# textdomain: currency
# author: PsycoJaker

### barter.lua ###

Barter Table=Mesa de intercambios

### shop.lua ###


### craftitems.lua ###

@1 Minegeld Note=Billete de @1 Minegeld
@1 Minegeld cent coin= Moneda de @1 Minegeld
Bundle of random Minegeld notes=Monton de dinero

### safe.lua ###

Safe=Caja fuerte
Safe (owned by @1)=Caja fuerte de @1

### shop.lua ###

Customer gets:=Tu compra:
Customer gives (pay here!)=Paga aqui
Customers gave:=Los compradores ofrecieron:
Exchange can not be done, check if you put all items!=La compra ha fallado, comprueba tu pago
Exchange can not be done, contact the shop owner.=La compra ha fallado, comunicate con el vendedor
Exchange shop (owned by @1)=Tienda de @1
In exchange, you give:=Vendes:
out of stock=Sin exsitencias
Owner gives:=Vendedor ofrece:
Owner wants:=Vendedor pide:

Owner, Use (E)+Place (right mouse button) for customer interface=Usa, las teclas (especial + boton derecho del raton) para ver a la interfaz del comprador

This is your own shop, you can't exchange to yourself!=No puedes comprar en tu propia tienda
You want:=Tu pides:
Your stock:=Tus existencias: