local function rotate_and_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local p0 = pointed_thing.under local p1 = pointed_thing.above local param2 = 0 local placer_pos = placer:getpos() if placer_pos then param2 = minetest.dir_to_facedir(vector.subtract(p1, placer_pos)) end local finepos = minetest.pointed_thing_to_face_pos(placer, pointed_thing) local fpos = finepos.y % 1 if p0.y - 1 == p1.y or (fpos > 0 and fpos < 0.5) or (fpos < -0.5 and fpos > -0.999999999) then param2 = param2 + 20 if param2 == 21 then param2 = 23 elseif param2 == 23 then param2 = 21 end end return minetest.item_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, param2) end if not minetest.settings:get_bool("bridger_disable_trusses") then local bridge_colors = { {"Green", "green"}, {"Red", "red"}, {"Steel", "steel"}, {"White", "white"}, {"Yellow", "yellow"}, } for _, row in ipairs(bridge_colors) do local bridge_desc = row[1] local bridge_colors = row[2] minetest.register_node("bridger:foundation", { description = "Bridge Foundation", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_clay.png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.75, 0.5, 0.501, 0.75}, {-0.501, -0.5, -0.501, 0.501, 0.6876, 0.501}, {-0.75, -0.5, -0.5, 0.75, 0.501, 0.5}, {-0.75, -0.5, -0.75, 0.75, 0.499, 0.75}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:block_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Block", drawtype = "normal", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, paramtype = "light", groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) if minetest.get_modpath("moreblocks") then stairsplus:register_all("bridger", "block_" .. bridge_colors, "bridger:block_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc, tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_alias("bridger:step_" .. bridge_colors, "bridger:panel_block_" .. bridge_colors) elseif minetest.get_modpath("stairs") then stairs.register_stair_and_slab( "block_" .. bridge_colors, "bridger:block_" .. bridge_colors, {cracky=3}, {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, bridge_desc .. " Stair", bridge_desc .. " Slab", default.node_sound_metal_defaults() ) minetest.register_node("bridger:step_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Step", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return itemstack end return rotate_and_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) end, }) end minetest.register_node("bridger:suspension_top_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Cable Top", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.5}, {-0.125, -0.5, -0.125, 0.125, 0.5, 0.125}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return itemstack end return rotate_and_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) end, }) minetest.register_node("bridger:suspension_cable_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Cable", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, paramtype = "light", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.125, -0.5, -0.125, 0.125, 0.5, 0.125}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:deck_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Deck", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.501, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:deck_edge_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Deck Edge", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.501, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 1.0625, -0.625}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:train_deck_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Train Deck", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.5, 0.501, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.4375, 0.501, 0.4375}, {0.25, 0.375, 0.25, 0.375, 0.501, 0.375}, {0.1875, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.3125, 0.501, 0.3125}, {0.125, 0.375, 0.125, 0.25, 0.501, 0.25}, {0.0625, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.1875, 0.501, 0.1875}, {0, 0.375, 0, 0.125, 0.501, 0.125}, {-0.0625, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.0625, 0.501, 0.0625}, {-0.125, 0.375, -0.125, 0, 0.501, 0}, {-0.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, -0.0625, 0.501, -0.0625}, {-0.25, 0.375, -0.25, -0.125, 0.501, -0.125}, {-0.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, -0.1875, 0.501, -0.1875}, {-0.4375, 0.375, -0.4375, -0.3125, 0.501, -0.3125}, {-0.375, 0.375, -0.375, -0.25, 0.501, -0.25}, {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, -0.375, 0.501, -0.375}, {-0.5, 0.375, 0.375, -0.375, 0.501, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.375, 0.3125, -0.3125, 0.501, 0.4375}, {-0.375, 0.375, 0.25, -0.25, 0.501, 0.375}, {-0.3125, 0.375, 0.1875, -0.1875, 0.501, 0.3125}, {-0.25, 0.375, 0.125, -0.125, 0.501, 0.25}, {-0.1875, 0.375, 0.0625, -0.0625, 0.501, 0.1875}, {-0.125, 0.375, 0, 0, 0.501, 0.125}, {0, 0.375, -0.125, 0.125, 0.501, 0}, {0.0625, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.1875, 0.501, -0.0625}, {0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.25, 0.501, -0.125}, {0.1875, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.3125, 0.501, -0.1875}, {0.25, 0.375, -0.375, 0.375, 0.501, -0.25}, {0.3125, 0.375, -0.4375, 0.4375, 0.501, -0.3125}, {0.375, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.501, -0.375}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:girder_mid_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Girder Middle", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.4375, 0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.46875, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.46875, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, -0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.625, 0.4375, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:girder_right_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Girder Right End", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 0.4375, 0.375, -0.25, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.46875, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, -0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.375, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.5}, {0, 0.25, 0.375, 0.125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {0.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, -0.25, 0.5}, {0.375, -0.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, -0.0625, 0.5}, {0.3125, -0.125, 0.375, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.5}, {0.25, 0, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.125, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.25, 0.1875, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.125, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.4375, -0.0625, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.4375, -0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.3125, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.625, 0.4375, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:girder_left_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Girder Left End", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {0.25, 0.4375, 0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.46875, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, -0.4375, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.375, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.125, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.25, 0.375, -0, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, -0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, -0.3125, 0.375, -0.375, -0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.375, -0.125, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0, 0.375, -0.25, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.5, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.4375, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.5, -0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.5, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.625, 0.4375, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_right_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Right Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 2.375, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 2.1875, 0.375, -0.25, 2.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 2.0625, 0.375, -0.1875, 2.25, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2, 0.375, -0.125, 2.125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.9375, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, 1.875, 0.375, 0, 2, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 1.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0, 1.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.0625, 1.625, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.25, 0.375, 0.5, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.8125, 1, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.375, 0.875, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.625, 0.375, 1, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.5, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1, 0.4375, 0.375, 1.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.375, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.5, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.3125, 0.375, 1.25, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {1.375, 0, 0.375, 1.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_left_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Left Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 2.375, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.3125, 2.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 2.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.1875, 0.375, 1.375, 2.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 1.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {1.125, 2, 0.375, 1.25, 2.125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 1.9375, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {1, 1.875, 0.375, 1.125, 2, 0.5}, {0.9375, 1.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.875, 1.6875, 0.375, 1, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.8125, 1.625, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.25, 0.375, 0.625, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.5, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.3125, 1, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0, 0.625, 0.375, 0.125, 0.75, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.4375, 0.375, 0, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.375, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.3125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0, 0.375, -0.375, 0.125, 0.5}, {1.375, 2.3125, 0.375, 1.5, 2.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_end_right_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure End Right Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_end_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_end_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 2.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 2.1875, 0.375, -0.25, 2.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 2.0625, 0.375, -0.1875, 2.25, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2, 0.375, -0.125, 2.125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.9375, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, 1.875, 0.375, 0, 2, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 1.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0, 1.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.0625, 1.625, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.25, 0.375, 0.5, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.8125, 1, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.375, 0.875, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.625, 0.375, 1, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.5, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1, 0.4375, 0.375, 1.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.375, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.5, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.3125, 0.375, 1.25, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {1.375, 0, 0.375, 1.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_end_left_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure End Left Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_end_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_end_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.3125, 2.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 2.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.1875, 0.375, 1.375, 2.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 1.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {1.125, 2, 0.375, 1.25, 2.125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 1.9375, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {1, 1.875, 0.375, 1.125, 2, 0.5}, {0.9375, 1.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.875, 1.6875, 0.375, 1, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.8125, 1.625, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.25, 0.375, 0.625, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.5, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.3125, 1, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0, 0.625, 0.375, 0.125, 0.75, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.4375, 0.375, 0, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.375, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.3125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0, 0.375, -0.375, 0.125, 0.5}, {1.375, 2.3125, 0.375, 1.5, 2.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_mid_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Middle", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_mid.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_mid.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 2.375, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 2.1875, 0.375, -0.25, 2.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 2.0625, 0.375, -0.1875, 2.25, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2, 0.375, -0.125, 2.125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.9375, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, 1.875, 0.375, 0, 2, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 1.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0, 1.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.0625, 1.625, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.25, 0.375, 0.5, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.8125, 1, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.375, 0.875, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.625, 0.375, 1, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.5, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1, 0.4375, 0.375, 1.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.375, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.5, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.3125, 0.375, 1.25, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {1.375, 0, 0.375, 1.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.4375, 0.5}, {1.3125, 2.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 2.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.1875, 0.375, 1.375, 2.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 1.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {1.125, 2, 0.375, 1.25, 2.125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 1.9375, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {1, 1.875, 0.375, 1.125, 2, 0.5}, {0.9375, 1.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.875, 1.6875, 0.375, 1, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.8125, 1.625, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.25, 0.375, 0.625, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.5, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.3125, 1, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0, 0.625, 0.375, 0.125, 0.75, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.4375, 0.375, 0, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.375, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.3125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0, 0.375, -0.375, 0.125, 0.5}, {1.375, 2.3125, 0.375, 1.5, 2.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_tall_right_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Tall Truss Superstructure Right Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_tall_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_tall_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.5, 3.375, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 3.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 3.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 3.125, 0.375, -0.25, 3.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 3, 0.375, -0.1875, 3.1875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2.875, 0.375, -0.125, 3.0625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 2.75, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.9375, 0.5}, {-0.125, 2.625, 0.375, 1.11759e-008, 2.8125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 2.5625, 0.375, 0.0625, 2.6875, 0.5}, {0, 2.4375, 0.375, 0.125, 2.625, 0.5}, {0.0625, 2.3125, 0.375, 0.1875, 2.5, 0.5}, {0.125, 2.1875, 0.375, 0.25, 2.375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 0.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {0.25, 2, 0.375, 0.375, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.875, 0.375, 0.4375, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.75, 0.375, 0.5, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.5, 0.375, 0.625, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.75, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.8125, 0.375, 1, 1, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.875, 0.5}, {1, 0.625, 0.375, 1.125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.25, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.25, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.3125, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_tall_left_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Tall Truss Superstructure Left Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_tall_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_tall_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.5, 3.375, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.3125, 3.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 3.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 3.125, 0.375, 1.375, 3.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 3, 0.375, 1.3125, 3.1875, 0.5}, {1.125, 2.875, 0.375, 1.25, 3.0625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 2.75, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.9375, 0.5}, {1, 2.625, 0.375, 1.125, 2.8125, 0.5}, {0.9375, 2.5625, 0.375, 1.0625, 2.6875, 0.5}, {0.875, 2.4375, 0.375, 1, 2.625, 0.5}, {0.8125, 2.3125, 0.375, 0.9375, 2.5, 0.5}, {0.75, 2.1875, 0.375, 0.875, 2.375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 2.0625, 0.375, 0.8125, 2.25, 0.5}, {0.625, 2, 0.375, 0.75, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.875, 0.375, 0.6875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.75, 0.375, 0.625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.5, 0.375, 0.5, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.375, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.125, 1, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.625, 0.375, -3.35276e-008, 0.8125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.5, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.375, 0.375, -0.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.25, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_tall_mid_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Tall Truss Superstructure Middle", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_tall_mid.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_tall_mid.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.5, 3.375, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.3125, 3.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 3.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 3.125, 0.375, 1.375, 3.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 3, 0.375, 1.3125, 3.1875, 0.5}, {1.125, 2.875, 0.375, 1.25, 3.0625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 2.75, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.9375, 0.5}, {1, 2.625, 0.375, 1.125, 2.8125, 0.5}, {0.9375, 2.5625, 0.375, 1.0625, 2.6875, 0.5}, {0.875, 2.4375, 0.375, 1, 2.625, 0.5}, {0.8125, 2.3125, 0.375, 0.9375, 2.5, 0.5}, {0.75, 2.1875, 0.375, 0.875, 2.375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 2.0625, 0.375, 0.8125, 2.25, 0.5}, {0.625, 2, 0.375, 0.75, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.875, 0.375, 0.6875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.75, 0.375, 0.625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.5, 0.375, 0.5, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.375, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.125, 1, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.625, 0.375, -3.35276e-008, 0.8125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.5, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.375, 0.375, -0.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.25, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 3.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 3.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 3.125, 0.375, -0.25, 3.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 3, 0.375, -0.1875, 3.1875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2.875, 0.375, -0.125, 3.0625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 2.75, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.9375, 0.5}, {-0.125, 2.625, 0.375, 1.11759e-008, 2.8125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 2.5625, 0.375, 0.0625, 2.6875, 0.5}, {0, 2.4375, 0.375, 0.125, 2.625, 0.5}, {0.0625, 2.3125, 0.375, 0.1875, 2.5, 0.5}, {0.125, 2.1875, 0.375, 0.25, 2.375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 0.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {0.25, 2, 0.375, 0.375, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.875, 0.375, 0.4375, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.75, 0.375, 0.5, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.5, 0.375, 0.625, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.75, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.8125, 0.375, 1, 1, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.875, 0.5}, {1, 0.625, 0.375, 1.125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.25, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.25, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.3125, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_tall_simple_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Tall Truss Superstructure Middle Simple", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_tall_simple.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_tall_simple.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.5, 3.375, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.3125, 3.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 3.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 3.125, 0.375, 1.375, 3.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 3, 0.375, 1.3125, 3.1875, 0.5}, {1.125, 2.875, 0.375, 1.25, 3.0625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 2.75, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.9375, 0.5}, {1, 2.625, 0.375, 1.125, 2.8125, 0.5}, {0.9375, 2.5625, 0.375, 1.0625, 2.6875, 0.5}, {0.875, 2.4375, 0.375, 1, 2.625, 0.5}, {0.8125, 2.3125, 0.375, 0.9375, 2.5, 0.5}, {0.75, 2.1875, 0.375, 0.875, 2.375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 2.0625, 0.375, 0.8125, 2.25, 0.5}, {0.625, 2, 0.375, 0.75, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.875, 0.375, 0.6875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.75, 0.375, 0.625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.5, 0.375, 0.5, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.375, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.125, 1, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.625, 0.375, -3.35276e-008, 0.8125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.5, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.375, 0.375, -0.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.25, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 3.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 3.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 3.125, 0.375, -0.25, 3.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 3, 0.375, -0.1875, 3.1875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2.875, 0.375, -0.125, 3.0625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 2.75, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.9375, 0.5}, {-0.125, 2.625, 0.375, 1.11759e-008, 2.8125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 2.5625, 0.375, 0.0625, 2.6875, 0.5}, {0, 2.4375, 0.375, 0.125, 2.625, 0.5}, {0.0625, 2.3125, 0.375, 0.1875, 2.5, 0.5}, {0.125, 2.1875, 0.375, 0.25, 2.375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 0.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {0.25, 2, 0.375, 0.375, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.875, 0.375, 0.4375, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.75, 0.375, 0.5, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.5, 0.375, 0.625, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.75, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.8125, 0.375, 1, 1, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.875, 0.5}, {1, 0.625, 0.375, 1.125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.25, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.25, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.3125, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_tall_simple_end_left_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Tall Truss Superstructure Simple Left End", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_tall_simple_end_left.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_tall_simple_end_left.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {0.375, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_tall_simple_end_right_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Tall Truss Superstructure Simple Right End", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_tall_simple_end_right.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_tall_simple_end_right.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.375, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_simple_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Middle Simple", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_simple.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_simple.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.5, 2.375, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 2.1875, 0.375, -0.25, 2.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 2.0625, 0.375, -0.1875, 2.25, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2, 0.375, -0.125, 2.125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.9375, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, 1.875, 0.375, 0, 2, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 1.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0, 1.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.0625, 1.625, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.25, 0.375, 0.5, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.8125, 1, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.375, 0.875, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.625, 0.375, 1, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.5, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1, 0.4375, 0.375, 1.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.375, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.5, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.3125, 0.375, 1.25, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {1.375, 0, 0.375, 1.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.4375, 0.5}, {1.3125, 2.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 2.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.1875, 0.375, 1.375, 2.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 1.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {1.125, 2, 0.375, 1.25, 2.125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 1.9375, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {1, 1.875, 0.375, 1.125, 2, 0.5}, {0.9375, 1.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.875, 1.6875, 0.375, 1, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.8125, 1.625, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.25, 0.375, 0.625, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.5, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.3125, 1, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0, 0.625, 0.375, 0.125, 0.75, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.4375, 0.375, 0, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.375, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.3125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0, 0.375, -0.375, 0.125, 0.5}, {1.375, 2.3125, 0.375, 1.5, 2.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5, 2.3125, 0.375, -0.375, 2.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_simple_end_left_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Simple Left End", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_simple_end_left.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_simple_end_left.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {0.375, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_simple_end_right_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Simple Right End", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_simple_end_right.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_simple_end_right.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.375, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_up_right_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Up Right Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_up_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_up_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1.375, 3.375, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.25, 3.3125, 0.375, 1.375, 3.4375, 0.5}, {1.125, 3.25, 0.375, 1.25, 3.375, 0.5}, {1, 3.1875, 0.375, 1.125, 3.3125, 0.5}, {0.875, 3.125, 0.375, 1, 3.25, 0.5}, {0.75, 3.0625, 0.375, 0.875, 3.1875, 0.5}, {0.625, 3, 0.375, 0.75, 3.125, 0.5}, {0.5, 2.9375, 0.375, 0.625, 3.0625, 0.5}, {0.375, 2.875, 0.375, 0.5, 3, 0.5}, {0.25, 2.8125, 0.375, 0.375, 2.9375, 0.5}, {0.125, 2.75, 0.375, 0.25, 2.875, 0.5}, {0, 2.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 2.8125, 0.5}, {-0.125, 2.625, 0.375, -1.2666e-007, 2.75, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2.5625, 0.375, -0.125, 2.6875, 0.5}, {-0.375, 2.5, 0.375, -0.25, 2.625, 0.5}, {-0.5, 2.4375, 0.375, -0.375, 2.5625, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 2.1875, 0.375, -0.25, 2.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 2.0625, 0.375, -0.1875, 2.25, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2, 0.375, -0.125, 2.125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.9375, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, 1.875, 0.375, 0, 2, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 1.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0, 1.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.0625, 1.625, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.25, 0.375, 0.5, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.8125, 1, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.375, 0.875, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.625, 0.375, 1, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.5, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1, 0.4375, 0.375, 1.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.375, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.5, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.3125, 0.375, 1.25, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {1.375, 0, 0.375, 1.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_up_left_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Up Left Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_up_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_up_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1.375, 3.375, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.25, 3.3125, 0.375, 1.375, 3.4375, 0.5}, {1.125, 3.25, 0.375, 1.25, 3.375, 0.5}, {1, 3.1875, 0.375, 1.125, 3.3125, 0.5}, {0.875, 3.125, 0.375, 1, 3.25, 0.5}, {0.75, 3.0625, 0.375, 0.875, 3.1875, 0.5}, {0.625, 3, 0.375, 0.75, 3.125, 0.5}, {0.5, 2.9375, 0.375, 0.625, 3.0625, 0.5}, {0.375, 2.875, 0.375, 0.5, 3, 0.5}, {0.25, 2.8125, 0.375, 0.375, 2.9375, 0.5}, {0.125, 2.75, 0.375, 0.25, 2.875, 0.5}, {0, 2.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 2.8125, 0.5}, {-0.125, 2.625, 0.375, -1.2666e-007, 2.75, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2.5625, 0.375, -0.125, 2.6875, 0.5}, {-0.375, 2.5, 0.375, -0.25, 2.625, 0.5}, {-0.5, 2.4375, 0.375, -0.375, 2.5625, 0.5}, {1.3125, 3.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 3.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 3.125, 0.375, 1.375, 3.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 3, 0.375, 1.3125, 3.1875, 0.5}, {1.125, 2.875, 0.375, 1.25, 3.0625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 2.75, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.9375, 0.5}, {1, 2.625, 0.375, 1.125, 2.8125, 0.5}, {0.9375, 2.5625, 0.375, 1.0625, 2.6875, 0.5}, {0.875, 2.4375, 0.375, 1, 2.625, 0.5}, {0.8125, 2.3125, 0.375, 0.9375, 2.5, 0.5}, {0.75, 2.1875, 0.375, 0.875, 2.375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 2.0625, 0.375, 0.8125, 2.25, 0.5}, {0.625, 2, 0.375, 0.75, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.875, 0.375, 0.6875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.75, 0.375, 0.625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.5, 0.375, 0.5, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.375, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.125, 1, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.625, 0.375, -3.35276e-008, 0.8125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.5, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.375, 0.375, -0.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.25, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_up_mid_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Up Middle", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_up_mid.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_up_mid.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1.375, 3.375, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.25, 3.3125, 0.375, 1.375, 3.4375, 0.5}, {1.125, 3.25, 0.375, 1.25, 3.375, 0.5}, {1, 3.1875, 0.375, 1.125, 3.3125, 0.5}, {0.875, 3.125, 0.375, 1, 3.25, 0.5}, {0.75, 3.0625, 0.375, 0.875, 3.1875, 0.5}, {0.625, 3, 0.375, 0.75, 3.125, 0.5}, {0.5, 2.9375, 0.375, 0.625, 3.0625, 0.5}, {0.375, 2.875, 0.375, 0.5, 3, 0.5}, {0.25, 2.8125, 0.375, 0.375, 2.9375, 0.5}, {0.125, 2.75, 0.375, 0.25, 2.875, 0.5}, {0, 2.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 2.8125, 0.5}, {-0.125, 2.625, 0.375, -1.2666e-007, 2.75, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2.5625, 0.375, -0.125, 2.6875, 0.5}, {-0.375, 2.5, 0.375, -0.25, 2.625, 0.5}, {-0.5, 2.4375, 0.375, -0.375, 2.5625, 0.5}, {1.3125, 3.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 3.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 3.125, 0.375, 1.375, 3.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 3, 0.375, 1.3125, 3.1875, 0.5}, {1.125, 2.875, 0.375, 1.25, 3.0625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 2.75, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.9375, 0.5}, {1, 2.625, 0.375, 1.125, 2.8125, 0.5}, {0.9375, 2.5625, 0.375, 1.0625, 2.6875, 0.5}, {0.875, 2.4375, 0.375, 1, 2.625, 0.5}, {0.8125, 2.3125, 0.375, 0.9375, 2.5, 0.5}, {0.75, 2.1875, 0.375, 0.875, 2.375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 2.0625, 0.375, 0.8125, 2.25, 0.5}, {0.625, 2, 0.375, 0.75, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.875, 0.375, 0.6875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.75, 0.375, 0.625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.5, 0.375, 0.5, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.375, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.125, 1, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.625, 0.375, -3.35276e-008, 0.8125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.5, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.375, 0.375, -0.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.25, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 2.1875, 0.375, -0.25, 2.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 2.0625, 0.375, -0.1875, 2.25, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2, 0.375, -0.125, 2.125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.9375, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, 1.875, 0.375, 0, 2, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 1.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0, 1.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.0625, 1.625, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.25, 0.375, 0.5, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.8125, 1, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.375, 0.875, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.625, 0.375, 1, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.5, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1, 0.4375, 0.375, 1.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.375, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.5, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.3125, 0.375, 1.25, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {1.375, 0, 0.375, 1.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_up_simple_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Up Simple", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_up_simple.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_up_simple.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1.375, 3.375, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.25, 3.3125, 0.375, 1.375, 3.4375, 0.5}, {1.125, 3.25, 0.375, 1.25, 3.375, 0.5}, {1, 3.1875, 0.375, 1.125, 3.3125, 0.5}, {0.875, 3.125, 0.375, 1, 3.25, 0.5}, {0.75, 3.0625, 0.375, 0.875, 3.1875, 0.5}, {0.625, 3, 0.375, 0.75, 3.125, 0.5}, {0.5, 2.9375, 0.375, 0.625, 3.0625, 0.5}, {0.375, 2.875, 0.375, 0.5, 3, 0.5}, {0.25, 2.8125, 0.375, 0.375, 2.9375, 0.5}, {0.125, 2.75, 0.375, 0.25, 2.875, 0.5}, {0, 2.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 2.8125, 0.5}, {-0.125, 2.625, 0.375, -1.2666e-007, 2.75, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2.5625, 0.375, -0.125, 2.6875, 0.5}, {-0.375, 2.5, 0.375, -0.25, 2.625, 0.5}, {-0.5, 2.4375, 0.375, -0.375, 2.5625, 0.5}, {1.3125, 3.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 3.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 3.125, 0.375, 1.375, 3.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 3, 0.375, 1.3125, 3.1875, 0.5}, {1.125, 2.875, 0.375, 1.25, 3.0625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 2.75, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.9375, 0.5}, {1, 2.625, 0.375, 1.125, 2.8125, 0.5}, {0.9375, 2.5625, 0.375, 1.0625, 2.6875, 0.5}, {0.875, 2.4375, 0.375, 1, 2.625, 0.5}, {0.8125, 2.3125, 0.375, 0.9375, 2.5, 0.5}, {0.75, 2.1875, 0.375, 0.875, 2.375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 2.0625, 0.375, 0.8125, 2.25, 0.5}, {0.625, 2, 0.375, 0.75, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.875, 0.375, 0.6875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.75, 0.375, 0.625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.5, 0.375, 0.5, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.375, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.125, 1, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.625, 0.375, -3.35276e-008, 0.8125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.5, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.375, 0.375, -0.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.25, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 2.1875, 0.375, -0.25, 2.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 2.0625, 0.375, -0.1875, 2.25, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2, 0.375, -0.125, 2.125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.9375, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, 1.875, 0.375, 0, 2, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 1.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0, 1.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.0625, 1.625, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.25, 0.375, 0.5, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.8125, 1, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.375, 0.875, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.625, 0.375, 1, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.5, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1, 0.4375, 0.375, 1.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.375, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.5, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.3125, 0.375, 1.25, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {1.375, 0, 0.375, 1.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_down_right_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Down Right Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_down_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_down_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1.375, 2.4375, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5625, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.5, 0.375, 1.375, 2.625, 0.5}, {1.125, 2.5625, 0.375, 1.25, 2.6875, 0.5}, {1, 2.625, 0.375, 1.125, 2.75, 0.5}, {0.875, 2.6875, 0.375, 1, 2.8125, 0.5}, {0.75, 2.75, 0.375, 0.875, 2.875, 0.5}, {0.625, 2.8125, 0.375, 0.75, 2.9375, 0.5}, {0.5, 2.875, 0.375, 0.625, 3, 0.5}, {0.375, 2.9375, 0.375, 0.5, 3.0625, 0.5}, {0.25, 3, 0.375, 0.375, 3.125, 0.5}, {0.125, 3.0625, 0.375, 0.25, 3.1875, 0.5}, {0, 3.125, 0.375, 0.125, 3.25, 0.5}, {-0.125, 3.1875, 0.375, -1.2666e-007, 3.3125, 0.5}, {-0.25, 3.25, 0.375, -0.125, 3.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 3.3125, 0.375, -0.25, 3.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5, 3.375, 0.375, -0.375, 3.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 3.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 3.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 3.125, 0.375, -0.25, 3.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 3, 0.375, -0.1875, 3.1875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2.875, 0.375, -0.125, 3.0625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 2.75, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.9375, 0.5}, {-0.125, 2.625, 0.375, 1.11759e-008, 2.8125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 2.5625, 0.375, 0.0625, 2.6875, 0.5}, {0, 2.4375, 0.375, 0.125, 2.625, 0.5}, {0.0625, 2.3125, 0.375, 0.1875, 2.5, 0.5}, {0.125, 2.1875, 0.375, 0.25, 2.375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 0.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {0.25, 2, 0.375, 0.375, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.875, 0.375, 0.4375, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.75, 0.375, 0.5, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.5, 0.375, 0.625, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.75, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.8125, 0.375, 1, 1, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.875, 0.5}, {1, 0.625, 0.375, 1.125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.25, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.25, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.3125, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_down_left_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Down Left Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_down_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_down_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1.375, 2.4375, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5625, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.5, 0.375, 1.375, 2.625, 0.5}, {1.125, 2.5625, 0.375, 1.25, 2.6875, 0.5}, {1, 2.625, 0.375, 1.125, 2.75, 0.5}, {0.875, 2.6875, 0.375, 1, 2.8125, 0.5}, {0.75, 2.75, 0.375, 0.875, 2.875, 0.5}, {0.625, 2.8125, 0.375, 0.75, 2.9375, 0.5}, {0.5, 2.875, 0.375, 0.625, 3, 0.5}, {0.375, 2.9375, 0.375, 0.5, 3.0625, 0.5}, {0.25, 3, 0.375, 0.375, 3.125, 0.5}, {0.125, 3.0625, 0.375, 0.25, 3.1875, 0.5}, {0, 3.125, 0.375, 0.125, 3.25, 0.5}, {-0.125, 3.1875, 0.375, -1.2666e-007, 3.3125, 0.5}, {-0.25, 3.25, 0.375, -0.125, 3.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 3.3125, 0.375, -0.25, 3.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5, 3.375, 0.375, -0.375, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.3125, 2.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 2.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.1875, 0.375, 1.375, 2.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 1.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {1.125, 2, 0.375, 1.25, 2.125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 1.9375, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {1, 1.875, 0.375, 1.125, 2, 0.5}, {0.9375, 1.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.875, 1.6875, 0.375, 1, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.8125, 1.625, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.25, 0.375, 0.625, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.5, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.3125, 1, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0, 0.625, 0.375, 0.125, 0.75, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.4375, 0.375, 0, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.375, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.3125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0, 0.375, -0.375, 0.125, 0.5}, {1.375, 2.3125, 0.375, 1.5, 2.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_down_mid_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Down Middle", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_down_mid.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_down_mid.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1.375, 2.4375, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5625, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.5, 0.375, 1.375, 2.625, 0.5}, {1.125, 2.5625, 0.375, 1.25, 2.6875, 0.5}, {1, 2.625, 0.375, 1.125, 2.75, 0.5}, {0.875, 2.6875, 0.375, 1, 2.8125, 0.5}, {0.75, 2.75, 0.375, 0.875, 2.875, 0.5}, {0.625, 2.8125, 0.375, 0.75, 2.9375, 0.5}, {0.5, 2.875, 0.375, 0.625, 3, 0.5}, {0.375, 2.9375, 0.375, 0.5, 3.0625, 0.5}, {0.25, 3, 0.375, 0.375, 3.125, 0.5}, {0.125, 3.0625, 0.375, 0.25, 3.1875, 0.5}, {0, 3.125, 0.375, 0.125, 3.25, 0.5}, {-0.125, 3.1875, 0.375, -1.2666e-007, 3.3125, 0.5}, {-0.25, 3.25, 0.375, -0.125, 3.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 3.3125, 0.375, -0.25, 3.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5, 3.375, 0.375, -0.375, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.3125, 2.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 2.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.1875, 0.375, 1.375, 2.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 1.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {1.125, 2, 0.375, 1.25, 2.125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 1.9375, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {1, 1.875, 0.375, 1.125, 2, 0.5}, {0.9375, 1.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.875, 1.6875, 0.375, 1, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.8125, 1.625, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.25, 0.375, 0.625, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.5, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.3125, 1, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0, 0.625, 0.375, 0.125, 0.75, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.4375, 0.375, 0, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.375, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.3125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0, 0.375, -0.375, 0.125, 0.5}, {1.375, 2.3125, 0.375, 1.5, 2.4375, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 3.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 3.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 3.125, 0.375, -0.25, 3.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 3, 0.375, -0.1875, 3.1875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2.875, 0.375, -0.125, 3.0625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 2.75, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.9375, 0.5}, {-0.125, 2.625, 0.375, 1.11759e-008, 2.8125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 2.5625, 0.375, 0.0625, 2.6875, 0.5}, {0, 2.4375, 0.375, 0.125, 2.625, 0.5}, {0.0625, 2.3125, 0.375, 0.1875, 2.5, 0.5}, {0.125, 2.1875, 0.375, 0.25, 2.375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 0.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {0.25, 2, 0.375, 0.375, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.875, 0.375, 0.4375, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.75, 0.375, 0.5, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.5, 0.375, 0.625, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.75, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.8125, 0.375, 1, 1, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.875, 0.5}, {1, 0.625, 0.375, 1.125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.25, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.25, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.3125, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_down_simple_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Down Simple", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_down_simple.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_down_simple.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1.375, 2.4375, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5625, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.5, 0.375, 1.375, 2.625, 0.5}, {1.125, 2.5625, 0.375, 1.25, 2.6875, 0.5}, {1, 2.625, 0.375, 1.125, 2.75, 0.5}, {0.875, 2.6875, 0.375, 1, 2.8125, 0.5}, {0.75, 2.75, 0.375, 0.875, 2.875, 0.5}, {0.625, 2.8125, 0.375, 0.75, 2.9375, 0.5}, {0.5, 2.875, 0.375, 0.625, 3, 0.5}, {0.375, 2.9375, 0.375, 0.5, 3.0625, 0.5}, {0.25, 3, 0.375, 0.375, 3.125, 0.5}, {0.125, 3.0625, 0.375, 0.25, 3.1875, 0.5}, {0, 3.125, 0.375, 0.125, 3.25, 0.5}, {-0.125, 3.1875, 0.375, -1.2666e-007, 3.3125, 0.5}, {-0.25, 3.25, 0.375, -0.125, 3.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 3.3125, 0.375, -0.25, 3.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5, 3.375, 0.375, -0.375, 3.5, 0.5}, {1.3125, 2.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 2.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.1875, 0.375, 1.375, 2.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 1.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {1.125, 2, 0.375, 1.25, 2.125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 1.9375, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {1, 1.875, 0.375, 1.125, 2, 0.5}, {0.9375, 1.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.875, 1.6875, 0.375, 1, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.8125, 1.625, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.25, 0.375, 0.625, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.5, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.3125, 1, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0, 0.625, 0.375, 0.125, 0.75, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.4375, 0.375, 0, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.375, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.3125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0, 0.375, -0.375, 0.125, 0.5}, {1.375, 2.3125, 0.375, 1.5, 2.4375, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 3.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 3.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 3.125, 0.375, -0.25, 3.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 3, 0.375, -0.1875, 3.1875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2.875, 0.375, -0.125, 3.0625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 2.75, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.9375, 0.5}, {-0.125, 2.625, 0.375, 1.11759e-008, 2.8125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 2.5625, 0.375, 0.0625, 2.6875, 0.5}, {0, 2.4375, 0.375, 0.125, 2.625, 0.5}, {0.0625, 2.3125, 0.375, 0.1875, 2.5, 0.5}, {0.125, 2.1875, 0.375, 0.25, 2.375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 0.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {0.25, 2, 0.375, 0.375, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.875, 0.375, 0.4375, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.75, 0.375, 0.5, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.5, 0.375, 0.625, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.75, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.8125, 0.375, 1, 1, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.875, 0.5}, {1, 0.625, 0.375, 1.125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.25, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.25, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.3125, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 3.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_substructure_end_right_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Substructure End Right Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_substructure_end_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_substructure_end_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 1.375, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 1.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 1.4375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 1.25, 0.375, -0.25, 1.375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 1.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 1.3125, 0.5}, {-0.25, 1.125, 0.375, -0.125, 1.25, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.0625, 0.375, -0.0625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 1, 0.375, 0, 1.125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0, 0.875, 0.375, 0.125, 1, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.9375, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.625, 0.375, 0.375, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.5625, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.6875, 0.5}, {0.375, 0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.5}, {0.4375, 0.4375, 0.375, 0.5625, 0.5625, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.375, 0.375, 0.625, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.25, 0.375, 0.75, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.8125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.125, 0.375, 0.875, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {0.875, 0, 0.375, 1, 0.125, 0.5}, {0.9375, -0.0625, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1, -0.125, 0.375, 1.125, 0, 0.5}, {1.0625, -0.1875, 0.375, 1.1875, -0.0625, 0.5}, {1.125, -0.25, 0.375, 1.25, -0.125, 0.5}, {1.1875, -0.3125, 0.375, 1.3125, -0.1875, 0.5}, {1.25, -0.375, 0.375, 1.375, -0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, -0.4375, 0.375, 1.4375, -0.3125, 0.5}, {1.375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, -0.375, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_substructure_end_left_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Substructure End Left Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_substructure_end_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_substructure_end_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 1.375, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {1.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 1.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {1.25, 1.25, 0.375, 1.375, 1.375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 1.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 1.3125, 0.5}, {1.125, 1.125, 0.375, 1.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {1.0625, 1.0625, 0.375, 1.1875, 1.1875, 0.5}, {1, 1, 0.375, 1.125, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.9375, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.875, 0.375, 1, 1, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.9375, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.375, 0.875, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.8125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.625, 0.375, 0.75, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.5625, 0.5625, 0.375, 0.6875, 0.6875, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.5, 0.375, 0.625, 0.625, 0.5}, {0.4375, 0.4375, 0.375, 0.5625, 0.5625, 0.5}, {0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.125, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5}, {0, 0, 0.375, 0.125, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, -0.0625, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, -0.125, 0.375, 0, 0, 0.5}, {-0.1875, -0.1875, 0.375, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.25, -0.25, 0.375, -0.125, -0.125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, -0.3125, 0.375, -0.1875, -0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.375, -0.375, 0.375, -0.25, -0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, -0.4375, 0.375, -0.3125, -0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.375, -0.375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_substructure_right_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Substructure Right Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_substructure_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_substructure_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 1.375, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 1.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 1.4375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 1.25, 0.375, -0.25, 1.375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 1.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 1.3125, 0.5}, {-0.25, 1.125, 0.375, -0.125, 1.25, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.0625, 0.375, -0.0625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 1, 0.375, 0, 1.125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0, 0.875, 0.375, 0.125, 1, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.9375, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.625, 0.375, 0.375, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.5625, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.6875, 0.5}, {0.375, 0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.5}, {0.4375, 0.4375, 0.375, 0.5625, 0.5625, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.375, 0.375, 0.625, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.25, 0.375, 0.75, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.8125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.125, 0.375, 0.875, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {0.875, 0, 0.375, 1, 0.125, 0.5}, {0.9375, -0.0625, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1, -0.125, 0.375, 1.125, 0, 0.5}, {1.0625, -0.1875, 0.375, 1.1875, -0.0625, 0.5}, {1.125, -0.25, 0.375, 1.25, -0.125, 0.5}, {1.1875, -0.3125, 0.375, 1.3125, -0.1875, 0.5}, {1.25, -0.375, 0.375, 1.375, -0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, -0.4375, 0.375, 1.4375, -0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, -0.375, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_substructure_left_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Substructure Left Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_substructure_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_substructure_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 1.375, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {1.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 1.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {1.25, 1.25, 0.375, 1.375, 1.375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 1.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 1.3125, 0.5}, {1.125, 1.125, 0.375, 1.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {1.0625, 1.0625, 0.375, 1.1875, 1.1875, 0.5}, {1, 1, 0.375, 1.125, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.9375, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.875, 0.375, 1, 1, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.9375, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.375, 0.875, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.8125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.625, 0.375, 0.75, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.5625, 0.5625, 0.375, 0.6875, 0.6875, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.5, 0.375, 0.625, 0.625, 0.5}, {0.4375, 0.4375, 0.375, 0.5625, 0.5625, 0.5}, {0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.125, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5}, {0, 0, 0.375, 0.125, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, -0.0625, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, -0.125, 0.375, 0, 0, 0.5}, {-0.1875, -0.1875, 0.375, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.25, -0.25, 0.375, -0.125, -0.125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, -0.3125, 0.375, -0.1875, -0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.375, -0.375, 0.375, -0.25, -0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, -0.4375, 0.375, -0.3125, -0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, -0.375, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.375, -0.375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_substructure_simple_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Substructure Simple", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_substructure_simple.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_substructure_simple.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, -0.375, 0.5}, {-0.5, 1.375, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 1.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 1.4375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 1.25, 0.375, -0.25, 1.375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 1.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 1.3125, 0.5}, {-0.25, 1.125, 0.375, -0.125, 1.25, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.0625, 0.375, -0.0625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 1, 0.375, 0, 1.125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0, 0.875, 0.375, 0.125, 1, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.9375, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.625, 0.375, 0.375, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.5625, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.6875, 0.5}, {0.375, 0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.5}, {0.4375, 0.4375, 0.375, 0.5625, 0.5625, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.375, 0.375, 0.625, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.25, 0.375, 0.75, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.8125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.125, 0.375, 0.875, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {0.875, 0, 0.375, 1, 0.125, 0.5}, {0.9375, -0.0625, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1, -0.125, 0.375, 1.125, 0, 0.5}, {1.0625, -0.1875, 0.375, 1.1875, -0.0625, 0.5}, {1.125, -0.25, 0.375, 1.25, -0.125, 0.5}, {1.1875, -0.3125, 0.375, 1.3125, -0.1875, 0.5}, {1.25, -0.375, 0.375, 1.375, -0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, -0.4375, 0.375, 1.4375, -0.3125, 0.5}, {1.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 1.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {1.25, 1.25, 0.375, 1.375, 1.375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 1.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 1.3125, 0.5}, {1.125, 1.125, 0.375, 1.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {1.0625, 1.0625, 0.375, 1.1875, 1.1875, 0.5}, {1, 1, 0.375, 1.125, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.9375, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.875, 0.375, 1, 1, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.9375, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.375, 0.875, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.8125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.625, 0.375, 0.75, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.5625, 0.5625, 0.375, 0.6875, 0.6875, 0.5}, {0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.625, 0.625, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.125, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5}, {0, 0, 0.375, 0.125, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, -0.0625, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, -0.125, 0.375, 0, 0, 0.5}, {-0.1875, -0.1875, 0.375, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.25, -0.25, 0.375, -0.125, -0.125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, -0.3125, 0.375, -0.1875, -0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.375, -0.375, 0.375, -0.25, -0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, -0.4375, 0.375, -0.3125, -0.3125, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_substructure_mid_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Substructure Middle", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_substructure_mid.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_substructure_mid.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, -0.375, 0.5}, {-0.5, 1.375, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 1.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 1.4375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 1.25, 0.375, -0.25, 1.375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 1.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 1.3125, 0.5}, {-0.25, 1.125, 0.375, -0.125, 1.25, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.0625, 0.375, -0.0625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 1, 0.375, 0, 1.125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0, 0.875, 0.375, 0.125, 1, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.9375, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.625, 0.375, 0.375, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.5625, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.6875, 0.5}, {0.375, 0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.5}, {0.4375, 0.4375, 0.375, 0.5625, 0.5625, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.375, 0.375, 0.625, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.25, 0.375, 0.75, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.8125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.125, 0.375, 0.875, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {0.875, 0, 0.375, 1, 0.125, 0.5}, {0.9375, -0.0625, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1, -0.125, 0.375, 1.125, 0, 0.5}, {1.0625, -0.1875, 0.375, 1.1875, -0.0625, 0.5}, {1.125, -0.25, 0.375, 1.25, -0.125, 0.5}, {1.1875, -0.3125, 0.375, 1.3125, -0.1875, 0.5}, {1.25, -0.375, 0.375, 1.375, -0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, -0.4375, 0.375, 1.4375, -0.3125, 0.5}, {1.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 1.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {1.25, 1.25, 0.375, 1.375, 1.375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 1.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 1.3125, 0.5}, {1.125, 1.125, 0.375, 1.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {1.0625, 1.0625, 0.375, 1.1875, 1.1875, 0.5}, {1, 1, 0.375, 1.125, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.9375, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.875, 0.375, 1, 1, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.9375, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.375, 0.875, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.8125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.625, 0.375, 0.75, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.5625, 0.5625, 0.375, 0.6875, 0.6875, 0.5}, {0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.625, 0.625, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.125, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5}, {0, 0, 0.375, 0.125, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.0625, -0.0625, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, -0.125, 0.375, 0, 0, 0.5}, {-0.1875, -0.1875, 0.375, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.25, -0.25, 0.375, -0.125, -0.125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, -0.3125, 0.375, -0.1875, -0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.375, -0.375, 0.375, -0.25, -0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, -0.4375, 0.375, -0.3125, -0.3125, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:small_upper_chord_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Small Upper Chord", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_small_upper_chord.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_small_upper_chord.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.4375, 0.375, -1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.375, -1.5, 0.5, 0.5, -1.4375}, {-0.5, 0.375, -1.5, -0.4375, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.375, 0.25, -0.3125, 0.5, 0.4375}, {-0.375, 0.375, 0.125, -0.25, 0.5, 0.3125}, {-0.3125, 0.375, 0, -0.1875, 0.5, 0.1875}, {-0.25, 0.375, -0.125, -0.125, 0.5, 0.0625}, {-0.1875, 0.375, -0.25, -0.0625, 0.5, -0.0625}, {-0.4375, 0.375, -1.4375, -0.3125, 0.5, -1.25}, {-0.375, 0.375, -1.3125, -0.25, 0.5, -1.125}, {-0.3125, 0.375, -1.1875, -0.1875, 0.5, -1}, {-0.25, 0.375, -1.0625, -0.125, 0.5, -0.875}, {-0.1875, 0.375, -0.9375, -0.0625, 0.5, -0.75}, {-0.125, 0.375, -0.8125, 0, 0.5, -0.625}, {-0.125, 0.375, -0.375, 0, 0.5, -0.1875}, {0.3125, 0.375, 0.25, 0.4375, 0.5, 0.4375}, {0.25, 0.375, 0.125, 0.375, 0.5, 0.3125}, {0.1875, 0.375, 0, 0.3125, 0.5, 0.1875}, {0.125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.0625}, {0.0625, 0.375, -0.25, 0.1875, 0.5, -0.0625}, {0, 0.375, -0.375, 0.125, 0.5, -0.1875}, {-0.0625, 0.375, -0.625, 0.0625, 0.5, -0.375}, {0.3125, 0.375, -1.4375, 0.4375, 0.5, -1.25}, {0.25, 0.375, -1.3125, 0.375, 0.5, -1.125}, {0.1875, 0.375, -1.1875, 0.3125, 0.5, -1}, {0.125, 0.375, -1.0625, 0.25, 0.5, -0.875}, {0.0625, 0.375, -0.9375, 0.1875, 0.5, -0.75}, {0, 0.375, -0.8125, 0.125, 0.5, -0.625}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 0, -1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:small_upper_chord_slanted_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Small Slanted Upper Chord", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_small_upper_chord_slanted.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_small_upper_chord_slanted.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5625, -1.5, -0.4375, -0.4375, -1.375}, {-0.5, -0.5625, -1.5, 0.5, -0.4375, -1.4375}, {0.4375, -0.5625, -1.5, 0.5, -0.4375, -1.375}, {0.4375, -0.5, -1.375, 0.5, -0.375, -1.25}, {0.4375, -0.4375, -1.25, 0.5, -0.3125, -1.125}, {0.4375, -0.375, -1.125, 0.5, -0.25, -1}, {0.4375, -0.3125, -1, 0.5, -0.1875, -0.875}, {0.4375, -0.25, -0.875, 0.5, -0.125, -0.75}, {0.4375, -0.1875, -0.75, 0.5, -0.0625, -0.625}, {0.4375, -0.125, -0.625, 0.5, -2.23517e-008, -0.5}, {0.4375, -0.0625, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0625, -0.375}, {0.4375, 0, -0.375, 0.5, 0.125, -0.25}, {0.4375, 0.0625, -0.25, 0.5, 0.1875, -0.125}, {0.4375, 0.125, -0.125, 0.5, 0.25, -1.04308e-007}, {0.4375, 0.1875, 0, 0.5, 0.3125, 0.125}, {0.4375, 0.25, 0.125, 0.5, 0.375, 0.25}, {0.4375, 0.3125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.4375, 0.375}, {0.4375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -1.375, -0.4375, -0.375, -1.25}, {-0.5, -0.4375, -1.25, -0.4375, -0.3125, -1.125}, {-0.5, -0.375, -1.125, -0.4375, -0.25, -1}, {-0.5, -0.3125, -1, -0.4375, -0.1875, -0.875}, {-0.5, -0.25, -0.875, -0.4375, -0.125, -0.75}, {-0.5, -0.1875, -0.75, -0.4375, -0.0625, -0.625}, {-0.5, -0.125, -0.625, -0.4375, 1.11759e-008, -0.5}, {-0.5, -0.0625, -0.5, -0.4375, 0.0625, -0.375}, {-0.5, 0, -0.375, -0.4375, 0.125, -0.25}, {-0.5, 0.0625, -0.25, -0.4375, 0.1875, -0.125}, {-0.5, 0.125, -0.125, -0.4375, 0.25, 1.41561e-007}, {-0.5, 0.1875, 0, -0.4375, 0.3125, 0.125}, {-0.5, 0.25, 0.125, -0.4375, 0.375, 0.25}, {-0.5, 0.3125, 0.25, -0.4375, 0.4375, 0.375}, {-0.5, 0.375, 0.375, -0.4375, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, -0.5625, -1.5, -0.3125, -0.4375, -1.375}, {-0.4375, -0.5, -1.375, -0.3125, -0.375, -1.25}, {-0.375, -0.5, -1.3125, -0.25, -0.375, -1.25}, {-0.375, -0.4375, -1.25, -0.25, -0.3125, -1.125}, {-0.3125, -0.4375, -1.1875, -0.1875, -0.3125, -1.125}, {-0.3125, -0.375, -1.125, -0.1875, -0.25, -1}, {-0.25, -0.375, -1.0625, -0.125, -0.25, -1}, {-0.25, -0.3125, -1, -0.125, -0.1875, -0.875}, {-0.1875, -0.3125, -0.9375, -0.0625, -0.1875, -0.875}, {-0.1875, -0.25, -0.875, -0.0624999, -0.125, -0.75}, {-0.125, -0.25, -0.8125, 0.125, -0.125, -0.75}, {-0.125, -0.1875, -0.75, 0.125, -0.0624999, -0.625}, {-0.0625, -0.125, -0.625, 0.0625, 9.31323e-008, -0.5}, {-0.0625, -0.0625, -0.5, 0.0625, 0.0625001, -0.375}, {-0.125, 0, -0.375, 0.125, 0.125, -0.25}, {-0.4375, 0.375, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.5, 0.4375}, {-0.4375, 0.3125, 0.25, -0.3125, 0.4375, 0.375}, {-0.375, 0.25, 0.125, -0.25, 0.375, 0.25}, {-0.375, 0.3125, 0.25, -0.25, 0.4375, 0.3125}, {-0.3125, 0.25, 0.125, -0.1875, 0.375, 0.1875}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, 0, -0.1875, 0.3125, 0.125}, {-0.25, 0.1875, 0, -0.125, 0.3125, 0.0625}, {-0.25, 0.125, -0.125, -0.125, 0.25, 1.30385e-008}, {-0.1875, 0.125, -0.125, -0.0625, 0.25, -0.0625}, {-0.1875, 0.0625, -0.25, -0.0625, 0.1875, -0.125}, {-0.125, 0.0625, -0.25, 0.125, 0.1875, -0.1875}, {0.0625, 0.0625, -0.25, 0.1875, 0.1875, -0.125}, {0.0625, 0.125, -0.125, 0.1875, 0.25, -0.0625}, {0.125, 0.125, -0.125, 0.25, 0.25, 0}, {0.125, 0.1875, 0, 0.25, 0.3125, 0.0625}, {0.1875, 0.1875, 0, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.125}, {0.1875, 0.25, 0.125, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.1875}, {0.25, 0.25, 0.125, 0.375, 0.375, 0.25}, {0.25, 0.3125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.3125}, {0.3125, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.375}, {0.3125, 0.375, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.5, 0.4375}, {0.3125, -0.5625, -1.4375, 0.4375, -0.4375, -1.375}, {0.3125, -0.5, -1.375, 0.4375, -0.375, -1.25}, {0.25, -0.5, -1.3125, 0.375, -0.375, -1.25}, {0.25, -0.4375, -1.25, 0.375, -0.3125, -1.125}, {0.1875, -0.4375, -1.1875, 0.3125, -0.3125, -1.125}, {0.1875, -0.375, -1.125, 0.3125, -0.25, -1}, {0.125, -0.375, -1.0625, 0.25, -0.25, -1}, {0.125, -0.3125, -1, 0.25, -0.1875, -0.875}, {0.0625, -0.3125, -0.9375, 0.1875, -0.1875, -0.875}, {0.0625, -0.25, -0.875, 0.1875, -0.125, -0.75}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:medium_upper_chord_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Medium Upper Chord", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_medium_upper_chord.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_medium_upper_chord.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.5, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, 0.375, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-1.5, 0.375, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5, -1.4375}, {-1.5, 0.375, -1.5, -1.4375, 0.5, 0.5}, {-1.4375, 0.375, 0.3125, -1.3125, 0.5, 0.4375}, {-1.375, 0.375, 0.25, -1.1875, 0.5, 0.375}, {-1.25, 0.375, 0.1875, -1.125, 0.5, 0.3125}, {-1.1875, 0.375, 0.125, -1, 0.5, 0.25}, {-1.0625, 0.375, 0.0625, -0.9375, 0.5, 0.1875}, {-1, 0.375, 0, -0.8125, 0.5, 0.125}, {-0.875, 0.375, -0.0625, -0.75, 0.5, 0.0625}, {-0.8125, 0.375, -0.125, -0.625, 0.5, 0}, {-0.6875, 0.375, -0.1875, -0.5625, 0.5, -0.0625}, {-0.625, 0.375, -0.25, -0.4375, 0.5, -0.125}, {-0.5, 0.375, -0.3125, -0.375, 0.5, -0.1875}, {-0.4375, 0.375, -0.375, -0.25, 0.5, -0.25}, {-0.3125, 0.375, -0.4375, -0.1875, 0.5, -0.3125}, {-0.25, 0.375, -0.5, -0.0625, 0.5, -0.375}, {-0.125, 0.375, -0.5625, 0.125, 0.5, -0.4375}, {1.3125, 0.375, -1.4375, 1.4375, 0.5, -1.3125}, {1.1875, 0.375, -1.375, 1.375, 0.5, -1.25}, {1.125, 0.375, -1.3125, 1.25, 0.5, -1.1875}, {1, 0.375, -1.25, 1.1875, 0.5, -1.125}, {0.9375, 0.375, -1.1875, 1.0625, 0.5, -1.0625}, {0.8125, 0.375, -1.125, 1, 0.5, -1}, {0.75, 0.375, -1.0625, 0.875, 0.5, -0.9375}, {0.625, 0.375, -1, 0.8125, 0.5, -0.875}, {0.5625, 0.375, -0.9375, 0.6875, 0.5, -0.8125}, {0.4375, 0.375, -0.875, 0.625, 0.5, -0.75}, {0.375, 0.375, -0.8125, 0.5, 0.5, -0.6875}, {0.25, 0.375, -0.75, 0.4375, 0.5, -0.625}, {0.1875, 0.375, -0.6875, 0.3125, 0.5, -0.5625}, {0.0625, 0.375, -0.625, 0.25, 0.5, -0.5}, {1.3125, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.4375, 0.5, 0.4375}, {1.1875, 0.375, 0.25, 1.375, 0.5, 0.375}, {1.125, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.25, 0.5, 0.3125}, {1, 0.375, 0.125, 1.1875, 0.5, 0.25}, {0.9375, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.0625, 0.5, 0.1875}, {0.8125, 0.375, 0, 1, 0.5, 0.125}, {0.75, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.875, 0.5, 0.0625}, {0.625, 0.375, -0.125, 0.8125, 0.5, 0}, {0.5625, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.6875, 0.5, -0.0625}, {0.4375, 0.375, -0.25, 0.625, 0.5, -0.125}, {0.375, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.5, 0.5, -0.1875}, {0.25, 0.375, -0.375, 0.4375, 0.5, -0.25}, {0.1875, 0.375, -0.4375, 0.3125, 0.5, -0.3125}, {0.0625, 0.375, -0.5, 0.25, 0.5, -0.375}, {-1.4375, 0.375, -1.4375, -1.3125, 0.5, -1.3125}, {-1.375, 0.375, -1.375, -1.1875, 0.5, -1.25}, {-1.25, 0.375, -1.3125, -1.125, 0.5, -1.1875}, {-1.1875, 0.375, -1.25, -1, 0.5, -1.125}, {-1.0625, 0.375, -1.1875, -0.9375, 0.5, -1.0625}, {-1, 0.375, -1.125, -0.8125, 0.5, -1}, {-0.875, 0.375, -1.0625, -0.75, 0.5, -0.9375}, {-0.8125, 0.375, -1, -0.625, 0.5, -0.875}, {-0.6875, 0.375, -0.9375, -0.5625, 0.5, -0.8125}, {-0.625, 0.375, -0.875, -0.4375, 0.5, -0.75}, {-0.5, 0.375, -0.8125, -0.375, 0.5, -0.6875}, {-0.4375, 0.375, -0.75, -0.25, 0.5, -0.625}, {-0.3125, 0.375, -0.6875, -0.1875, 0.5, -0.5625}, {-0.25, 0.375, -0.625, -0.0625, 0.5, -0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.5, 0, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:medium_upper_chord_slanted_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Medium Slanted Upper Chord", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_medium_upper_chord_slanted.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_medium_upper_chord_slanted.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.5, -0.5625, -1.5, -1.4375, -0.4375, -1.375}, {-1.5, -0.5625, -1.5, 1.5, -0.4375, -1.4375}, {1.4375, -0.5625, -1.5, 1.5, -0.4375, -1.375}, {1.4375, -0.5, -1.375, 1.5, -0.375, -1.25}, {1.4375, -0.4375, -1.25, 1.5, -0.3125, -1.125}, {1.4375, -0.375, -1.125, 1.5, -0.25, -1}, {1.4375, -0.3125, -1, 1.5, -0.1875, -0.875}, {1.4375, -0.25, -0.875, 1.5, -0.125, -0.75}, {1.4375, -0.1875, -0.75, 1.5, -0.0625, -0.625}, {1.4375, -0.125, -0.625, 1.5, -2.23517e-008, -0.5}, {1.4375, -0.0625, -0.5, 1.5, 0.0625, -0.375}, {1.4375, 0, -0.375, 1.5, 0.125, -0.25}, {1.4375, 0.0625, -0.25, 1.5, 0.1875, -0.125}, {1.4375, 0.125, -0.125, 1.5, 0.25, -9.68575e-008}, {1.4375, 0.1875, 0, 1.5, 0.3125, 0.125}, {1.4375, 0.25, 0.125, 1.5, 0.375, 0.25}, {1.4375, 0.3125, 0.25, 1.5, 0.4375, 0.375}, {1.4375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-1.5, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-1.5, -0.5, -1.375, -1.4375, -0.375, -1.25}, {-1.5, -0.4375, -1.25, -1.4375, -0.3125, -1.125}, {-1.5, -0.375, -1.125, -1.4375, -0.25, -1}, {-1.5, -0.3125, -1, -1.4375, -0.1875, -0.875}, {-1.5, -0.25, -0.875, -1.4375, -0.125, -0.75}, {-1.5, -0.1875, -0.75, -1.4375, -0.0625, -0.625}, {-1.5, -0.125, -0.625, -1.4375, 1.11759e-008, -0.5}, {-1.5, -0.0625, -0.5, -1.4375, 0.0625, -0.375}, {-1.5, 0, -0.375, -1.4375, 0.125, -0.25}, {-1.5, 0.0625, -0.25, -1.4375, 0.1875, -0.125}, {-1.5, 0.125, -0.125, -1.4375, 0.25, 1.49012e-007}, {-1.5, 0.1875, 0, -1.4375, 0.3125, 0.125}, {-1.5, 0.25, 0.125, -1.4375, 0.375, 0.25}, {-1.5, 0.3125, 0.25, -1.4375, 0.4375, 0.375}, {-1.5, 0.375, 0.375, -1.4375, 0.5, 0.5}, {-1.4375, -0.5625, -1.4375, -1.3125, -0.4375, -1.375}, {-1.4375, -0.5, -1.375, -1.1875, -0.375, -1.3125}, {-1.375, -0.5, -1.3125, -1.125, -0.375, -1.25}, {-1.25, -0.4375, -1.25, -1, -0.3125, -1.1875}, {-1.1875, -0.4375, -1.1875, -0.9375, -0.3125, -1.125}, {-1.0625, -0.375, -1.125, -0.8125, -0.25, -1.0625}, {-1, -0.375, -1.0625, -0.75, -0.25, -1}, {-0.875, -0.3125, -1, -0.625, -0.1875, -0.9375}, {-0.8125, -0.3125, -0.9375, -0.5625, -0.1875, -0.875}, {-0.6875, -0.25, -0.875, -0.4375, -0.125, -0.8125}, {-0.625, -0.25, -0.8125, -0.375, -0.125, -0.75}, {-0.5, -0.1875, -0.75, -0.25, -0.0625, -0.6875}, {-0.4375, -0.1875, -0.6875, -0.1875, -0.0625, -0.625}, {-0.3125, -0.125, -0.625, -0.0625, 3.35276e-008, -0.5625}, {-0.25, -0.125, -0.5625, 0.25, 3.35276e-008, -0.5}, {-0.25, -0.0625, -0.5, 0.25, 0.0625, -0.4375}, {-0.3125, -0.0625, -0.4375, -0.0625, 0.0625, -0.375}, {-0.4375, 0, -0.375, -0.1875, 0.125, -0.3125}, {-0.5, 0, -0.3125, -0.25, 0.125, -0.25}, {-0.625, 0.0625, -0.25, -0.375, 0.1875, -0.1875}, {-0.6875, 0.0625, -0.1875, -0.4375, 0.1875, -0.125}, {-0.8125, 0.125, -0.125, -0.5625, 0.25, -0.0625001}, {-0.875, 0.125, -0.0625, -0.625, 0.25, -9.87202e-008}, {-1, 0.1875, 0, -0.75, 0.3125, 0.0624999}, {-1.0625, 0.1875, 0.0625, -0.8125, 0.3125, 0.125}, {-1.1875, 0.25, 0.125, -0.9375, 0.375, 0.1875}, {-1.25, 0.25, 0.1875, -1, 0.375, 0.25}, {-1.375, 0.3125, 0.25, -1.125, 0.4375, 0.3125}, {-1.4375, 0.3125, 0.3125, -1.1875, 0.4375, 0.375}, {-1.4375, 0.375, 0.375, -1.3125, 0.5, 0.4375}, {1.3125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.5, 0.4375}, {1.1875, 0.3125, 0.3125, 1.4375, 0.4375, 0.375}, {1.125, 0.3125, 0.25, 1.375, 0.4375, 0.3125}, {1, 0.25, 0.1875, 1.25, 0.375, 0.25}, {0.9375, 0.25, 0.125, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.1875}, {0.8125, 0.1875, 0.0625, 1.0625, 0.3125, 0.125}, {0.75, 0.1875, 0, 1, 0.3125, 0.0624999}, {0.625, 0.125, -0.0625, 0.875, 0.25, -1.2666e-007}, {0.5625, 0.125, -0.125, 0.8125, 0.25, -0.0625001}, {0.4375, 0.0625, -0.1875, 0.6875, 0.1875, -0.125}, {0.375, 0.0625, -0.25, 0.625, 0.1875, -0.1875}, {0.25, 0, -0.3125, 0.5, 0.125, -0.25}, {0.1875, 0, -0.375, 0.4375, 0.125, -0.3125}, {0.0625, -0.0625, -0.4375, 0.3125, 0.0625, -0.375}, {0.0625, -0.125, -0.625, 0.3125, 3.72529e-009, -0.5625}, {0.1875, -0.1875, -0.6875, 0.4375, -0.0625, -0.625}, {0.25, -0.1875, -0.75, 0.5, -0.0625, -0.6875}, {0.375, -0.25, -0.8125, 0.625, -0.125, -0.75}, {0.4375, -0.25, -0.875, 0.6875, -0.125, -0.8125}, {0.5625, -0.3125, -0.9375, 0.8125, -0.1875, -0.875}, {0.625, -0.3125, -1, 0.875, -0.1875, -0.9375}, {0.75, -0.375, -1.0625, 1, -0.25, -1}, {0.8125, -0.375, -1.125, 1.0625, -0.25, -1.0625}, {0.9375, -0.4375, -1.1875, 1.1875, -0.3125, -1.125}, {1, -0.4375, -1.25, 1.25, -0.3125, -1.1875}, {1.125, -0.5, -1.3125, 1.375, -0.375, -1.25}, {1.1875, -0.5, -1.375, 1.4375, -0.375, -1.3125}, {1.3125, -0.5625, -1.4375, 1.4375, -0.4375, -1.375}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.5, -0.5, -1.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:large_upper_chord_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Large Upper Chord", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_large_upper_chord.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_large_upper_chord.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-2.5, 0.375, 0.4375, 2.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {2.4375, 0.375, -1.5, 2.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-2.5, 0.375, -1.5, 2.5, 0.5, -1.4375}, {-2.5, 0.375, -1.5, -2.4375, 0.5, 0.5}, {-2.4375, 0.375, 0.3125, -2.1875, 0.5, 0.4375}, {-2.3125, 0.375, 0.25, -2, 0.5, 0.375}, {-2.125, 0.375, 0.1875, -1.875, 0.5, 0.3125}, {-2, 0.375, 0.125, -1.6875, 0.5, 0.25}, {-1.875, 0.375, 0.0625, -1.5, 0.5, 0.1875}, {-1.625, 0.375, 0, -1.375, 0.5, 0.125}, {-1.5, 0.375, -0.0625, -1.1875, 0.5, 0.0625}, {-1.3125, 0.375, -0.125, -1, 0.5, 0}, {-1.125, 0.375, -0.1875, -0.875, 0.5, -0.0625}, {-1, 0.375, -0.25, -0.6875, 0.5, -0.125}, {-0.8125, 0.375, -0.3125, -0.5, 0.5, -0.1875}, {-0.625, 0.375, -0.375, -0.375, 0.5, -0.25}, {-0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, -0.1875, 0.5, -0.3125}, {2.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 2.4375, 0.5, 0.4375}, {2, 0.375, 0.25, 2.3125, 0.5, 0.375}, {1.875, 0.375, 0.1875, 2.125, 0.5, 0.3125}, {1.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 2, 0.5, 0.25}, {1.5, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.8125, 0.5, 0.1875}, {1.1875, 0.375, -0.0625, 1.5, 0.5, 0.0625}, {1.375, 0.375, 0, 1.625, 0.5, 0.125}, {1, 0.375, -0.125, 1.3125, 0.5, 0}, {0.875, 0.375, -0.1875, 1.125, 0.5, -0.0625}, {0.6875, 0.375, -0.25, 1, 0.5, -0.125}, {0.5, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.8125, 0.5, -0.1875}, {0.375, 0.375, -0.375, 0.625, 0.5, -0.25}, {0.1875, 0.375, -0.4375, 0.5, 0.5, -0.3125}, {-0.375, 0.375, -0.625, 0.3125, 0.5, -0.375}, {2.1875, 0.375, -1.4375, 2.4375, 0.5, -1.3125}, {2, 0.375, -1.375, 2.3125, 0.5, -1.25}, {1.875, 0.375, -1.3125, 2.125, 0.5, -1.1875}, {1.6875, 0.375, -1.25, 2, 0.5, -1.125}, {1.5, 0.375, -1.1875, 1.8125, 0.5, -1.0625}, {1.375, 0.375, -1.125, 1.625, 0.5, -1}, {1.1875, 0.375, -1.0625, 1.5, 0.5, -0.9375}, {1, 0.375, -1, 1.3125, 0.5, -0.875}, {0.875, 0.375, -0.9375, 1.125, 0.5, -0.8125}, {0.6875, 0.375, -0.875, 1, 0.5, -0.75}, {0.5, 0.375, -0.8125, 0.8125, 0.5, -0.6875}, {0.375, 0.375, -0.75, 0.625, 0.5, -0.625}, {0.1875, 0.375, -0.6875, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5625}, {-2.4375, 0.375, -1.4375, -2.1875, 0.5, -1.3125}, {-2.3125, 0.375, -1.375, -2, 0.5, -1.25}, {-2.125, 0.375, -1.3125, -1.875, 0.5, -1.1875}, {-2, 0.375, -1.25, -1.6875, 0.5, -1.125}, {-1.8125, 0.375, -1.1875, -1.5, 0.5, -1.0625}, {-1.625, 0.375, -1.125, -1.375, 0.5, -1}, {-1.5, 0.375, -1.0625, -1.1875, 0.5, -0.9375}, {-1.3125, 0.375, -1, -1, 0.5, -0.875}, {-1.125, 0.375, -0.9375, -0.875, 0.5, -0.8125}, {-1, 0.375, -0.875, -0.6875, 0.5, -0.75}, {-0.8125, 0.375, -0.8125, -0.5, 0.5, -0.6875}, {-0.625, 0.375, -0.75, -0.375, 0.5, -0.625}, {-0.5, 0.375, -0.6875, -0.1875, 0.5, -0.5625}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-2.5, 0, -1.5, 2.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:large_upper_chord_slanted_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Large Slanted Upper Chord", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_large_upper_chord_slanted.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_large_upper_chord_slanted.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-2.5, -0.5625, -1.5, -2.4375, -0.4375, -1.375}, {-2.5, -0.5625, -1.5, 2.5, -0.4375, -1.4375}, {2.4375, -0.5625, -1.5, 2.5, -0.4375, -1.375}, {2.4375, -0.5, -1.375, 2.5, -0.375, -1.25}, {2.4375, -0.4375, -1.25, 2.5, -0.3125, -1.125}, {2.4375, -0.375, -1.125, 2.5, -0.25, -1}, {2.4375, -0.3125, -1, 2.5, -0.1875, -0.875}, {2.4375, -0.25, -0.875, 2.5, -0.125, -0.75}, {2.4375, -0.1875, -0.75, 2.5, -0.0625, -0.625}, {2.4375, -0.125, -0.625, 2.5, -2.23517e-008, -0.5}, {2.4375, -0.0625, -0.5, 2.5, 0.0625, -0.375}, {2.4375, 0, -0.375, 2.5, 0.125, -0.25}, {2.4375, 0.0625, -0.25, 2.5, 0.1875, -0.125}, {2.4375, 0.125, -0.125, 2.5, 0.25, -9.68575e-008}, {2.4375, 0.1875, 0, 2.5, 0.3125, 0.125}, {2.4375, 0.25, 0.125, 2.5, 0.375, 0.25}, {2.4375, 0.3125, 0.25, 2.5, 0.4375, 0.375}, {2.4375, 0.375, 0.375, 2.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-2.5, 0.375, 0.4375, 2.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-2.5, -0.5, -1.375, -2.4375, -0.375, -1.25}, {-2.5, -0.4375, -1.25, -2.4375, -0.3125, -1.125}, {-2.5, -0.375, -1.125, -2.4375, -0.25, -1}, {-2.5, -0.3125, -1, -2.4375, -0.1875, -0.875}, {-2.5, -0.25, -0.875, -2.4375, -0.125, -0.75}, {-2.5, -0.1875, -0.75, -2.4375, -0.0625, -0.625}, {-2.5, -0.125, -0.625, -2.4375, 1.11759e-008, -0.5}, {-2.5, -0.0625, -0.5, -2.4375, 0.0625, -0.375}, {-2.5, 0, -0.375, -2.4375, 0.125, -0.25}, {-2.5, 0.0625, -0.25, -2.4375, 0.1875, -0.125}, {-2.5, 0.125, -0.125, -2.4375, 0.25, 1.67638e-007}, {-2.5, 0.1875, 0, -2.4375, 0.3125, 0.125}, {-2.5, 0.25, 0.125, -2.4375, 0.375, 0.25}, {-2.5, 0.3125, 0.25, -2.4375, 0.4375, 0.375}, {-2.5, 0.375, 0.375, -2.4375, 0.5, 0.5}, {-2.4375, -0.5625, -1.4375, -2.1875, -0.4375, -1.375}, {-2.4375, -0.5625, -1.375, -2, -0.4375, -1.3125}, {-2.3125, -0.5625, -1.3125, -1.875, -0.4375, -1.25}, {-2.125, -0.4375, -1.25, -1.6875, -0.3125, -1.1875}, {-2, -0.4375, -1.1875, -1.5625, -0.3125, -1.125}, {-1.8125, -0.375, -1.125, -1.375, -0.25, -1.0625}, {-1.6875, -0.375, -1.0625, -1.25, -0.25, -1}, {-1.5, -0.3125, -1, -1.0625, -0.1875, -0.9375}, {-1.375, -0.3125, -0.9375, -0.937501, -0.1875, -0.875}, {-1.1875, -0.25, -0.875, -0.750001, -0.125, -0.8125}, {-1.0625, -0.25, -0.8125, -0.625001, -0.125, -0.75}, {-0.875, -0.1875, -0.75, -0.437501, -0.0624999, -0.6875}, {-0.75, -0.1875, -0.6875, -0.312501, -0.0624999, -0.625}, {-0.5625, -0.125, -0.625, -0.125001, 1.60187e-007, -0.5625}, {-0.4375, -0.125, -0.5625, 0.4375, 1.56462e-007, -0.5}, {-0.4375, -0.0625, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.0625001, -0.4375}, {-0.5625, -0.0625, -0.4375, -0.125, 0.0625001, -0.375}, {-0.75, 0, -0.375, -0.3125, 0.125, -0.3125}, {-0.875, 0, -0.3125, -0.4375, 0.125, -0.25}, {-1.0625, 0.0625, -0.25, -0.625, 0.1875, -0.1875}, {-1.1875, 0.0625, -0.1875, -0.75, 0.1875, -0.125}, {-1.375, 0.125, -0.125, -0.9375, 0.25, -0.0625001}, {-1.5, 0.125, -0.0625, -1.0625, 0.25, -7.07805e-008}, {-1.6875, 0.1875, 0, -1.25, 0.3125, 0.0624999}, {-1.8125, 0.1875, 0.0625, -1.375, 0.3125, 0.125}, {-2, 0.25, 0.125, -1.5625, 0.375, 0.1875}, {-2.125, 0.25, 0.1875, -1.6875, 0.375, 0.25}, {-2.3125, 0.3125, 0.25, -1.875, 0.4375, 0.3125}, {-2.4375, 0.3125, 0.3125, -2, 0.4375, 0.375}, {-2.4375, 0.375, 0.375, -2.1875, 0.5, 0.4375}, {2.1875, 0.375, 0.375, 2.4375, 0.5, 0.4375}, {2, 0.3125, 0.3125, 2.4375, 0.4375, 0.375}, {1.875, 0.3125, 0.25, 2.3125, 0.4375, 0.3125}, {1.6875, 0.25, 0.1875, 2.125, 0.375, 0.25}, {1.5625, 0.25, 0.125, 2, 0.375, 0.1875}, {1.375, 0.1875, 0.0625, 1.8125, 0.3125, 0.125}, {1.25, 0.1875, 0, 1.6875, 0.3125, 0.0624999}, {1.0625, 0.125, -0.0625, 1.5, 0.25, -6.70552e-008}, {0.9375, 0.125, -0.125, 1.375, 0.25, -0.0625001}, {0.75, 0.0625, -0.1875, 1.1875, 0.1875, -0.125}, {0.625, 0.0625, -0.25, 1.0625, 0.1875, -0.1875}, {0.4375, 0, -0.3125, 0.875, 0.125, -0.25}, {0.3125, 0, -0.375, 0.75, 0.125, -0.3125}, {0.125, 0, -0.4375, 0.5625, 0.125, -0.375}, {0.125, -0.125, -0.625, 0.5625, 1.22935e-007, -0.5625}, {0.3125, -0.1875, -0.6875, 0.75, -0.0624999, -0.625}, {0.4375, -0.1875, -0.75, 0.875, -0.0624999, -0.6875}, {0.625, -0.25, -0.8125, 1.0625, -0.125, -0.75}, {0.75, -0.25, -0.875, 1.1875, -0.125, -0.8125}, {0.9375, -0.3125, -0.9375, 1.375, -0.1875, -0.875}, {1.0625, -0.3125, -1, 1.5, -0.1875, -0.9375}, {1.25, -0.375, -1.0625, 1.6875, -0.25, -1}, {1.375, -0.375, -1.125, 1.8125, -0.25, -1.0625}, {1.5625, -0.4375, -1.1875, 2, -0.3125, -1.125}, {1.6875, -0.4375, -1.25, 2.125, -0.3125, -1.1875}, {1.875, -0.5, -1.3125, 2.3125, -0.375, -1.25}, {2, -0.5, -1.375, 2.4375, -0.375, -1.3125}, {2.1875, -0.5625, -1.4375, 2.4375, -0.4375, -1.375}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-2.5, -0.5, -1.5, 2.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:small_support_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Small Support", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_small_support.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_small_support.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {0.375, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.375}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.375, 0.5, -0.375}, {-0.4375, -0.4375, -0.5, -0.3125, -0.3125, -0.375}, {-0.375, -0.375, -0.5, -0.25, -0.25, -0.375}, {-0.3125, -0.3125, -0.5, -0.1875, -0.1875, -0.375}, {-0.25, -0.25, -0.5, -0.125, -0.125, -0.375}, {-0.1875, -0.1875, -0.5, -0.0625, -0.0625, -0.375}, {-0.125, -0.125, -0.5, 0.125, 0.125, -0.375}, {0.0625, 0.0625, -0.5, 0.1875, 0.1875, -0.375}, {0.125, 0.125, -0.5, 0.25, 0.25, -0.375}, {0.1875, 0.1875, -0.5, 0.3125, 0.3125, -0.375}, {0.25, 0.25, -0.5, 0.375, 0.375, -0.375}, {0.3125, 0.3125, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.4375, -0.375}, {-0.4375, 0.3125, -0.5, -0.3125, 0.4375, -0.375}, {-0.375, 0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.375, -0.375}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.3125, -0.375}, {-0.25, 0.125, -0.5, -0.125, 0.25, -0.375}, {-0.1875, 0.0625, -0.5, -0.0625, 0.1875, -0.375}, {0.0625, -0.1875, -0.5, 0.1875, -0.0625, -0.375}, {0.125, -0.25, -0.5, 0.25, -0.125, -0.375}, {0.1875, -0.3125, -0.5, 0.3125, -0.1875, -0.375}, {0.25, -0.375, -0.5, 0.375, -0.25, -0.375}, {0.3125, -0.4375, -0.5, 0.4375, -0.3125, -0.375}, {-0.5, -0.4375, 0.3125, -0.375, -0.3125, 0.4375}, {-0.5, -0.375, 0.25, -0.375, -0.25, 0.375}, {-0.5, -0.3125, 0.1875, -0.375, -0.1875, 0.3125}, {-0.5, -0.25, 0.125, -0.375, -0.125, 0.25}, {-0.5, -0.1875, 0.0625, -0.375, -0.0625, 0.1875}, {-0.5, -0.125, -0.125, -0.375, 0.125, 0.125}, {-0.5, 0.0625, -0.1875, -0.375, 0.1875, -0.0625}, {-0.5, 0.125, -0.25, -0.375, 0.25, -0.125}, {-0.5, 0.1875, -0.3125, -0.375, 0.3125, -0.1875}, {-0.5, 0.25, -0.375, -0.375, 0.375, -0.25}, {-0.5, 0.3125, -0.4375, -0.375, 0.4375, -0.3125}, {-0.5, 0.3125, 0.3125, -0.375, 0.4375, 0.4375}, {-0.5, 0.25, 0.25, -0.375, 0.375, 0.375}, {-0.5, 0.1875, 0.1875, -0.375, 0.3125, 0.3125}, {-0.5, 0.125, 0.125, -0.375, 0.25, 0.25}, {-0.5, 0.0625, 0.0625, -0.375, 0.1875, 0.1875}, {-0.5, -0.1875, -0.1875, -0.375, -0.0625, -0.0625}, {-0.5, -0.25, -0.25, -0.375, -0.125, -0.125}, {-0.5, -0.3125, -0.3125, -0.375, -0.1875, -0.1875}, {-0.5, -0.375, -0.375, -0.375, -0.25, -0.25}, {-0.5, -0.4375, -0.4375, -0.375, -0.3125, -0.3125}, {0.3125, -0.4375, 0.375, 0.4375, -0.3125, 0.5}, {0.25, -0.375, 0.375, 0.375, -0.25, 0.5}, {0.1875, -0.3125, 0.375, 0.3125, -0.1875, 0.5}, {0.125, -0.25, 0.375, 0.25, -0.125, 0.5}, {0.0625, -0.1875, 0.375, 0.1875, -0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, -0.125, 0.375, 0.125, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.25, 0.375, -0.25, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.125, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.1875, -0.1875, 0.375, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.25, -0.25, 0.375, -0.125, -0.125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, -0.3125, 0.375, -0.1875, -0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.375, -0.375, 0.375, -0.25, -0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, -0.4375, 0.375, -0.3125, -0.3125, 0.5}, {0.375, -0.4375, -0.4375, 0.5, -0.3125, -0.3125}, {0.375, -0.375, -0.375, 0.5, -0.25, -0.25}, {0.375, -0.3125, -0.3125, 0.5, -0.1875, -0.1875}, {0.375, -0.25, -0.25, 0.5, -0.125, -0.125}, {0.375, -0.1875, -0.1875, 0.5, -0.0625, -0.0625}, {0.375, -0.125, -0.125, 0.5, 0.125, 0.125}, {0.375, 0.0625, 0.0625, 0.5, 0.1875, 0.1875}, {0.375, 0.125, 0.125, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25}, {0.375, 0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5, 0.3125, 0.3125}, {0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.375, 0.375}, {0.375, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.5, 0.4375, 0.4375}, {0.375, 0.3125, -0.4375, 0.5, 0.4375, -0.3125}, {0.375, 0.25, -0.375, 0.5, 0.375, -0.25}, {0.375, 0.1875, -0.3125, 0.5, 0.3125, -0.1875}, {0.375, 0.125, -0.25, 0.5, 0.25, -0.125}, {0.375, 0.0625, -0.1875, 0.5, 0.1875, -0.0625}, {0.375, -0.1875, 0.0625, 0.5, -0.0625, 0.1875}, {0.375, -0.25, 0.125, 0.5, -0.125, 0.25}, {0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5, -0.1875, 0.3125}, {0.375, -0.375, 0.25, 0.5, -0.25, 0.375}, {0.375, -0.4375, 0.3125, 0.5, -0.3125, 0.4375}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.375, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.375, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:small_support_top_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Small Support Top", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_small_support_top.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_small_support_top.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {0.375, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, -0.375}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.375, 1.5, -0.375}, {0.3125, -0.4375, -0.5, 0.4375, -0.3125, -0.375}, {0.25, -0.375, -0.5, 0.375, -0.25, -0.375}, {0.1875, -0.3125, -0.5, 0.3125, -0.1875, -0.375}, {0.125, -0.25, -0.5, 0.25, -0.125, -0.375}, {0.0625, -0.1875, -0.5, 0.1875, -0.0625, -0.375}, {-0.125, -0.125, -0.5, 0.125, 0.125, -0.375}, {-0.1875, -0.1875, -0.5, -0.0625, -0.0625, -0.375}, {-0.25, -0.25, -0.5, -0.125, -0.125, -0.375}, {-0.3125, -0.3125, -0.5, -0.1875, -0.1875, -0.375}, {-0.375, -0.375, -0.5, -0.25, -0.25, -0.375}, {-0.4375, -0.4375, -0.5, -0.3125, -0.3125, -0.375}, {0.0625, 0.0625, -0.5, 0.1875, 0.1875, -0.375}, {0.125, 0.125, -0.5, 0.25, 0.25, -0.375}, {0.1875, 0.1875, -0.5, 0.3125, 0.3125, -0.375}, {0.25, 0.25, -0.5, 0.375, 0.375, -0.375}, {0.3125, 0.3125, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.4375, -0.375}, {-0.1875, 0.0625, -0.5, -0.0625, 0.1875, -0.375}, {-0.25, 0.125, -0.5, -0.125, 0.25, -0.375}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.3125, -0.375}, {-0.375, 0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.375, -0.375}, {-0.4375, 0.3125, -0.5, -0.3125, 0.4375, -0.375}, {-0.4375, 0.5625, -0.5, -0.3125, 0.6875, -0.375}, {-0.375, 0.625, -0.5, -0.25, 0.75, -0.375}, {-0.3125, 0.6875, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.8125, -0.375}, {-0.25, 0.75, -0.5, -0.125, 0.875, -0.375}, {-0.1875, 0.8125, -0.5, -0.0625001, 0.9375, -0.375}, {0.3125, 0.5625, -0.5, 0.4375, 0.6875, -0.375}, {0.25, 0.625, -0.5, 0.375, 0.75, -0.375}, {0.1875, 0.6875, -0.5, 0.3125, 0.8125, -0.375}, {0.125, 0.75, -0.5, 0.25, 0.875, -0.375}, {0.0625, 0.8125, -0.5, 0.1875, 0.9375, -0.375}, {-0.125, 0.875, -0.5, 0.125, 1.125, -0.375}, {0.0625, 1.0625, -0.5, 0.1875, 1.1875, -0.375}, {0.125, 1.125, -0.5, 0.25, 1.25, -0.375}, {0.1875, 1.1875, -0.5, 0.3125, 1.3125, -0.375}, {0.25, 1.25, -0.5, 0.375, 1.375, -0.375}, {0.3125, 1.3125, -0.5, 0.4375, 1.4375, -0.375}, {-0.1875, 1.0625, -0.5, -0.0625, 1.1875, -0.375}, {-0.25, 1.125, -0.5, -0.125, 1.25, -0.375}, {-0.3125, 1.1875, -0.5, -0.1875, 1.3125, -0.375}, {-0.375, 1.25, -0.5, -0.25, 1.375, -0.375}, {-0.4375, 1.3125, -0.5, -0.3125, 1.4375, -0.375}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.375, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.375, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, -0.4375, 0.375, -0.3125, -0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.375, -0.375, 0.375, -0.25, -0.25, 0.5}, {-0.3125, -0.3125, 0.375, -0.1875, -0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.25, -0.25, 0.375, -0.125, -0.125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, -0.1875, 0.375, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, -0.125, 0.375, 0.125, 0.125, 0.5}, {0.0625, -0.1875, 0.375, 0.1875, -0.0625, 0.5}, {0.125, -0.25, 0.375, 0.25, -0.125, 0.5}, {0.1875, -0.3125, 0.375, 0.3125, -0.1875, 0.5}, {0.25, -0.375, 0.375, 0.375, -0.25, 0.5}, {0.3125, -0.4375, 0.375, 0.4375, -0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.25, 0.375, -0.25, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.125, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.25, 0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.5625, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.6875, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.625, 0.375, 0.375, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.0625001, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.9375, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.5625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.625, 0.375, -0.25, 0.75, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.6875, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.8125, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.75, 0.375, -0.125, 0.875, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.8125, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.9375, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.875, 0.375, 0.125, 1.125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.0625, 0.375, -0.0625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {-0.25, 1.125, 0.375, -0.125, 1.25, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 1.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 1.3125, 0.5}, {-0.375, 1.25, 0.375, -0.25, 1.375, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 1.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.0625, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.125, 0.375, 0.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.25, 0.375, 0.375, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.375, -0.4375, 0.3125, 0.5, -0.3125, 0.4375}, {0.375, -0.375, 0.25, 0.5, -0.25, 0.375}, {0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5, -0.1875, 0.3125}, {0.375, -0.25, 0.125, 0.5, -0.125, 0.25}, {0.375, -0.1875, 0.0625, 0.5, -0.0625, 0.1875}, {0.375, -0.125, -0.125, 0.5, 0.125, 0.125}, {0.375, -0.1875, -0.1875, 0.5, -0.0625, -0.0625}, {0.375, -0.25, -0.25, 0.5, -0.125, -0.125}, {0.375, -0.3125, -0.3125, 0.5, -0.1875, -0.1875}, {0.375, -0.375, -0.375, 0.5, -0.25, -0.25}, {0.375, -0.4375, -0.4375, 0.5, -0.3125, -0.3125}, {0.375, 0.0625, 0.0625, 0.5, 0.1875, 0.1875}, {0.375, 0.125, 0.125, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25}, {0.375, 0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5, 0.3125, 0.3125}, {0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.375, 0.375}, {0.375, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.5, 0.4375, 0.4375}, {0.375, 0.0625, -0.1875, 0.5, 0.1875, -0.0625}, {0.375, 0.125, -0.25, 0.5, 0.25, -0.125}, {0.375, 0.1875, -0.3125, 0.5, 0.3125, -0.1875}, {0.375, 0.25, -0.375, 0.5, 0.375, -0.25}, {0.375, 0.3125, -0.4375, 0.5, 0.4375, -0.3125}, {0.375, 0.5625, -0.4375, 0.5, 0.6875, -0.3125}, {0.375, 0.625, -0.375, 0.5, 0.75, -0.25}, {0.375, 0.6875, -0.3125, 0.5, 0.8125, -0.1875}, {0.375, 0.75, -0.25, 0.5, 0.875, -0.125}, {0.375, 0.8125, -0.1875, 0.5, 0.9375, -0.0625001}, {0.375, 0.5625, 0.3125, 0.5, 0.6875, 0.4375}, {0.375, 0.625, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.375}, {0.375, 0.6875, 0.1875, 0.5, 0.8125, 0.3125}, {0.375, 0.75, 0.125, 0.5, 0.875, 0.25}, {0.375, 0.8125, 0.0625, 0.5, 0.9375, 0.1875}, {0.375, 0.875, -0.125, 0.5, 1.125, 0.125}, {0.375, 1.0625, 0.0625, 0.5, 1.1875, 0.1875}, {0.375, 1.125, 0.125, 0.5, 1.25, 0.25}, {0.375, 1.1875, 0.1875, 0.5, 1.3125, 0.3125}, {0.375, 1.25, 0.25, 0.5, 1.375, 0.375}, {0.375, 1.3125, 0.3125, 0.5, 1.4375, 0.4375}, {0.375, 1.0625, -0.1875, 0.5, 1.1875, -0.0625}, {0.375, 1.125, -0.25, 0.5, 1.25, -0.125}, {0.375, 1.1875, -0.3125, 0.5, 1.3125, -0.1875}, {0.375, 1.25, -0.375, 0.5, 1.375, -0.25}, {0.375, 1.3125, -0.4375, 0.5, 1.4375, -0.3125}, {-0.5, -0.4375, -0.4375, -0.375, -0.3125, -0.3125}, {-0.5, -0.375, -0.375, -0.375, -0.25, -0.25}, {-0.5, -0.3125, -0.3125, -0.375, -0.1875, -0.1875}, {-0.5, -0.25, -0.25, -0.375, -0.125, -0.125}, {-0.5, -0.1875, -0.1875, -0.375, -0.0625, -0.0625}, {-0.5, -0.125, -0.125, -0.375, 0.125, 0.125}, {-0.5, -0.1875, 0.0625, -0.375, -0.0625, 0.1875}, {-0.5, -0.25, 0.125, -0.375, -0.125, 0.25}, {-0.5, -0.3125, 0.1875, -0.375, -0.1875, 0.3125}, {-0.5, -0.375, 0.25, -0.375, -0.25, 0.375}, {-0.5, -0.4375, 0.3125, -0.375, -0.3125, 0.4375}, {-0.5, 0.0625, -0.1875, -0.375, 0.1875, -0.0625}, {-0.5, 0.125, -0.25, -0.375, 0.25, -0.125}, {-0.5, 0.1875, -0.3125, -0.375, 0.3125, -0.1875}, {-0.5, 0.25, -0.375, -0.375, 0.375, -0.25}, {-0.5, 0.3125, -0.4375, -0.375, 0.4375, -0.3125}, {-0.5, 0.0625, 0.0625, -0.375, 0.1875, 0.1875}, {-0.5, 0.125, 0.125, -0.375, 0.25, 0.25}, {-0.5, 0.1875, 0.1875, -0.375, 0.3125, 0.3125}, {-0.5, 0.25, 0.25, -0.375, 0.375, 0.375}, {-0.5, 0.3125, 0.3125, -0.375, 0.4375, 0.4375}, {-0.5, 0.5625, 0.3125, -0.375, 0.6875, 0.4375}, {-0.5, 0.625, 0.25, -0.375, 0.75, 0.375}, {-0.5, 0.6875, 0.1875, -0.375, 0.8125, 0.3125}, {-0.5, 0.75, 0.125, -0.375, 0.875, 0.25}, {-0.5, 0.8125, 0.0625001, -0.375, 0.9375, 0.1875}, {-0.5, 0.5625, -0.4375, -0.375, 0.6875, -0.3125}, {-0.5, 0.625, -0.375, -0.375, 0.75, -0.25}, {-0.5, 0.6875, -0.3125, -0.375, 0.8125, -0.1875}, {-0.5, 0.75, -0.25, -0.375, 0.875, -0.125}, {-0.5, 0.8125, -0.1875, -0.375, 0.9375, -0.0625}, {-0.5, 0.875, -0.125, -0.375, 1.125, 0.125}, {-0.5, 1.0625, -0.1875, -0.375, 1.1875, -0.0625}, {-0.5, 1.125, -0.25, -0.375, 1.25, -0.125}, {-0.5, 1.1875, -0.3125, -0.375, 1.3125, -0.1875}, {-0.5, 1.25, -0.375, -0.375, 1.375, -0.25}, {-0.5, 1.3125, -0.4375, -0.375, 1.4375, -0.3125}, {-0.5, 1.0625, 0.0625, -0.375, 1.1875, 0.1875}, {-0.5, 1.125, 0.125, -0.375, 1.25, 0.25}, {-0.5, 1.1875, 0.1875, -0.375, 1.3125, 0.3125}, {-0.5, 1.25, 0.25, -0.375, 1.375, 0.375}, {-0.5, 1.3125, 0.3125, -0.375, 1.4375, 0.4375}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:medium_support_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Medium Support", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_medium_support.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_medium_support.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.5, -0.5, 0.3125, -1.25, 2.5, 0.5625}, {1.25, -0.5, 0.3125, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5625}, {-1.4375, 2.3125, 0.375, -1.3125, 2.4375, 0.5}, {-1.375, 2.25, 0.375, -1.25, 2.375, 0.5}, {-1.3125, 2.1875, 0.375, -1.1875, 2.3125, 0.5}, {-1.25, 2.125, 0.375, -1.125, 2.25, 0.5}, {-1.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, -1.0625, 2.1875, 0.5}, {-1.125, 2, 0.375, -1, 2.125, 0.5}, {-1.0625, 1.9375, 0.375, -0.9375, 2.0625, 0.5}, {-1, 1.875, 0.375, -0.875, 2, 0.5}, {-0.9375, 1.8125, 0.375, -0.8125, 1.9375, 0.5}, {-0.875, 1.75, 0.375, -0.75, 1.875, 0.5}, {-0.8125, 1.6875, 0.375, -0.6875, 1.8125, 0.5}, {-0.75, 1.625, 0.375, -0.625, 1.75, 0.5}, {-0.6875, 1.5625, 0.375, -0.5625, 1.6875, 0.5}, {-0.625, 1.5, 0.375, -0.5, 1.625, 0.5}, {-0.5625, 1.4375, 0.375, -0.4375, 1.5625, 0.5}, {-0.5, 1.375, 0.375, -0.375, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 1.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 1.4375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 1.25, 0.375, -0.25, 1.375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 1.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 1.3125, 0.5}, {-0.25, 1.125, 0.375, -0.125, 1.25, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.0625, 0.375, -0.0625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.875, 0.375, 0.125, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.9375, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.625, 0.375, 0.375, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.5625, 0.375, 0.4375, 0.6875, 0.5}, {0.375, 0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.5}, {0.4375, 0.4375, 0.375, 0.5625, 0.5625, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.375, 0.375, 0.625, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 0.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.25, 0.375, 0.75, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.8125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.125, 0.375, 0.875, 0.25, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.0625, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {0.875, 0, 0.375, 1, 0.125, 0.5}, {0.9375, -0.0625, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1, -0.125, 0.375, 1.125, 0, 0.5}, {1.0625, -0.1875, 0.375, 1.1875, -0.0625, 0.5}, {1.125, -0.25, 0.375, 1.25, -0.125, 0.5}, {1.1875, -0.3125, 0.375, 1.3125, -0.1875, 0.5}, {1.25, -0.375, 0.375, 1.375, -0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, -0.4375, 0.375, 1.4375, -0.3125, 0.5}, {1.3125, 2.3125, 0.375, 1.4375, 2.4375, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.25, 0.375, 1.375, 2.375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 2.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 2.3125, 0.5}, {1.125, 2.125, 0.375, 1.25, 2.25, 0.5}, {1.0625, 2.0625, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.1875, 0.5}, {1, 2, 0.375, 1.125, 2.125, 0.5}, {0.9375, 1.9375, 0.375, 1.0625, 2.0625, 0.5}, {0.875, 1.875, 0.375, 1, 2, 0.5}, {0.8125, 1.8125, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.75, 0.375, 0.875, 1.875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.6875, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.625, 0.375, 0.75, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.5, 0.375, 0.625, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.375, 0.375, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.25, 0.375, 0.375, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.125, 0.375, 0.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.0625, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.1875, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.8125, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.9375, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.75, 0.375, -0.125, 0.875, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.6875, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.8125, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.625, 0.375, -0.25, 0.75, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.5625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.5, 0.375, -0.375, 0.625, 0.5}, {-0.5625, 0.4375, 0.375, -0.4375, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.625, 0.375, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.6875, 0.3125, 0.375, -0.5625, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.75, 0.25, 0.375, -0.625, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.8125, 0.1875, 0.375, -0.6875, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-0.875, 0.125, 0.375, -0.75, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.9375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.8125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-1, 0, 0.375, -0.875, 0.125, 0.5}, {-1.0625, -0.0625, 0.375, -0.9375, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-1.125, -0.125, 0.375, -1, 0, 0.5}, {-1.1875, -0.1875, 0.375, -1.0625, -0.0625, 0.5}, {-1.25, -0.25, 0.375, -1.125, -0.125, 0.5}, {-1.3125, -0.3125, 0.375, -1.1875, -0.1875, 0.5}, {-1.375, -0.375, 0.375, -1.25, -0.25, 0.5}, {-1.4375, -0.4375, 0.375, -1.3125, -0.3125, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.5, -0.5, 0, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:medium_support_bot_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Bottom Medium Support", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_medium_support_bot.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_medium_support_bot.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.5625, -0.5, 0.25, -1.1875, 0.5, 0.625}, {1.1875, -0.5, 0.25, 1.5625, 0.5, 0.625}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.5, -0.5, 0, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:large_support_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Large Support", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_large_support.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_large_support.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-2.5, -0.5, 0.3125, -2.25, 2.5, 0.5625}, {2.25, -0.5, 0.3125, 2.5, 2.5, 0.5625}, {2.25, 2.375, 0.375, 2.375, 2.5, 0.5}, {2.125, 2.3125, 0.375, 2.3125, 2.4375, 0.5}, {2, 2.25, 0.375, 2.1875, 2.375, 0.5}, {1.9375, 2.1875, 0.375, 2.0625, 2.3125, 0.5}, {1.8125, 2.125, 0.375, 2, 2.25, 0.5}, {1.75, 2.0625, 0.375, 1.875, 2.1875, 0.5}, {1.625, 2, 0.375, 1.8125, 2.125, 0.5}, {1.5, 1.9375, 0.375, 1.6875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {1.4375, 1.875, 0.375, 1.5625, 2, 0.5}, {1.3125, 1.8125, 0.375, 1.5, 1.9375, 0.5}, {1.25, 1.75, 0.375, 1.375, 1.875, 0.5}, {1.125, 1.6875, 0.375, 1.3125, 1.8125, 0.5}, {1, 1.625, 0.375, 1.1875, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.9375, 1.5625, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.8125, 1.5, 0.375, 1, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.875, 1.5625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.25, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.5, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.125, 0.375, 0.375, 1.25, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0, 1, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.125, 0.5}, {-2.375, -0.5, 0.375, -2.25, -0.375, 0.5}, {-2.3125, -0.4375, 0.375, -2.125, -0.3125, 0.5}, {-2.1875, -0.375, 0.375, -2, -0.25, 0.5}, {-2.0625, -0.3125, 0.375, -1.9375, -0.1875, 0.5}, {-2, -0.25, 0.375, -1.8125, -0.125, 0.5}, {-1.875, -0.1875, 0.375, -1.75, -0.0625, 0.5}, {-1.8125, -0.125, 0.375, -1.625, 0, 0.5}, {-1.6875, -0.0625, 0.375, -1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-1.5625, 0, 0.375, -1.4375, 0.125, 0.5}, {-1.5, 0.0625, 0.375, -1.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-1.375, 0.125, 0.375, -1.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {-1.3125, 0.1875, 0.375, -1.125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {-1.1875, 0.25, 0.375, -1, 0.375, 0.5}, {-1.0625, 0.3125, 0.375, -0.9375, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-1, 0.375, 0.375, -0.8125, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.875, 0.4375, 0.375, -0.75, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.8125, 0.5, 0.375, -0.625, 0.625, 0.5}, {-0.6875, 0.5625, 0.375, -0.5, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.5625, 0.625, 0.375, -0.4375, 0.75, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.6875, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.8125, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.75, 0.375, -0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.8125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.9375, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.875, 0.375, 0, 1, 0.5}, {-2.375, 2.375, 0.375, -2.25, 2.5, 0.5}, {-2.3125, 2.3125, 0.375, -2.125, 2.4375, 0.5}, {-2.1875, 2.25, 0.375, -2, 2.375, 0.5}, {-2.0625, 2.1875, 0.375, -1.9375, 2.3125, 0.5}, {-2, 2.125, 0.375, -1.8125, 2.25, 0.5}, {-1.875, 2.0625, 0.375, -1.75, 2.1875, 0.5}, {-1.8125, 2, 0.375, -1.625, 2.125, 0.5}, {-1.6875, 1.9375, 0.375, -1.5, 2.0625, 0.5}, {-1.5625, 1.875, 0.375, -1.4375, 2, 0.5}, {-1.5, 1.8125, 0.375, -1.3125, 1.9375, 0.5}, {-1.375, 1.75, 0.375, -1.25, 1.875, 0.5}, {-1.3125, 1.6875, 0.375, -1.125, 1.8125, 0.5}, {-1.1875, 1.625, 0.375, -1, 1.75, 0.5}, {-1.0625, 1.5625, 0.375, -0.9375, 1.6875, 0.5}, {-1, 1.5, 0.375, -0.8125, 1.625, 0.5}, {-0.875, 1.4375, 0.375, -0.75, 1.5625, 0.5}, {-0.8125, 1.375, 0.375, -0.625, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.6875, 1.3125, 0.375, -0.5, 1.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5625, 1.25, 0.375, -0.4375, 1.375, 0.5}, {-0.5, 1.1875, 0.375, -0.3125, 1.3125, 0.5}, {-0.375, 1.125, 0.375, -0.25, 1.25, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 1.0625, 0.375, -0.125, 1.1875, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1, 0.375, -0, 1.125, 0.5}, {2.25, -0.5, 0.375, 2.375, -0.375, 0.5}, {2.125, -0.4375, 0.375, 2.3125, -0.3125, 0.5}, {2, -0.375, 0.375, 2.1875, -0.25, 0.5}, {1.9375, -0.3125, 0.375, 2.0625, -0.1875, 0.5}, {1.8125, -0.25, 0.375, 2, -0.125, 0.5}, {1.75, -0.1875, 0.375, 1.875, -0.0625, 0.5}, {1.625, -0.125, 0.375, 1.8125, 0, 0.5}, {1.5, -0.0625, 0.375, 1.6875, 0.0625, 0.5}, {1.4375, 0, 0.375, 1.5625, 0.125, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.5, 0.1875, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.25, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.3125, 0.5}, {1, 0.25, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.3125, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.375, 0.375, 1, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.4375, 0.375, 0.875, 0.5625, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.5, 0.375, 0.8125, 0.625, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.5625, 0.375, 0.6875, 0.6875, 0.5}, {0.4375, 0.625, 0.375, 0.5625, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.3125, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.5, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.75, 0.375, 0.375, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.3125, 0.9375, 0.5}, {-0, 0.875, 0.375, 0.1875, 1, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-2.5, -0.5, 0, 2.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:large_support_bot_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Bottom Large Support", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_large_support_bot.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_large_support_bot.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-2.5625, -0.5, 0.25, -2.1875, 0.5, 0.625}, {2.1875, -0.5, 0.25, 2.5625, 0.5, 0.625}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-2.5, -0.5, 0, 2.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_right_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Right Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_right_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 2.375, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.25, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 2.1875, 0.375, -0.25, 2.3125, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 2.0625, 0.375, -0.1875, 2.25, 0.5}, {-0.25, 2, 0.375, -0.125, 2.125, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 1.9375, 0.375, -0.0625, 2.0625, 0.5}, {-0.125, 1.875, 0.375, 0, 2, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 1.75, 0.375, 0.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0, 1.6875, 0.375, 0.125, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.0625, 1.625, 0.375, 0.1875, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.125, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.25, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.1875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.3125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.25, 1.375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.25, 0.375, 0.5, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.625, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.625, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.8125, 1, 0.5}, {0.75, 0.75, 0.375, 0.875, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.8125, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.9375, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0.875, 0.625, 0.375, 1, 0.75, 0.5}, {0.9375, 0.5, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {1, 0.4375, 0.375, 1.125, 0.5625, 0.5}, {1.0625, 0.375, 0.375, 1.1875, 0.5, 0.5}, {1.125, 0.3125, 0.375, 1.25, 0.4375, 0.5}, {1.1875, 0.1875, 0.375, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 0.125, 0.375, 1.375, 0.25, 0.5}, {1.3125, 0.0625, 0.375, 1.4375, 0.1875, 0.5}, {1.375, 0, 0.375, 1.5, 0.125, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 2.3125, 0.375, -0.3125, 2.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:truss_superstructure_left_slant_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Truss Superstructure Left Slant", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, inventory_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "bridges_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^bridges_superstructure_left_slant.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, -0.4375, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.4375, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 2.375, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, {1.3125, 2.25, 0.375, 1.4375, 2.375, 0.5}, {1.25, 2.1875, 0.375, 1.375, 2.3125, 0.5}, {1.1875, 2.0625, 0.375, 1.3125, 2.25, 0.5}, {1.125, 2, 0.375, 1.25, 2.125, 0.5}, {1.0625, 1.9375, 0.375, 1.1875, 2.0625, 0.5}, {1, 1.875, 0.375, 1.125, 2, 0.5}, {0.9375, 1.75, 0.375, 1.0625, 1.9375, 0.5}, {0.875, 1.6875, 0.375, 1, 1.8125, 0.5}, {0.8125, 1.625, 0.375, 0.9375, 1.75, 0.5}, {0.75, 1.5625, 0.375, 0.875, 1.6875, 0.5}, {0.6875, 1.4375, 0.375, 0.8125, 1.625, 0.5}, {0.625, 1.375, 0.375, 0.75, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.5625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.6875, 1.4375, 0.5}, {0.5, 1.25, 0.375, 0.625, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.4375, 1.125, 0.375, 0.5625, 1.3125, 0.5}, {0.375, 1.0625, 0.375, 0.5, 1.1875, 0.5}, {0.3125, 1, 0.375, 0.4375, 1.125, 0.5}, {0.25, 0.9375, 0.375, 0.375, 1.0625, 0.5}, {0.1875, 0.8125, 0.375, 0.3125, 1, 0.5}, {0.125, 0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.0625, 0.6875, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.8125, 0.5}, {0, 0.625, 0.375, 0.125, 0.75, 0.5}, {-0.0625, 0.5, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.6875, 0.5}, {-0.125, 0.4375, 0.375, 0, 0.5625, 0.5}, {-0.1875, 0.375, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.3125, 0.375, -0.125, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, 0.375, -0.1875, 0.375, 0.5}, {-0.375, 0.125, 0.375, -0.25, 0.25, 0.5}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0, 0.375, -0.375, 0.125, 0.5}, {1.375, 2.3125, 0.375, 1.5, 2.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 1.5, 2.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:corrugated_steel_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Corrugated Steel", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_corrugated_steel_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:corrugated_steel_ceiling_" .. bridge_colors, { description = bridge_desc .. " Corrugated Steel Deck", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"bridges_corrugated_steel_" .. bridge_colors .. ".png^[transformR90"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) end end if not minetest.settings:get_bool("bridger_disable_trestles") then minetest.register_node("bridger:trestle_support", { description = "Trestle Support", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_junglewood.png"}, inventory_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_trestle_support.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_trestle_support.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1, -0.5, -0.125, -0.75, 1.5, 0.125}, {0.75, -0.5, -0.125, 1, 1.5, 0.125}, {0.625, 1.375, -0.0625, 0.75, 1.5, 0.0625}, {0.5625, 1.25, -0.0625, 0.6875, 1.4375, 0.0625}, {0.5, 1.1875, -0.0625, 0.625, 1.3125, 0.0625}, {0.4375, 1.125, -0.0625, 0.5625, 1.25, 0.0625}, {0.375, 1, -0.0625, 0.5, 1.1875, 0.0625}, {0.3125, 0.9375, -0.0625, 0.4375, 1.0625, 0.0625}, {0.25, 0.875, -0.0625, 0.375, 1, 0.0625}, {0.1875, 0.75, -0.0625, 0.3125, 0.9375, 0.0625}, {0.125, 0.6875, -0.0625, 0.25, 0.8125, 0.0625}, {0.0625, 0.625, -0.0625, 0.1875, 0.75, 0.0625}, {0, 0.5, -0.0625, 0.125, 0.6875, 0.0625}, {-0.0625, 0.4375, -0.0625, 0.0625, 0.5625, 0.0625}, {-0.125, 0.3125, -0.0625, 0, 0.5, 0.0625}, {-0.1875, 0.25, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.375, 0.0625}, {-0.25, 0.1875, -0.0625, -0.125, 0.3125, 0.0625}, {-0.3125, 0.0625, -0.0625, -0.1875, 0.25, 0.0625}, {-0.375, 0, -0.0625, -0.25, 0.125, 0.0625}, {-0.4375, -0.0625, -0.0625, -0.3125, 0.0625, 0.0625}, {-0.5, -0.1875, -0.0625, -0.375, 0, 0.0625}, {-0.5625, -0.25, -0.0625, -0.4375, -0.125, 0.0625}, {-0.625, -0.3125, -0.0625, -0.5, -0.1875, 0.0625}, {-0.6875, -0.4375, -0.0625, -0.5625, -0.25, 0.0625}, {-0.75, -0.5, -0.0625, -0.625, -0.375, 0.0625}, {-0.75, 1.375, -0.0625, -0.625, 1.5, 0.0625}, {-0.6875, 1.25, -0.0625, -0.5625, 1.4375, 0.0625}, {-0.625, 1.1875, -0.0625, -0.5, 1.3125, 0.0625}, {-0.5625, 1.125, -0.0625, -0.4375, 1.25, 0.0625}, {-0.5, 1, -0.0625, -0.375, 1.1875, 0.0625}, {-0.4375, 0.9375, -0.0625, -0.3125, 1.0625, 0.0625}, {-0.375, 0.875, -0.0625, -0.25, 1, 0.0625}, {-0.3125, 0.75, -0.0625, -0.1875, 0.9375, 0.0625}, {-0.25, 0.6875, -0.0625, -0.125, 0.8125, 0.0625}, {-0.1875, 0.625, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.75, 0.0625}, {-0.125, 0.5, -0.0625, -0, 0.6875, 0.0625}, {-0, 0.3125, -0.0625, 0.125, 0.5, 0.0625}, {0.0625, 0.25, -0.0625, 0.1875, 0.375, 0.0625}, {0.125, 0.1875, -0.0625, 0.25, 0.3125, 0.0625}, {0.1875, 0.0625, -0.0625, 0.3125, 0.25, 0.0625}, {0.25, 0, -0.0625, 0.375, 0.125, 0.0625}, {0.3125, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.4375, 0.0625, 0.0625}, {0.375, -0.1875, -0.0625, 0.5, 0, 0.0625}, {0.4375, -0.25, -0.0625, 0.5625, -0.125, 0.0625}, {0.5, -0.3125, -0.0625, 0.625, -0.1875, 0.0625}, {0.5625, -0.4375, -0.0625, 0.6875, -0.25, 0.0625}, {0.625, -0.5, -0.0625, 0.75, -0.375, 0.0625}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1, -0.5, -0.1875, 1, 1.5, 0.1875}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:trestle_support_small", { description = "Small Trestle Support", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_junglewood.png"}, inventory_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_trestle_support_small.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_trestle_support_small.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1, -0.5, -0.125, -0.75, 0.5, 0.125}, {0.75, -0.5, -0.125, 1, 0.5, 0.125}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1, -0.5, -0.1875, 1, 0.5, 0.1875}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:trestle_side", { description = "Trestle Siding", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_junglewood.png"}, inventory_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_trestle_side.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_trestle_side.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.875, -0.5, -0.0625, 0.875, -0.375, 0.0625}, {-0.875, 1.375, -0.0625, 0.875, 1.5, 0.0625}, {-1, 1.375, -0.0625, 1, 1.5, 0}, {-1, -0.5, -0.0625, 1, -0.375, 0}, {-0.9375, 1.3125, -0.0625, -0.8125, 1.4375, 0.0625}, {-0.875, 1.25, -0.0625, -0.75, 1.375, 0.0625}, {0.25, 0.125, -0.0625, 0.375, 0.25, 0.0625}, {-0.8125, 1.1875, -0.0625, -0.6875, 1.3125, 0.0625}, {-0.75, 1.125, -0.0625, -0.625, 1.25, 0.0625}, {-0.6875, 1.0625, -0.0625, -0.5625, 1.1875, 0.0625}, {-0.625, 1, -0.0625, -0.5, 1.125, 0.0625}, {-0.5625, 0.9375, -0.0625, -0.4375, 1.0625, 0.0625}, {-0.5, 0.875, -0.0625, -0.375, 1, 0.0625}, {-0.4375, 0.8125, -0.0625, -0.3125, 0.9375, 0.0625}, {-0.375, 0.75, -0.0625, -0.25, 0.875, 0.0625}, {-0.3125, 0.6875, -0.0625, -0.1875, 0.8125, 0.0625}, {-0.25, 0.625, -0.0625, -0.125, 0.75, 0.0625}, {-0.1875, 0.5625, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.6875, 0.0625}, {-0.125, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.125, 0.625, 0.0625}, {0.0625, 0.3125, -0.0625, 0.1875, 0.4375, 0.0625}, {0.125, 0.25, -0.0625, 0.25, 0.375, 0.0625}, {0.1875, 0.1875, -0.0625, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.0625}, {0.3125, 0.0625, -0.0625, 0.4375, 0.1875, 0.0625}, {0.375, 0, -0.0625, 0.5, 0.125, 0.0625}, {0.4375, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.5625, 0.0625, 0.0625}, {0.5, -0.125, -0.0625, 0.625, 0, 0.0625}, {0.5625, -0.1875, -0.0625, 0.6875, -0.0625, 0.0625}, {0.625, -0.25, -0.0625, 0.75, -0.125, 0.0625}, {0.6875, -0.3125, -0.0625, 0.8125, -0.1875, 0.0625}, {0.75, -0.375, -0.0625, 0.875, -0.25, 0.0625}, {0.8125, -0.4375, -0.0625, 0.9375, -0.3125, 0.0625}, {0.8125, 1.3125, -0.0625, 0.9375, 1.4375, 0.0625}, {0.75, 1.25, -0.0625, 0.875, 1.375, 0.0625}, {-0.375, 0.125, -0.0625, -0.25, 0.25, 0.0625}, {0.6875, 1.1875, -0.0625, 0.8125, 1.3125, 0.0625}, {0.625, 1.125, -0.0625, 0.75, 1.25, 0.0625}, {0.5625, 1.0625, -0.0625, 0.6875, 1.1875, 0.0625}, {0.5, 1, -0.0625, 0.625, 1.125, 0.0625}, {0.4375, 0.9375, -0.0625, 0.5625, 1.0625, 0.0625}, {0.375, 0.875, -0.0625, 0.5, 1, 0.0625}, {0.3125, 0.8125, -0.0625, 0.4375, 0.9375, 0.0625}, {0.25, 0.75, -0.0625, 0.375, 0.875, 0.0625}, {0.1875, 0.6875, -0.0625, 0.3125, 0.8125, 0.0625}, {0.125, 0.625, -0.0625, 0.25, 0.75, 0.0625}, {0.0625, 0.5625, -0.0625, 0.1875, 0.6875, 0.0625}, {-0.1875, 0.3125, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.4375, 0.0625}, {-0.25, 0.25, -0.0625, -0.125, 0.375, 0.0625}, {-0.3125, 0.1875, -0.0625, -0.1875, 0.3125, 0.0625}, {-0.4375, 0.0625, -0.0625, -0.3125, 0.1875, 0.0625}, {-0.5, 0, -0.0625, -0.375, 0.125, 0.0625}, {-0.5625, -0.0625, -0.0625, -0.4375, 0.0625, 0.0625}, {-0.625, -0.125, -0.0625, -0.5, 0, 0.0625}, {-0.6875, -0.1875, -0.0625, -0.5625, -0.0625, 0.0625}, {-0.75, -0.25, -0.0625, -0.625, -0.125, 0.0625}, {-0.8125, -0.3125, -0.0625, -0.6875, -0.1875, 0.0625}, {-0.875, -0.375, -0.0625, -0.75, -0.25, 0.0625}, {-0.9375, -0.4375, -0.0625, -0.8125, -0.3125, 0.0625}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1, -0.5, -0.1875, 1, 1.5, 0.1875}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:trestle_deck", { description = "Trestle Deck", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_junglewood.png"}, inventory_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_trestle_deck.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_trestle_deck.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.625, 0.25, -0.5, -0.5, 0.375, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.25, -0.5, 0.625, 0.375, 0.5}, {-1.125, 0.374, 0.3125, 1.125, 0.501, 0.4375}, {-1.125, 0.374, 0.0625, 1.125, 0.501, 0.1875}, {-1.125, 0.374, -0.1875, 1.125, 0.501, -0.0625}, {-1.125, 0.374, -0.4375, 1.125, 0.501, -0.3125}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.125, 0, -0.5, 1.125, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:trestle_substructure_small", { description = "Small Trestle Substructure", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_junglewood.png"}, inventory_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_trestle_small.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_trestle_small.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.5, 1.375, -0.0625, 0.5, 1.499, 0.0625}, {-1.4375, 1.3125, -0.0625, -1.3125, 1.4375, 0.0625}, {-1.375, 1.25, -0.0625, -1.25, 1.375, 0.0625}, {-1.3125, 1.1875, -0.0625, -1.125, 1.3125, 0.0625}, {-1.1875, 1.125, -0.0625, -1.0625, 1.25, 0.0625}, {-1.125, 1.0625, -0.0625, -1, 1.1875, 0.0625}, {-1.0625, 1, -0.0625, -0.875, 1.125, 0.0625}, {-0.9375, 0.9375, -0.0625, -0.8125, 1.0625, 0.0625}, {-0.875, 0.875, -0.0625, -0.75, 1, 0.0625}, {-0.8125, 0.8125, -0.0625, -0.625, 0.9375, 0.0625}, {-0.6875, 0.75, -0.0625, -0.5625, 0.875, 0.0625}, {-0.625, 0.6875, -0.0625, -0.5, 0.8125, 0.0625}, {-0.5625, 0.625, -0.0625, -0.375, 0.75, 0.0625}, {-0.4375, 0.5625, -0.0625, -0.3125, 0.6875, 0.0625}, {-0.375, 0.5, -0.0625, -0.25, 0.625, 0.0625}, {-0.3125, 0.4375, -0.0625, -0.125, 0.5625, 0.0625}, {-0.1875, 0.375, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.5, 0.0625}, {-0.125, 0.3125, -0.0625, 0, 0.4375, 0.0625}, {-0.0625, 0.25, -0.0625, 0.125, 0.375, 0.0625}, {0.0625, 0.1875, -0.0625, 0.1875, 0.3125, 0.0625}, {0.125, 0.125, -0.0625, 0.25, 0.25, 0.0625}, {0.1875, 0.0625, -0.0625, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.0625}, {0.3125, 0, -0.0625, 0.4375, 0.125, 0.0625}, {0.4375, 0, -0.0625, 0.5, 1.5, 0.0625}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.5, 0, -0.0625, 0.5, 1.5, 0.0625}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:trestle_substructure_large", { description = "Large Trestle Substructure", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_junglewood.png"}, inventory_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_trestle_large.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_trestle_large.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {0.4375, -0.5, -0.0625, 0.5, 1.5, 0.0625}, {0.25, -0.5, -0.0625, 0.4375, -0.375, 0.0625}, {0.125, -0.4375, -0.0625, 0.3125, -0.3125, 0.0625}, {0, -0.375, -0.0625, 0.1875, -0.25, 0.0625}, {-0.125, -0.3125, -0.0625, 0.0625, -0.1875, 0.0625}, {-0.25, -0.25, -0.0625, -0.0625, -0.125, 0.0625}, {-0.375, -0.1875, -0.0625, -0.1875, -0.0625, 0.0625}, {-0.5, -0.125, -0.0625, -0.3125, 0, 0.0625}, {-0.625, -0.0625, -0.0625, -0.4375, 0.0625, 0.0625}, {-0.75, 0, -0.0625, -0.5625, 0.125, 0.0625}, {-0.875, 0.0625, -0.0625, -0.6875, 0.1875, 0.0625}, {-1, 0.125, -0.0625, -0.8125, 0.25, 0.0625}, {-1.125, 0.1875, -0.0625, -0.9375, 0.3125, 0.0625}, {-1.25, 0.25, -0.0625, -1.0625, 0.375, 0.0625}, {-1.375, 0.3125, -0.0625, -1.1875, 0.4375, 0.0625}, {-1.5, 0.375, -0.0625, -1.3125, 0.5, 0.0625}, {-1.625, 0.4375, -0.0625, -1.4375, 0.5625, 0.0625}, {-1.75, 0.5, -0.0625, -1.5625, 0.625, 0.0625}, {-1.875, 0.5625, -0.0625, -1.6875, 0.6875, 0.0625}, {-2, 0.625, -0.0625, -1.8125, 0.75, 0.0625}, {-2.125, 0.6875, -0.0625, -1.9375, 0.8125, 0.0625}, {-2.25, 0.75, -0.0625, -2.0625, 0.875, 0.0625}, {-2.375, 0.8125, -0.0625, -2.1875, 0.9375, 0.0625}, {-2.5, 0.875, -0.0625, -2.3125, 1, 0.0625}, {-2.625, 0.9375, -0.0625, -2.4375, 1.0625, 0.0625}, {-2.75, 1, -0.0625, -2.5625, 1.125, 0.0625}, {-2.875, 1.0625, -0.0625, -2.6875, 1.1875, 0.0625}, {-3, 1.125, -0.0625, -2.8125, 1.25, 0.0625}, {-3.125, 1.1875, -0.0625, -2.9375, 1.3125, 0.0625}, {-3.25, 1.25, -0.0625, -3.0625, 1.375, 0.0625}, {-3.375, 1.3125, -0.0625, -3.1875, 1.4375, 0.0625}, {-3.5, 1.375, -0.0625, -3.3125, 1.5, 0.0625}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-3.5, -0.5, -0.0625, 0.5, 1.5, 0.0625}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:lattice_truss_side", { description = "Lattice Truss", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_junglewood.png"}, inventory_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_lattice_truss_side.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_lattice_truss_side.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.0625, -0.25, -0.25, 0.0625}, {-0.4375, -0.4375, -0.0625, -0.1875, -0.1875, 0.0625}, {-0.375, -0.375, -0.0625, -0.125, -0.125, 0.0625}, {-0.3125, -0.3125, -0.0625, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.0625}, {0.0625, 0.0625, -0.0625, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.0625}, {0.125, 0.125, -0.0625, 0.375, 0.375, 0.0625}, {0.1875, 0.1875, -0.0625, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.0625}, {0.25, 0.25, -0.0625, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0625}, {0.25, -0.5, -0.0625, 0.5, -0.25, 0.0625}, {0.1875, -0.4375, -0.0625, 0.4375, -0.1875, 0.0625}, {-0.25, -0.25, -0.0625, 0.25, 0.25, 0.0625}, {0.125, -0.375, -0.0625, 0.375, -0.125, 0.0625}, {0.0625, -0.3125, -0.0625, 0.3125, -0.0625, 0.0625}, {-0.5, 0.25, -0.0625, -0.25, 0.5, 0.0625}, {-0.4375, 0.1875, -0.0625, -0.1875, 0.4375, 0.0625}, {-0.375, 0.125, -0.0625, -0.125, 0.375, 0.0625}, {-0.3125, 0.0625, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.3125, 0.0625}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.125, 0.5, 0.5, 0.125}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:lattice_truss_top", { description = "Lattice Truss Upper Chord", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_junglewood.png"}, inventory_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_lattice_truss_top.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", wield_image = "default_junglewood.png^bridges_lattice_truss_top.png^[makealpha:255,126,126", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1, 0.375, 0.25, -0.75, 0.501, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.375, 0.25, 0.25, 0.501, 0.5}, {-0.25, 0.375, -0.5, 0.25, 0.501, -0.25}, {-1, 0.375, -0.5, -0.75, 0.501, -0.25}, {-0.9375, 0.375, -0.4375, -0.6875, 0.501, -0.1875}, {-0.875, 0.375, -0.375, -0.625, 0.501, -0.125}, {-0.8125, 0.375, -0.3125, -0.5625, 0.501, -0.0625}, {-0.3125, 0.375, -0.4375, -0.0625, 0.501, -0.1875}, {-0.375, 0.375, -0.375, -0.125, 0.501, -0.125}, {-0.4375, 0.375, -0.3125, -0.1875, 0.501, -0.0625}, {-0.75, 0.375, -0.25, -0.25, 0.501, 0.25}, {-0.9375, 0.375, 0.1875, -0.6875, 0.501, 0.4375}, {-0.875, 0.375, 0.125, -0.625, 0.501, 0.375}, {-0.8125, 0.375, 0.0625, -0.5625, 0.501, 0.3125}, {-0.4375, 0.375, 0.0625, -0.1875, 0.501, 0.3125}, {-0.375, 0.375, 0.125, -0.125, 0.501, 0.375}, {-0.3125, 0.375, 0.1875, -0.0625, 0.501, 0.4375}, {0.75, 0.375, -0.5, 1, 0.501, -0.25}, {0.75, 0.375, 0.25, 1, 0.501, 0.5}, {0.6875, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.9375, 0.501, 0.4375}, {0.625, 0.375, 0.125, 0.875, 0.501, 0.375}, {0.5625, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.8125, 0.501, 0.3125}, {0.0625, 0.375, 0.1875, 0.3125, 0.501, 0.4375}, {0.125, 0.375, 0.125, 0.375, 0.501, 0.375}, {0.1875, 0.375, 0.0625, 0.4375, 0.501, 0.3125}, {0.25, 0.375, -0.25, 0.75, 0.501, 0.25}, {0.6875, 0.375, -0.4375, 0.9375, 0.501, -0.1875}, {0.625, 0.375, -0.375, 0.875, 0.501, -0.125}, {0.5625, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.8125, 0.501, -0.0625}, {0.1875, 0.375, -0.3125, 0.4375, 0.501, -0.0625}, {0.125, 0.375, -0.375, 0.375, 0.501, -0.125}, {0.0625, 0.375, -0.4375, 0.3125, 0.501, -0.1875}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1, 0.375, -0.5, 1, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) end if not minetest.settings:get_bool("bridger_disable_wooden_bridges") then minetest.register_node("bridger:small_beam", { description = "Small Wooden Beam Bridge", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4375, -0.5, -0.5, 0.4375, -0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.40625, -0.40625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.5, -0.40625}, {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.40625, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.40625, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.40625}, {0.40625, -0.5, 0.40625, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:small_beam_mid", { description = "Small Wooden Beam Bridge Middle", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4375, -0.5, -0.5, 0.4375, -0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.40625, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:small_beam_end", { description = "Small Wooden Beam Bridge End", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4375, -0.5, -0.5, 0.4375, -0.4375, 0.4375}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.40625, -0.40625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.5, -0.40625}, {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.40625, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.40625, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.40625}, {0.40625, -0.5, 0.40625, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.375, 0.40625, 0.5, 0.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:small_beam_corner", { description = "Small Wooden Beam Bridge Corner", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4375, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.4375, 0.4375}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.40625, -0.40625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.5, -0.40625}, {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.4375, 0.5}, {0.40625, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.40625}, {0.40625, -0.5, 0.40625, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.375, 0.40625, 0.5, 0.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:small_beam_3", { description = "Small Wooden Beam Bridge Crossing", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.4375, 0.4375}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.40625, -0.40625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.5, -0.40625}, {0.40625, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.40625}, {0.40625, -0.5, 0.40625, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.375, 0.40625, 0.5, 0.4375, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:small_beam_4", { description = "Small Wooden Beam Bridge Crossing", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.40625, -0.40625, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.5, -0.40625}, {0.40625, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.40625}, {0.40625, -0.5, 0.40625, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:small_beam_stair", { description = "Small Wooden Beam Bridge Stair", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4375, -0.0625, -0.5, 0.4375, 0, 0}, {-0.4375, 0.4375, 0, 0.4375, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.40625, 0.4375, 0.40625, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5}, {0.40625, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.625, -0.40625}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.625, -0.40625}, {-0.5, 0.4375, 0.40625, -0.40625, 1.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 1.3125, 0.375, -0.40625, 1.375, 0.5}, {-0.5, 1.25, 0.3125, -0.40625, 1.3125, 0.4375}, {-0.5, 1.1875, 0.25, -0.40625, 1.25, 0.375}, {-0.5, 1.125, 0.1875, -0.40625, 1.1875, 0.3125}, {-0.5, 1.0625, 0.125, -0.40625, 1.125, 0.25}, {-0.5, 1, 0.0625, -0.40625, 1.0625, 0.1875}, {-0.5, 0.9375, 0, -0.40625, 1, 0.125}, {-0.5, 0.875, -0.0625, -0.40625, 0.9375, 0.0625}, {-0.5, 0.8125, -0.125, -0.40625, 0.875, 0}, {-0.5, 0.75, -0.1875, -0.40625, 0.8125, -0.0625}, {-0.5, 0.6875, -0.25, -0.40625, 0.75, -0.125}, {-0.5, 0.625, -0.3125, -0.40625, 0.6875, -0.1875}, {-0.5, 0.5625, -0.375, -0.40625, 0.625, -0.25}, {-0.5, 0.5, -0.4375, -0.40625, 0.5625, -0.3125}, {-0.5, 0.4375, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.5, -0.375}, {0.40625, 0.4375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.375}, {0.40625, 0.5, -0.4375, 0.5, 0.5625, -0.3125}, {0.40625, 0.5625, -0.375, 0.5, 0.625, -0.25}, {0.40625, 0.625, -0.3125, 0.5, 0.6875, -0.1875}, {0.40625, 0.6875, -0.25, 0.5, 0.75, -0.125}, {0.40625, 0.75, -0.1875, 0.5, 0.8125, -0.0625}, {0.40625, 0.8125, -0.125, 0.5, 0.875, 0}, {0.40625, 0.875, -0.0625, 0.5, 0.9375, 0.0625}, {0.40625, 0.9375, 0, 0.5, 1, 0.125}, {0.40625, 1, 0.0625, 0.5, 1.0625, 0.1875}, {0.40625, 1.0625, 0.125, 0.5, 1.125, 0.25}, {0.40625, 1.125, 0.1875, 0.5, 1.1875, 0.3125}, {0.40625, 1.1875, 0.25, 0.5, 1.25, 0.375}, {0.40625, 1.25, 0.3125, 0.5, 1.3125, 0.4375}, {0.40625, 1.3125, 0.375, 0.5, 1.375, 0.5}, {0.40625, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.4375, -0.375}, {0.40625, -0.4375, -0.4375, 0.5, -0.375, -0.3125}, {0.40625, -0.375, -0.375, 0.5, -0.3125, -0.25}, {0.40625, -0.3125, -0.3125, 0.5, -0.25, -0.1875}, {0.40625, -0.25, -0.25, 0.5, -0.1875, -0.125}, {0.40625, -0.1875, -0.1875, 0.5, -0.125, -0.0625}, {0.40625, -0.125, -0.125, 0.5, -0.0625, 0}, {0.40625, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.5, 0, 0.0625}, {0.40625, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.0625, 0.125}, {0.40625, 0.0625, 0.0625, 0.5, 0.125, 0.1875}, {0.40625, 0.125, 0.125, 0.5, 0.1875, 0.25}, {0.40625, 0.1875, 0.1875, 0.5, 0.25, 0.3125}, {0.40625, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.3125, 0.375}, {0.40625, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.5, 0.375, 0.4375}, {0.40625, 0.375, 0.375, 0.5, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.40625, -0.4375, -0.375}, {-0.5, -0.4375, -0.4375, -0.40625, -0.375, -0.3125}, {-0.5, -0.375, -0.375, -0.40625, -0.3125, -0.25}, {-0.5, -0.3125, -0.3125, -0.40625, -0.25, -0.1875}, {-0.5, -0.25, -0.25, -0.40625, -0.1875, -0.125}, {-0.5, -0.1875, -0.1875, -0.40625, -0.125, -0.0625}, {-0.5, -0.125, -0.125, -0.40625, -0.0625, 0}, {-0.5, -0.0625, -0.0625, -0.40625, 0, 0.0625}, {-0.5, 0, 0, -0.40625, 0.0625, 0.125}, {-0.5, 0.0625, 0.0625, -0.40625, 0.125, 0.1875}, {-0.5, 0.125, 0.125, -0.40625, 0.1875, 0.25}, {-0.5, 0.1875, 0.1875, -0.40625, 0.25, 0.3125}, {-0.5, 0.25, 0.25, -0.40625, 0.3125, 0.375}, {-0.5, 0.3125, 0.3125, -0.40625, 0.375, 0.4375}, {-0.5, 0.375, 0.375, -0.40625, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5625, -0.5, -0.40625, -0.5, -0.4375}, {0.40625, -0.5625, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.4375}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:large_beam", { description = "Large Wooden Beam Bridge", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4375, -0.5, -1.5, 0.4375, -0.4375, 1.5}, {0.40625, -0.5, -0.6875, 0.5, 0.5, -0.59375}, {0.40625, -0.5, 0.59375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6875}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.59375, -0.40625, 0.5, 0.6875}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.6875, -0.40625, 0.5, -0.59375}, {-0.5, 0.375, -1.5, -0.40625, 0.4375, 1.5}, {0.40625, 0.375, -1.5, 0.5, 0.4375, 1.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("bridger:large_fancy_beam", { description = "Large Fancy Wooden Beam Bridge", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4375, -0.5, -1.5, 0.4375, -0.4375, -1.375}, {0.40625, -0.125, -0.6875, 0.5, 0.875, -0.59375}, {0.40625, -0.125, 0.59375, 0.5, 0.875, 0.6875}, {-0.5, -0.125, 0.59375, -0.40625, 0.875, 0.6875}, {-0.5, -0.125, -0.6875, -0.40625, 0.875, -0.59375}, {-0.5, 0.375, -1.5, -0.40625, 0.4375, -1.375}, {0.40625, 0.375, -1.5, 0.5, 0.4375, -1.375}, {-0.4375, -0.4375, -1.4375, 0.4375, -0.375, -1.3125}, {-0.4375, -0.375, -1.375, 0.4375, -0.3125, -1.25}, {-0.4375, -0.3125, -1.3125, 0.4375, -0.25, -1.125}, {-0.4375, -0.25, -1.1875, 0.4375, -0.1875, -1}, {-0.4375, -0.1875, -1.0625, 0.4375, -0.125, -0.75}, {-0.4375, -0.125, -0.8125, 0.4375, -0.0625, -0.4375}, {-0.4375, -0.125, 0.4375, 0.4375, -0.0625, 0.8125}, {-0.4375, -0.0625, -0.5, 0.4375, 0, 0.5}, {-0.4375, -0.1875, 0.75, 0.4375, -0.125, 1.0625}, {-0.4375, -0.25, 1, 0.4375, -0.1875, 1.1875}, {-0.4375, -0.3125, 1.125, 0.4375, -0.25, 1.3125}, {-0.4375, -0.375, 1.25, 0.4375, -0.3125, 1.375}, {-0.4375, -0.4375, 1.3125, 0.4375, -0.375, 1.4375}, {-0.4375, -0.5, 1.375, 0.4375, -0.4375, 1.5}, {-0.5, 0.4375, -1.4375, -0.40625, 0.5, -1.3125}, {-0.5, 0.5, -1.375, -0.40625, 0.5625, -1.25}, {-0.5, 0.5625, -1.3125, -0.40625, 0.625, -1.125}, {-0.5, 0.625, -1.1875, -0.40625, 0.6875, -1}, {-0.5, 0.6875, -1.0625, -0.40625, 0.75, -0.75}, {-0.5, 0.75, -0.8125, -0.40625, 0.8125, -0.4375}, {-0.5, 0.8125, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.875, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.75, 0.4375, -0.40625, 0.8125, 0.8125}, {-0.5, 0.6875, 0.75, -0.40625, 0.75, 1.0625}, {-0.5, 0.625, 1, -0.40625, 0.6875, 1.1875}, {-0.5, 0.5625, 1.125, -0.40625, 0.625, 1.3125}, {-0.5, 0.5, 1.25, -0.40625, 0.5625, 1.375}, {-0.5, 0.4375, 1.3125, -0.40625, 0.5, 1.4375}, {-0.5, 0.375, 1.375, -0.40625, 0.4375, 1.5}, {0.40625, 0.4375, -1.4375, 0.5, 0.5, -1.3125}, {0.40625, 0.5, -1.375, 0.5, 0.5625, -1.25}, {0.40625, 0.5625, -1.3125, 0.5, 0.625, -1.125}, {0.40625, 0.625, -1.1875, 0.5, 0.6875, -1}, {0.40625, 0.6875, -1.0625, 0.5, 0.75, -0.75}, {0.40625, 0.75, -0.8125, 0.5, 0.8125, -0.4375}, {0.40625, 0.8125, -0.5, 0.5, 0.875, 0.5}, {0.40625, 0.75, 0.4375, 0.5, 0.8125, 0.8125}, {0.40625, 0.6875, 0.75, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0625}, {0.40625, 0.625, 1, 0.5, 0.6875, 1.1875}, {0.40625, 0.5625, 1.125, 0.5, 0.625, 1.3125}, {0.40625, 0.5, 1.25, 0.5, 0.5625, 1.375}, {0.40625, 0.4375, 1.3125, 0.5, 0.5, 1.4375}, {0.40625, 0.375, 1.375, 0.5, 0.4375, 1.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) local mesecon_on_blastnode = nil if minetest.get_modpath("mesecons") then mesecons_on_blastnode = mesecon.on_blastnode end minetest.register_node("bridger:large_beam_swivel_normal", { description = "Large Wooden Swivel Bridge", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4375, -0.5, -1.5, 0.4375, -0.4375, 1.5}, {0.40625, -0.5, -0.6875, 0.5, 0.5, -0.59375}, {0.40625, -0.5, 0.59375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6875}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.59375, -0.40625, 0.5, 0.6875}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.6875, -0.40625, 0.5, -0.59375}, {-0.5, 0.375, -1.5, -0.40625, 0.4375, 1.5}, {0.40625, 0.375, -1.5, 0.5, 0.4375, 1.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5}, }, }, on_rightclick = function(pos, node) minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "bridger:large_beam_swivel_open", param2 = node.param2}) end, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), mesecons = {effector = { action_on = function(pos, node) minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "bridger:large_beam_swivel_open", param2 = node.param2}) end, }}, on_blast = mesecon_on_blastnode, }) minetest.register_node("bridger:large_beam_swivel_open", { description = "Large Wooden Swivel Bridge", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png^[transformR90"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.5, -0.5, -0.4375, 1.5, -0.4375, 0.4375}, {-0.6875, -0.5, -0.5, -0.59375, 0.5, -0.40625}, {0.59375, -0.5, -0.5, 0.6875, 0.5, -0.40625}, {0.59375, -0.5, 0.40625, 0.6875, 0.5, 0.5}, {-0.6875, -0.5, 0.40625, -0.59375, 0.5, 0.5}, {-1.5, 0.375, 0.40625, 1.5, 0.4375, 0.5}, {-1.5, 0.375, -0.5, 1.5, 0.4375, -0.40625}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-1.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, on_rightclick = function(pos, node) minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "bridger:large_beam_swivel_normal", param2 = node.param2}) end, drop = "bridger:large_beam_swivel_normal", groups = {choppy=3, not_in_creative_inventory=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), mesecons = {effector = { action_off = function(pos, node) minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "bridger:large_beam_swivel_normal", param2 = node.param2}) end, }}, on_blast = mesecon_on_blastnode, }) minetest.register_node("bridger:large_drawbridge_normal", { description = "Large Wooden Drawbridge", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4375, -0.5, -0.5, 0.4375, -0.4375, 1.5}, {0.40625, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.40625}, {0.40625, -0.5, 0.59375, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6875}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.59375, -0.40625, 0.5, 0.6875}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.5, -0.40625}, {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.4375, 1.5}, {0.40625, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.4375, 1.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5}, }, }, on_rightclick = function(pos, node) minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "bridger:large_drawbridge_open", param2 = node.param2}) end, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), mesecons = {effector = { action_on = function(pos, node) minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "bridger:large_drawbridge_open", param2 = node.param2}) end, }}, }) minetest.register_node("bridger:large_drawbridge_open", { description = "Large Wooden Drawbridge", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_wood.png"}, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.4375, -0.5, -0.5, 0.4375, -0.3125, -0.4375}, {0.40625, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.40625}, {0.40625, 0.875, 0.15625, 0.5, 2.125, 0.25}, {-0.5, 0.875, 0.15625, -0.40625, 2.125, 0.25}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.5, -0.40625}, {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, -0.40625, 0.5625, -0.4375}, {0.40625, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5625, -0.4375}, {-0.4375, -0.375, -0.4375, 0.4375, -0.1875, -0.375}, {-0.4375, -0.25, -0.375, 0.4375, -0.0625, -0.3125}, {-0.4375, -0.125, -0.3125, 0.4375, 0.0625, -0.25}, {-0.4375, 0, -0.25, 0.4375, 0.1875, -0.1875}, {-0.4375, 0.125, -0.1875, 0.4375, 0.3125, -0.125}, {-0.4375, 0.25, -0.125, 0.4375, 0.4375, -0.0625}, {-0.4375, 0.375, -0.0625, 0.4375, 0.5625, 0}, {-0.4375, 0.5, 0, 0.4375, 0.6875, 0.0625}, {-0.4375, 0.625, 0.0625, 0.4375, 0.8125, 0.125}, {-0.4375, 0.75, 0.125, 0.4375, 0.9375, 0.1875}, {-0.4375, 0.875, 0.1875, 0.4375, 1.0625, 0.25}, {-0.4375, 1, 0.25, 0.4375, 1.1875, 0.3125}, {-0.4375, 1.125, 0.3125, 0.4375, 1.3125, 0.375}, {-0.5, 0.5, -0.4375, -0.40625, 0.6875, -0.375}, {-0.5, 0.625, -0.375, -0.40625, 0.8125, -0.3125}, {-0.5, 0.75, -0.3125, -0.40625, 0.9375, -0.25}, {-0.5, 0.875, -0.25, -0.40625, 1.0625, -0.1875}, {-0.5, 1, -0.1875, -0.40625, 1.1875, -0.125}, {-0.5, 1.125, -0.125, -0.40625, 1.3125, -0.0625}, {-0.5, 1.25, -0.0625, -0.40625, 1.4375, 0}, {-0.5, 1.375, 0, -0.40625, 1.5625, 0.0625}, {-0.5, 1.5, 0.0625, -0.40625, 1.6875, 0.125}, {-0.5, 1.625, 0.125, -0.40625, 1.8125, 0.1875}, {-0.5, 1.75, 0.1875, -0.40625, 1.9375, 0.25}, {-0.5, 1.875, 0.25, -0.40625, 2.0625, 0.3125}, {-0.5, 2, 0.3125, -0.40625, 2.1875, 0.375}, {0.40625, 0.5, -0.4375, 0.5, 0.6875, -0.375}, {0.40625, 0.625, -0.375, 0.5, 0.8125, -0.3125}, {0.40625, 0.75, -0.3125, 0.5, 0.9375, -0.25}, {0.40625, 0.875, -0.25, 0.5, 1.0625, -0.1875}, {0.40625, 1, -0.1875, 0.5, 1.1875, -0.125}, {0.40625, 1.125, -0.125, 0.5, 1.3125, -0.0625}, {0.40625, 1.25, -0.0625, 0.5, 1.4375, 0}, {0.40625, 1.375, 0, 0.5, 1.5625, 0.0625}, {0.40625, 1.5, 0.0625, 0.5, 1.6875, 0.125}, {0.40625, 1.625, 0.125, 0.5, 1.8125, 0.1875}, {0.40625, 1.75, 0.1875, 0.5, 1.9375, 0.25}, {0.40625, 1.875, 0.25, 0.5, 2.0625, 0.3125}, {0.40625, 2, 0.3125, 0.5, 2.1875, 0.375}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 2.1875, 0.5}, }, }, on_rightclick = function(pos, node) minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "bridger:large_drawbridge_normal", param2 = node.param2}) end, drop = "bridger:large_drawbridge_normal", groups = {choppy=3, not_in_creative_inventory=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), mesecons = {effector = { action_off = function(pos, node) minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = "bridger:large_drawbridge_normal", param2 = node.param2}) end, }}, on_blast = mesecon_on_blastnode, }) minetest.register_node("bridger:deck_wood", { description = "Wooden Deck", drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"default_junglewood.png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 0.375, -0.5, 0.5, 0.501, 0.5}, }, }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.5, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, }, }, groups = {choppy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) end