-- Minetest: builtin/item_entity.lua function core.spawn_item(pos, item) local obj = core.add_entity(pos, "__builtin:item") if obj then obj:get_luaentity():set_item(ItemStack(item):to_string()) end return obj end -- If item_entity_ttl is not set, entity will have default life time -- Setting it to -1 disables the feature local time_to_live = tonumber(core.settings:get("item_entity_ttl")) or 900 local gravity = tonumber(core.settings:get("movement_gravity")) or 9.81 local destroy_item = core.settings:get_bool("destroy_item") ~= false -- localize some math functions local abs = math.abs local sqrt = math.sqrt -- water flow functions by QwertyMine3, edited by TenPlus1 and Gustavo6046 local inv_roots = {[0] = 1} local function to_unit_vector(dir_vector) local sum = dir_vector.x * dir_vector.x + dir_vector.z * dir_vector.z local invr_sum -- find inverse square root if possible if inv_roots[sum] ~= nil then invr_sum = inv_roots[sum] else -- not found, compute and save the inverse square root invr_sum = 1.0 / sqrt(sum) inv_roots[sum] = invr_sum end return { x = dir_vector.x * invr_sum, y = dir_vector.y, z = dir_vector.z * invr_sum } end local function node_ok(pos) local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if node and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] then return node end return minetest.registered_nodes["default:dirt"] end local function quick_flow_logic(node, pos_testing, direction) local node_testing = node_ok(pos_testing) local param2 = node.param2 if not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].groups.liquid then param2 = 0 end if minetest.registered_nodes[node_testing.name].liquidtype ~= "flowing" then return 0 end local param2_testing = node_testing.param2 if param2_testing < param2 then if (param2 - param2_testing) > 6 then return -direction else return direction end elseif param2_testing > param2 then if (param2_testing - param2) > 6 then return direction else return -direction end end return 0 end local function quick_flow(pos, node) local x, z = 0, 0 x = x + quick_flow_logic(node, {x = pos.x - 1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z},-1) x = x + quick_flow_logic(node, {x = pos.x + 1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}, 1) z = z + quick_flow_logic(node, {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z - 1},-1) z = z + quick_flow_logic(node, {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z + 1}, 1) return to_unit_vector({x = x, y = 0, z = z}) end -- particle effects for when item is destroyed local function add_effects(pos) minetest.add_particlespawner({ amount = 1, time = 0.25, minpos = pos, maxpos = pos, minvel = {x = -1, y = 2, z = -1}, maxvel = {x = 1, y = 4, z = 1}, minacc = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, maxacc = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, minexptime = 1, maxexptime = 3, minsize = 1, maxsize = 4, texture = "tnt_smoke.png" }) end local water_force = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("builtin_item.waterflow_force") or 1.6) local water_drag = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("builtin_item.waterflow_drag") or 0.8) local dry_friction = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("builtin_item.friction_dry") or 2.6) local air_drag = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("builtin_item.air_drag") or 0.4) local items_collect_on_slippery = tonumber( minetest.settings:get("builtin_item.items_collect_on_slippery") or 1) ~= 0 core.register_entity(":__builtin:item", { initial_properties = { hp_max = 1, physical = true, collide_with_objects = false, collisionbox = {-0.3, -0.3, -0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3}, visual = "wielditem", visual_size = {x = 0.4, y = 0.4}, textures = {""}, spritediv = {x = 1, y = 1}, initial_sprite_basepos = {x = 0, y = 0}, is_visible = false, infotext = "" }, itemstring = "", falling_state = true, slippery_state = false, waterflow_state = false, age = 0, accel = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}, set_item = function(self, item) local stack = ItemStack(item or self.itemstring) self.itemstring = stack:to_string() if self.itemstring == "" then return end local itemname = stack:is_known() and stack:get_name() or "unknown" local max_count = stack:get_stack_max() local count = math.min(stack:get_count(), max_count) local size = 0.2 + 0.1 * (count / max_count) ^ (1 / 3) local col_height = size * 0.75 local def = core.registered_nodes[itemname] local glow = def and def.light_source local c1, c2 = "", "" if not(stack:get_count() == 1) then c1 = " x" .. tostring(stack:get_count()) c2 = " " .. tostring(stack:get_count()) end local name1 = stack:get_meta():get_string("description") local name if name1 == "" then name = core.registered_items[itemname].description else name = name1 end -- small random size bias to counter Z-fighting local bias = math.random() * 1e-3 self.object:set_properties({ is_visible = true, visual = "wielditem", textures = {itemname}, visual_size = {x = size + bias, y = size + bias, z = size + bias}, collisionbox = {-size, -col_height, -size, size, col_height, size}, selectionbox = {-size, -size, -size, size, size, size}, automatic_rotate = 0.314 / size, wield_item = self.itemstring, glow = glow, infotext = name .. c1 .. "\n(" .. itemname .. c2 .. ")" }) end, get_staticdata = function(self) return core.serialize({ itemstring = self.itemstring, age = self.age, dropped_by = self.dropped_by }) end, on_activate = function(self, staticdata, dtime_s) if string.sub(staticdata, 1, 6) == "return" then local data = core.deserialize(staticdata) if data and type(data) == "table" then self.itemstring = data.itemstring self.age = (data.age or 0) + dtime_s self.dropped_by = data.dropped_by end else self.itemstring = staticdata end self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal = 1}) self:set_item() end, try_merge_with = function(self, own_stack, object, entity) if self.age == entity.age then return false -- Can not merge with itself end local stack = ItemStack(entity.itemstring) local name = stack:get_name() if own_stack:get_name() ~= name or own_stack:get_meta() ~= stack:get_meta() or own_stack:get_wear() ~= stack:get_wear() or own_stack:get_free_space() == 0 then return false -- Can not merge different or full stack end local count = own_stack:get_count() local total_count = stack:get_count() + count local max_count = stack:get_stack_max() if total_count > max_count then return false end -- Merge the remote stack into this one local pos = object:get_pos() pos.y = pos.y + ((total_count - count) / max_count) * 0.15 self.object:move_to(pos) self.age = 0 -- Reset age -- Merge velocities local vel_a = self.object:get_velocity() local vel_b = object:get_velocity() self.object:set_velocity({ x = (vel_a.x + vel_b.x) / 2, y = (vel_a.y + vel_b.y) / 2, z = (vel_a.z + vel_b.z) / 2 }) -- Merge stacks own_stack:set_count(total_count) self:set_item(own_stack) entity.itemstring = "" object:remove() return true end, step_update_node_state = function(self, moveresult, dtime) local pos = self.object:get_pos() -- get nodes every 1/4 second self.timer = (self.timer or 0) + dtime if self.timer < 0.25 and self.node_inside then return end self.node_inside = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) self.def_inside = self.node_inside and core.registered_nodes[self.node_inside.name] -- get ground node for collision self.node_under = nil self.falling_state = true --[[ new ground check (glitchy) if moveresult and moveresult.touching_ground then for _, info in ipairs(moveresult.collisions) do if info.axis == "y" then self.node_under = core.get_node_or_nil(info.node_pos) self.falling_state = false break end end end]] -- old ground check (stable) self.node_under = minetest.get_node_or_nil({ x = pos.x, y = pos.y + self.object:get_properties().collisionbox[2] - 0.05, z = pos.z }) self.def_under = self.node_under and core.registered_nodes[self.node_under.name] -- part of old ground check if self.def_under and self.def_under.walkable then self.falling_state = false end self.timer = 0 end, step_node_inside_checks = function(self) local pos = self.object:get_pos() -- Delete in 'ignore' nodes if (self.node_inside and self.node_inside.name == "ignore") or self.itemstring == "" then self.itemstring = "" self.object:remove() return true end local def = self.def_inside -- item inside block, move to vacant space if def and (def.walkable == nil or def.walkable == true) and (def.collision_box == nil or def.collision_box.type == "regular") and (def.node_box == nil or def.node_box.type == "regular") then local npos = minetest.find_node_near(pos, 1, "air") if npos then self.object:move_to(npos) end self.node_inside = nil -- force get_node end -- destroy item when dropped into lava (if enabled) if destroy_item and def and def.groups and def.groups.lava then minetest.sound_play("builtin_item_lava", { pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 6, gain = 0.5 }, true) self.itemstring = "" self.object:remove() add_effects(pos) return true end return false end, step_check_slippery = function(self) -- don't check for slippery if we're not on the ground if self.falling_state or not self.node_under then self.slippery_state = false return end if self.node_under and self.def_under and self.def_under.walkable then local slippery = core.get_item_group(self.node_under.name, "slippery") self.slippery_state = slippery ~= 0 end end, step_water_physics = function(self) self.waterflow_state = self.def_inside and self.def_inside.liquidtype == "flowing" if self.waterflow_state then local pos = self.object:get_pos() local vel = self.object:get_velocity() -- get flow velocity local flow_vel = quick_flow(pos, self.node_inside) -- calculate flow force and drag local flow_force_x = flow_vel.x * water_force local flow_force_z = flow_vel.z * water_force local flow_drag_x = (flow_force_x - vel.x) * water_drag local flow_drag_z = (flow_force_z - vel.z) * water_drag -- apply water force and friction self.accel.x = self.accel.x + flow_force_x + flow_drag_x self.accel.z = self.accel.z + flow_force_z + flow_drag_z end end, step_gravity = function(self) local vel = self.object:get_velocity() -- apply gravity if falling or Y velocity not 0 (just incase) if self.falling_state or (vel and vel.y ~= 0) then self.accel.y = self.accel.y - gravity end end, step_ground_friction = function(self) -- don't apply ground friction when falling! if self.falling_state then return end local vel = self.object:get_velocity() -- this stops the entity drift glitch by re-setting entity pos when not moving if vel.x == 0 and vel.y == 0 and vel.z == 0 then if self.is_moving == true then self.is_moving = false local pos = self.object:get_pos() self.object:set_pos(pos) end else self.is_moving = true end if self.slippery_state then -- apply slip factor (tiny friction that depends on the actual block type) if abs(vel.x) > 0.2 or abs(vel.z) > 0.2 then local slippery = core.get_item_group(self.node_under.name, "slippery") local slip_factor = 4.0 / (slippery + 4) self.accel.x = self.accel.x - vel.x * slip_factor self.accel.z = self.accel.z - vel.z * slip_factor end else self.accel.x = self.accel.x - vel.x * dry_friction self.accel.z = self.accel.z - vel.z * dry_friction end end, step_apply_forces = function(self) self.object:set_acceleration(self.accel) end, step_check_timeout = function(self, dtime) self.age = self.age + dtime if time_to_live > 0 and self.age > time_to_live then add_effects(self.object:get_pos()) self.itemstring = "" self.object:remove() return true end return false end, step_check_custom_step = function(self, dtime, moveresult) -- do custom step function local name = ItemStack(self.itemstring):get_name() or "" local custom = core.registered_items[name] and core.registered_items[name].dropped_step if custom and custom(self, self.object:get_pos(), dtime, moveresult) == false then return true -- skip further checks if false end return false end, step_try_collect = function(self) -- Don't collect items if falling if self.falling_state then return end -- Check if we should collect items while sliding if self.slippery_state and not items_collect_on_slippery then return end -- Collect the items around to merge with local own_stack = ItemStack(self.itemstring) if own_stack:get_free_space() == 0 then return end local self_pos = self.object:get_pos() local objects = core.get_objects_inside_radius(self_pos, 1.0) for _, obj in pairs(objects) do local entity = obj:get_luaentity() if entity and entity.name == "__builtin:item" and not entity.is_falling then if self:try_merge_with(own_stack, obj, entity) then -- item will be moved up due to try_merge_with self.falling_state = true own_stack = ItemStack(self.itemstring) if own_stack:get_free_space() == 0 then return end end end end end, step_air_drag_physics = function(self) local vel = self.object:get_velocity() -- apply air drag if self.falling_state or (self.slippery_state and not self.waterflow_state) then self.accel.x = self.accel.x - vel.x * air_drag self.accel.z = self.accel.z - vel.z * air_drag end end, on_step = function(self, dtime, moveresult) -- reset acceleration self.accel = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} -- check item timeout if self:step_check_timeout(dtime) then return -- deleted, stop here end -- check custom step function if self:step_check_custom_step(dtime, moveresult) then return -- overriden end -- do general checks self:step_update_node_state(moveresult, dtime) if self:step_node_inside_checks() then return -- destroyed end -- do physics checks, then apply self:step_water_physics() self:step_check_slippery() self:step_ground_friction() self:step_air_drag_physics() self:step_gravity() self:step_apply_forces() self:step_try_collect() -- merge end, on_punch = function(self, hitter) local inv = hitter:get_inventory() if inv and self.itemstring ~= "" then local left = inv:add_item("main", self.itemstring) if left and not left:is_empty() then self:set_item(left) return end end self.itemstring = "" self.object:remove() end })