grow.use_schematic)=="table")) then -- TODO: use voxelmanip -- remove the sapling minetest.set_node( pos, {name="air"}); -- TODO: determine xoff, yoff and zoff when registering the tree -- (if yoff is not given, then use 0) minetest.place_schematic( {x = pos.x - how_to_grow.xoff, y = pos.y - how_to_grow.yoff, z = pos.z - how_to_grow.zoff}, how_to_grow.use_schematic, -- full path to the .mts file "random", -- rotation how_to_grow.use_replacements, -- use the same schematic for diffrent trees false -- no overwriting of existing nodes ); -- grow the tree using L-system elseif( how_to_grow.use_lsystem and type(how_to_grow.use_lsystem)=="table") then -- remove the sapling minetest.set_node( pos, {name="air"}); -- spawn the l-system tree minetest.spawn_tree(pos, how_to_grow.use_lsystem ); -- else prevent call of success function below else return; end trees_lib.a_tree_has_grown( pos, node, how_to_grow ); end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- register a new tree ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- trees_lib.register_tree = function( tree_name, nodes, growing_methods, grows_on_node_type_list, can_grow_function, select_how_to_grow_function, interval, chance ) -- the tree name is the minimum needed in order to register a new tree if( not( tree_name )) then return; end -- we may have to register nodes - and those have to be registered under the name of whichever mod called this function and is the "current" mod local mod_prefix = ""; -- set it to the current mod - this cannot be done in the line above as that would set mod_prefix to trees_lib and not to the calling mod mod_prefix = minetest.get_current_modname(); -- register tree trunk, wood, leaves and fruit (provided they are not defined yet) local cid_list = trees_lib.register_tree_nodes( tree_name, mod_prefix, nodes ); -- a sapling will be needed for growing the tree if( not( nodes.sapling ) or not( nodes.sapling.node_name ) or not( growing_methods )) then return; end -- store information about the new tree type in the sapling table trees_lib.is_sapling[ nodes.sapling.node_name ] = { -- minetest.get_content_id for tree, wood, leaves1..n, sapling, fruit cid = cid_list, -- node name of the sapling sapling = nodes.sapling.node_name, -- values passed on to all functions registered via -- trees_lib.register_on_new_tree_type = function( new_tree_type_function ) tree_name = tree_name, mod_prefix = mod_prefix, nodes = nodes, -- list of node names (can contain groups, i.e. "group:soil") -- on which the sapling will grow; -- note: the parameter ground_found to the functions below can only be -- passed on if grows_on has been specified (else the sapling does -- not do any ground checks on its own) grows_on = grows_on_node_type_list, -- are all the requirements met for growing at pos? -- sapling will only grow if -- growing.can_grow( pos, node, ground_found ) -- returns a value >0; if 0 is returned, the sapling will fail to grow -- and be turned into dry shrub; if a value <0 is returned, nothing will -- happen (the sapling can try again later on) -- (usful for i.e. requiring water nearby, or other -- more complex requirements) can_grow = can_grow_function, -- has to be either nil (for selecting a random way) -- or return a specific growth function like the ones in -- the list how_to_grow (see below) when called with -- growing.select_how_to_grow( pos, node, growing.how_to_grow, ground_found ) select_how_to_grow = select_how_to_grow_function, -- list of all methods that can turn the sapling into a -- tree; can be a function, a file name containing a schematic -- or a table for L-system trees; -- this table/list is REQUIRED how_to_grow = growing_methods, }; -- a new tree was registered - call all functions that want to be told about new trees for i,new_tree_type_function in ipairs( trees_lib.register_on_new_tree_type_function_list ) do new_tree_type_function( tree_name, mod_prefix, nodes ); end -- set default values for the tree-growing abm if none are set if( not( interval)) then interval = 10; end if( not( chance )) then chance = 50; end -- now add the abm that lets the tree grow minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = { nodes.sapling.node_name }, interval = interval, chance = chance, action = trees_lib.tree_abm_called, }); end