ambience = {} -- override default water sounds minetest.override_item("default:water_source", { sounds = {} }) minetest.override_item("default:water_flowing", { sounds = {} }) minetest.override_item("default:river_water_source", { sounds = {} }) minetest.override_item("default:river_water_flowing", { sounds = {} }) -- settings local SOUNDVOLUME = 1.0 local MUSICVOLUME = 1.0 local play_music = minetest.settings:get_bool("ambience_music") ~= false local pplus = minetest.get_modpath("playerplus") local radius = 6 local playing = {} local sound_sets = {} -- all the sounds and their settings local sound_set_order = {} -- needed because pairs loops randomly through tables local set_nodes = {} -- all the nodes needed for sets -- global functions -- add set to list ambience.add_set = function(set_name, def) if not set_name or not def then return end sound_sets[set_name] = { frequency = def.frequency or 50, sounds = def.sounds, sound_check = def.sound_check, nodes = def.nodes } -- add set name to the sound_set_order table local can_add = true for i = 1, #sound_set_order do if sound_set_order[i] == set_name then can_add = false end end if can_add then table.insert(sound_set_order, set_name) end -- add any missing nodes to the set_nodes table if def.nodes then for i = 1, #def.nodes do can_add = def.nodes[i] for j = 1, #set_nodes do if def.nodes[i] == set_nodes[j] then can_add = false end end if can_add then table.insert(set_nodes, can_add) end end end end -- return set from list using name ambience.get_set = function(set_name) if sound_sets[set_name] then return sound_sets[set_name] end end -- remove set from list ambience.del_set = function(set_name) sound_sets[set_name] = nil local can_del = false for i = 1, #sound_set_order do if sound_set_order[i] == set_name then can_del = i end end if can_del then table.remove(sound_set_order, can_del) end end -- plays music and selects sound set local get_ambience = function(player, tod, name) -- play server or local music if available if play_music and playing[name] then -- play at midnight if tod >= 0.0 and tod <= 0.01 then if not playing[name].music then playing[name].music = minetest.sound_play("ambience_music", { to_player = player:get_player_name(), gain = MUSICVOLUME }) end elseif tod > 0.1 and playing[name].music then playing[name].music = nil end end -- get foot and head level nodes at player position local pos = player:get_pos() ; if not pos then return end pos.y = pos.y + 1.4 -- head level local nod_head = pplus and name and playerplus[name].nod_head or minetest.get_node(pos).name pos.y = pos.y - 1.2 -- foot level local nod_feet = pplus and name and playerplus[name].nod_feet or minetest.get_node(pos).name pos.y = pos.y - 0.2 -- reset pos -- get all set nodes around player local ps, cn = minetest.find_nodes_in_area( {x = pos.x - radius, y = pos.y - radius, z = pos.z - radius}, {x = pos.x + radius, y = pos.y + radius, z = pos.z + radius}, set_nodes) -- loop through sets in order and choose first that meets it's conditions for n = 1, #sound_set_order do local set = sound_sets[ sound_set_order[n] ] if set and set.sound_check then -- pass settings to function for condition check local set_name, gain = set.sound_check({ player = player, pos = pos, tod = tod, totals = cn, positions = ps, head_node = nod_head, feet_node = nod_feet }) -- if conditions met return set name and gain value if set_name then return set_name, gain end end end end local timer = 0 local random = math.random -- players routine minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) -- one second timer timer = timer + dtime if timer < 1 then return end timer = 0 -- get list of players and set some variables local players = minetest.get_connected_players() local player_name, number, chance, ambience, handler, ok local tod = minetest.get_timeofday() -- loop through players for n = 1, #players do player_name = players[n]:get_player_name() --local t1 = os.clock() local set_name, MORE_GAIN = get_ambience(players[n], tod, player_name) --print(string.format("elapsed time: %.4f\n", os.clock() - t1)) ok = true -- everything starts off ok -- stop current sound if another set active or gain changed if playing[player_name] and playing[player_name].handler then if playing[player_name].set ~= set_name or (playing[player_name].set == set_name and playing[player_name].gain ~= MORE_GAIN) then --print ("-- change stop", set_name, playing[player_name].old_handler) minetest.sound_stop(playing[player_name].old_handler) playing[player_name].set = nil playing[player_name].handler = nil playing[player_name].gain = nil else ok = false -- sound set still playing, skip new sound end end -- set random chance and reset seed chance = random(1, 1000) math.randomseed(tod + chance) -- if chance is lower than set frequency then select set if ok and set_name and chance < sound_sets[set_name].frequency then -- choose random sound from set number = random(#sound_sets[set_name].sounds) ambience = sound_sets[set_name].sounds[number] -- play sound handler = minetest.sound_play(, { to_player = player_name, gain = ((ambience.gain or 0.3) + (MORE_GAIN or 0)) * SOUNDVOLUME, pitch = ambience.pitch or 1.0 }, ambience.ephemeral) --print ("playing... " .. .. " (" .. chance .. " < " -- .. sound_sets[set_name].frequency .. ") @ ", MORE_GAIN, handler) -- only continue if sound playing returns handler if handler then --print("-- current handler", handler) -- set what player is currently listening to playing[player_name] = { set = set_name, gain = MORE_GAIN, handler = handler, old_handler = handler } -- set timer to stop sound minetest.after(ambience.length, function() --print("-- after", set_name, handler) -- make sure we are stopping same sound we started if playing[player_name] and playing[player_name].handler and playing[player_name].old_handler == handler then --print("-- timed stop", set_name, handler) --minetest.sound_stop(playing[player_name].handler) minetest.sound_stop(handler) -- reset player variables and backup handler playing[player_name] = { set = nil, gain = nil, handler = nil, old_handler = nil } end end) end end end end) -- sound volume command minetest.register_chatcommand("svol", { params = "", description = "set sound volume (0.1 to 1.0)", privs = {server = true}, func = function(name, param) SOUNDVOLUME = tonumber(param) or SOUNDVOLUME if SOUNDVOLUME < 0.1 then SOUNDVOLUME = 0.1 end if SOUNDVOLUME > 1.0 then SOUNDVOLUME = 1.0 end return true, "Sound volume set to " .. SOUNDVOLUME end, }) -- music volume command (0 stops music) minetest.register_chatcommand("mvol", { params = "", description = "set music volume (0.1 to 1.0)", privs = {server = true}, func = function(name, param) MUSICVOLUME = tonumber(param) or MUSICVOLUME -- ability to stop music just as it begins if MUSICVOLUME == 0 and playing[name].music then minetest.sound_stop(playing[name].music) end if MUSICVOLUME < 0.1 then MUSICVOLUME = 0.1 end if MUSICVOLUME > 1.0 then MUSICVOLUME = 1.0 end return true, "Music volume set to " .. MUSICVOLUME end, }) -- load default sound sets dofile(minetest.get_modpath("ambience") .. "/soundsets.lua") print("[MOD] Ambience Lite loaded")