# Credit where credit is due Copyright (C) 2015-2016 blert2112 and contributors\ Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Panquesito7 (halfpacho@gmail.com) and contributors - Black, Blue, Brown, Cyan, Dark Green, Dark Grey, Green, Grey, Magenta, Orange, Pink, Red, Violet, White, Yellow, Hot Rod, Nyan Ride, Oerkki Bliss, and Road Master from: "Car" by Esteban - - License: - No info given in that mod but I am going to assume the credit for the original model goes to: - Melcor and his CAR01 model (MELKAR) - - License: [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) - MeseCars from: "Mesecars" by paramat - - Licenses: Code WTFPL, textures CC BY-SA - Boats from "Boats" by PilzAdam - - textures: Zeg9 - model: thetoon and Zeg9, modified by PavelS(SokolovPavel) - License: [WTFPL](http://www.wtfpl.net/) - Hovercraft from "Hovercraft" by Stuart Jones - - Licenses: - textures: CC-BY-SA - sounds: freesound.org - Rocket Boost Engine Loop by qubodup - CC0 - CARTOON-BING-LOW by kantouth - CC-BY-3.0 - All other sounds: Copyright Stuart Jones - CC-BY-SA I am sure many others deserve mention.\ If you feel left out let me know and I will add you in.