#!/bin/bash color="white" echo -e "\nWorking...\n" convert -size 16x80 xc:transparent "minislots_font_regular_char_32.png" for i in $(seq 33 127); do char=$(printf "\x$(printf %x $i)") if (( $i == 34 )) || (( $i == 92 )); then char="\\"$char fi convert -background none \ -fill $color \ -font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf \ -pointsize 84 \ label:"$char" \ -crop 99x80+0+15 \ +repage \ "minislots_font_regular_char_"$i.png done convert -size 8x80 xc:transparent "minislots_font_condensed_char_32.png" for i in $(seq 33 127); do char=$(printf "\x$(printf %x $i)") if (( $i == 34 )) || (( $i == 92 )); then char="\\"$char fi convert -background none \ -fill $color \ -font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/LiberationSansNarrow-Regular.ttf \ -pointsize 84 \ label:"$char" \ -crop 99x80+0+15 \ +repage \ "minislots_font_condensed_char_"$i.png done convert -size 24x80 xc:transparent "minislots_font_bold_char_32.png" for i in $(seq 33 127); do char=$(printf "\x$(printf %x $i)") if (( $i == 34 )) || (( $i == 92 )); then char="\\"$char fi convert -background none \ -fill $color \ -font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/LiberationSans-Bold.ttf \ -pointsize 84 \ label:"$char" \ -crop 99x80+0+15 \ +repage \ "minislots_font_bold_char_"$i.png done echo -e "\ncopy/paste this to form the char width table:\n\n" echo "local char_widths = {" echo -e "\t[32] = { regular = 16, condensed = 12, bold = 24 }," for i in $(seq 33 127); do echo -en "\t[$i] " if [ $i -lt 100 ]; then echo -n " "; fi echo -en "= { regular = "$(identify "minislots_font_regular_char_"$i.png|cut -f 3 -d " "|cut -f 1 -d "x")", " echo -en "condensed = "$(identify "minislots_font_condensed_char_"$i.png|cut -f 3 -d " "|cut -f 1 -d "x")", " echo -e "bold = "$(identify "minislots_font_bold_char_"$i.png|cut -f 3 -d " "|cut -f 1 -d "x")" }," done echo "}"