item_entity.lua replacement edited by TenPlus1 Features: - Items are destroyed by lava - Items are pushed along by flowing water (thanks to QwertyMine3 and Gustavo6046) - Items are removed after 900 seconds or the time that is specified by remove_items in minetest.conf (-1 disables it) - Particle effects added - Dropped items slide on nodes with {slippery} groups - Items stuck inside solid nodes move to nearest empty space - Can use new on_pickup() function if available - Added 'dropped_step(self, pos, dtime, moveresult)' custom on_step for dropped items 'self.node_inside' contains node table that item is inside 'self.def_inside' contains node definition for above 'self.node_under' contains node table that is below item 'self.def_under' contains node definition for above 'self.age' holds age of dropped item in seconds 'self.itemstring' contains itemstring e.g. "default:dirt", "default:ice 20" 'self.is_moving' true if dropped item is moving 'pos' holds position of dropped item 'dtime' used for timers 'moveresult' table containing collision info return false to skip further checks by builtin_item License: LGPLv2.1+ dropped_step() examples: -- if gunpowder dropped on burning tnt or gunpowder then remove if minetest.registered_items["tnt:gunpowder"] then minetest.override_item("tnt:gunpowder", { dropped_step = function(self, pos) if (self.node_inside and == "tnt:gunpowder_burning") or (self.node_under and == "tnt:tnt_burning") then minetest.sound_play("builtin_item_lava", { pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 6, gain = 0.5 }) self.itemstring = "" self.object:remove() return false -- return with no further action end end }) end -- if 2x mese crystal and 2x crystal spike dropped in pool of water_source -- then merge into a single crystal_ingot. if minetest.registered_items["ethereal:crystal_spike"] then minetest.override_item("ethereal:crystal_spike", { dropped_step = function(self, pos, dtime) self.ctimer = (self.ctimer or 0) + dtime if self.ctimer < 5.0 then return end self.ctimer = 0 if self.node_inside and ~= "default:water_source" then return end local objs = core.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 0.8) if not objs or #objs ~= 2 then return end local crystal, mese, ent = nil, nil, nil for k, obj in pairs(objs) do ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent and == "__builtin:item" then if ent.itemstring == "default:mese_crystal 2" and not mese then mese = obj elseif ent.itemstring == "ethereal:crystal_spike 2" and not crystal then crystal = obj end end end if mese and crystal then mese:remove() crystal:remove() core.add_item(pos, "ethereal:crystal_ingot") return false -- return with no further action end end }) end