2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
-- Route programming system
Progamming routes :
1. Select " program new route " in the signalling dialog
-> route_start marker will appear to designate route - program mode
2. Do those actions in any order :
A . punch a TCB marker node to proceed route along this TCB . This will only work if
this is actually a TCB bordering the current TS , and will place a
route_set marker and shift to the next TS
B . right - click a turnout to switch it ( no impact to route programming
C . punch a turnout ( or some other passive component ) to fix its state ( toggle )
for the route . A sprite telling " Route Fix " will show that fact .
3. To complete route setting , use the chat command ' /at_program_route <route name> ' .
The last punched TCB will get a ' route end ' marker
The end of a route should be at another signal facing the same direction as the entrance signal ,
however this is not enforced and left up to the signal engineer ( the programmer )
The route visualization will also be used to visualize routes after they have been programmed .
] ] --
-- table with objectRefs
local markerent = { }
minetest.register_entity ( " advtrains_interlocking:routemarker " , {
visual = " mesh " ,
mesh = " trackplane.b3d " ,
textures = { " at_il_route_set.png " } ,
collisionbox = { - 1 , - 0.5 , - 1 , 1 , - 0.4 , 1 } ,
visual_size = { x = 10 , y = 10 } ,
on_punch = function ( self )
self.object : remove ( )
end ,
get_staticdata = function ( ) return " STATIC " end ,
on_activate = function ( self , sdata ) if sdata == " STATIC " then self.object : remove ( ) end end ,
static_save = false ,
} )
-- Spawn or update a route marker entity
-- pos: position where this is going to be
-- key: something unique to determine which entity to remove if this was set before
-- img: texture
local function routemarker ( context , pos , key , img , yaw , itex )
if not markerent [ context ] then
markerent [ context ] = { }
if markerent [ context ] [ key ] then
markerent [ context ] [ key ] : remove ( )
local obj = minetest.add_entity ( vector.add ( pos , { x = 0 , y = 0.3 , z = 0 } ) , " advtrains_interlocking:routemarker " )
if not obj then return end
obj : set_yaw ( yaw )
obj : set_properties ( {
infotext = itex ,
textures = { img } ,
} )
markerent [ context ] [ key ] = obj
minetest.register_entity ( " advtrains_interlocking:routesprite " , {
visual = " sprite " ,
textures = { " at_il_turnout_free.png " } ,
collisionbox = { - 0.2 , - 0.2 , - 0.2 , 0.2 , 0.2 , 0.2 } ,
visual_size = { x = 1 , y = 1 } ,
on_punch = function ( self )
if self.callback then
self.callback ( )
self.object : remove ( )
end ,
get_staticdata = function ( ) return " STATIC " end ,
on_activate = function ( self , sdata ) if sdata == " STATIC " then self.object : remove ( ) end end ,
static_save = false ,
} )
-- Spawn or update a route sprite entity
-- pos: position where this is going to be
-- key: something unique to determine which entity to remove if this was set before
-- img: texture
local function routesprite ( context , pos , key , img , itex , callback )
if not markerent [ context ] then
markerent [ context ] = { }
if markerent [ context ] [ key ] then
markerent [ context ] [ key ] : remove ( )
local obj = minetest.add_entity ( vector.add ( pos , { x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 0 } ) , " advtrains_interlocking:routesprite " )
if not obj then return end
obj : set_properties ( {
infotext = itex ,
textures = { img } ,
} )
if callback then
obj : get_luaentity ( ) . callback = callback
markerent [ context ] [ key ] = obj
Route definition :
route = {
name = < string >
[ n ] = {
next = < sigd > , -- of the next (note: next) TCB on the route
locks = { < pts > = " state " } -- route locks of this route segment
2021-02-19 14:15:18 +01:00
terminal = < sigd > ,
aspect = < signal aspect > , --note, might change in future
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
The first item in the TCB path ( namely i = 0 ) is always the start signal of this route ,
so this is left out .
All subsequent entries , starting from 1 , contain :
- all route locks of the segment on TS between the ( i - 1 ) . and the i . TCB
- the next TCB signal describer in proceeding direction of the route .
' Terminal ' once again repeats the " next " entry of the last route segment .
It is needed for distant signal aspect determination . If it is not set ,
the distant signal aspect is determined as DANGER .
] ] --
local function chat ( pname , message )
minetest.chat_send_player ( pname , " [Route programming] " .. message )
local function clear_lock ( locks , pname , pts )
locks [ pts ] = nil
chat ( pname , pts .. " is no longer affected when this route is set. " )
local function otherside ( s )
if s == 1 then return 2 else return 1 end
function advtrains . interlocking . clear_visu_context ( context )
if not markerent [ context ] then return end
for key , obj in pairs ( markerent [ context ] ) do
obj : remove ( )
markerent [ context ] = nil
-- visualize route. 'context' is a string that identifies the context of this visualization
-- e.g. prog_<player> or vis_<pts> for later visualizations
-- last 2 parameters are only to be used in the context of route programming!
function advtrains . interlocking . visualize_route ( origin , route , context , tmp_lcks , pname )
advtrains.interlocking . clear_visu_context ( context )
local oyaw = 0
local onode_ok , oconns , orhe = advtrains.get_rail_info_at ( origin.p , advtrains.all_tracktypes )
if onode_ok then
oyaw = advtrains.dir_to_angle ( oconns [ origin.s ] . c )
routemarker ( context , origin.p , " rte_origin " , " at_il_route_start.png " , oyaw , route.name )
local c_sigd = origin
for k , v in ipairs ( route ) do
c_sigd = v.next
-- display route path
-- Final "next" marker can be EOI, thus undefined. This is legitimate.
if c_sigd then
local yaw = 0
local node_ok , conns , rhe = advtrains.get_rail_info_at ( c_sigd.p , advtrains.all_tracktypes )
if node_ok then
yaw = advtrains.dir_to_angle ( conns [ c_sigd.s ] . c )
local img = " at_il_route_set.png "
if k ==# route and not tmp_lcks then
img = " at_il_route_end.png "
routemarker ( context , c_sigd.p , " rte " .. k , img , yaw , route.name .. " # " .. k )
-- display locks
for pts , state in pairs ( v.locks ) do
local pos = minetest.string_to_pos ( pts )
routesprite ( context , pos , " fix " .. k .. pts , " at_il_route_lock.png " , " Fixed in state ' " .. state .. " ' by route " .. route.name .. " until segment # " .. k .. " is freed. " )
-- The presence of tmp_lcks tells us that we are displaying during route programming.
if tmp_lcks then
-- display route end markers at appropriate places (check next TS, if it exists)
local terminal = c_sigd
if terminal then
local term_tcbs = advtrains.interlocking . db.get_tcbs ( terminal )
if term_tcbs.ts_id then
local over_ts = advtrains.interlocking . db.get_ts ( term_tcbs.ts_id )
for i , sigd in ipairs ( over_ts.tc_breaks ) do
if not vector.equals ( sigd.p , terminal.p ) then
local yaw = 0
local node_ok , conns , rhe = advtrains.get_rail_info_at ( sigd.p , advtrains.all_tracktypes )
if node_ok then
yaw = advtrains.dir_to_angle ( conns [ otherside ( sigd.s ) ] . c )
routemarker ( context , sigd.p , " rteterm " .. i , " at_il_route_end.png " , yaw , route.name .. " Terminal " .. i )
-- display locks set by player
for pts , state in pairs ( tmp_lcks ) do
local pos = minetest.string_to_pos ( pts )
routesprite ( context , pos , " fixp " .. pts , " at_il_route_lock_edit.png " , " Fixed in state ' " .. state .. " ' by route " .. route.name .. " (punch to unfix) " ,
function ( ) clear_lock ( tmp_lcks , pname , pts ) end )
local player_rte_prog = { }
2024-12-19 12:55:40 +01:00
function advtrains . interlocking . init_route_prog ( pname , sigd , default_route )
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
if not minetest.check_player_privs ( pname , " interlocking " ) then
minetest.chat_send_player ( pname , " Insufficient privileges to use this! " )
2024-12-19 12:55:40 +01:00
local rp = {
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
origin = sigd ,
2024-12-19 12:55:40 +01:00
if default_route then
rp.route = table.copy ( default_route )
-- "Step back one section", but keeping turnouts
local last_route = rp.route [ # rp.route ]
if last_route then
rp.tmp_lcks = last_route.locks
rp.route [ # rp.route ] = nil
rp.route . name = " PROG[ " .. pname .. " ] "
rp.route = {
name = " PROG[ " .. pname .. " ] "
rp.tmp_lcks = { }
player_rte_prog [ pname ] = rp
advtrains.interlocking . visualize_route ( sigd , rp.route , " prog_ " .. pname , rp.tmp_lcks , pname )
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
minetest.chat_send_player ( pname , " Route programming mode active. Punch TCBs to add route segments, punch turnouts to lock them. " )
local function get_last_route_item ( origin , route )
if # route == 0 then
return origin
return route [ # route ] . next
local function do_advance_route ( pname , rp , sigd , tsname )
table.insert ( rp.route , { next = sigd , locks = rp.tmp_lcks } )
rp.tmp_lcks = { }
chat ( pname , " Added track section ' " .. tsname .. " ' to the route. " )
local function finishrpform ( pname )
local rp = player_rte_prog [ pname ]
if not rp then return end
local form = " size[7,6]label[0.5,0.5;Finish programming route] "
local terminal = get_last_route_item ( rp.origin , rp.route )
if terminal then
local term_tcbs = advtrains.interlocking . db.get_tcbs ( terminal )
if term_tcbs.signal then
form = form .. " label[0.5,1.5;Route ends at signal:] "
form = form .. " label[0.5,2 ; " .. term_tcbs.signal_name .. " ] "
form = form .. " label[0.5,1.5;WARNING: Route does not end at a signal.] "
form = form .. " label[0.5,2 ;Routes should in most cases end at signals.] "
form = form .. " label[0.5,2.5;Cancel if you are unsure!] "
form = form .. " label[0.5,1.5;Route leads into] "
form = form .. " label[0.5,2 ;non-interlocked area] "
form = form .. " field[0.8,3.5;5.2,1;name;Enter Route Name;] "
form = form .. " button_exit[0.5,4.5; 5,1;save;Save Route] "
minetest.show_formspec ( pname , " at_il_routepf " , form )
local function check_advance_valid ( tcbpos , rp )
-- track circuit break, try to advance route over it
local lri = get_last_route_item ( rp.origin , rp.route )
if not lri then
return false , false
local is_endpoint = false
local this_sigd , this_ts , adv_side
if vector.equals ( lri.p , tcbpos ) then
-- If the player just punched the last TCB again, it's of course possible to
-- finish the route here (although it can't be advanced by here.
-- Fun fact: you can now program routes that end exactly where they begin :)
is_endpoint = true
this_sigd = lri
-- else, we need to check whether this TS actually borders
local start_tcbs = advtrains.interlocking . db.get_tcbs ( lri )
if not start_tcbs.ts_id then
return false , false
this_ts = advtrains.interlocking . db.get_ts ( start_tcbs.ts_id )
for _ , sigd in ipairs ( this_ts.tc_breaks ) do
if vector.equals ( sigd.p , tcbpos ) then
adv_side = otherside ( sigd.s )
if not adv_side then
-- this TCB is not bordering to the section
return false , false
this_sigd = { p = tcbpos , s = adv_side }
-- check whether the ts at the other end is capable of "end over"
local adv_tcbs = advtrains.interlocking . db.get_tcbs ( this_sigd )
local next_tsid = adv_tcbs.ts_id
local can_over , over_ts , next_tc_bs = false , nil , nil
local cannotover_rsn = " Next section is diverging (>2 TCBs) "
if next_tsid then
-- you may not advance over EOI. While this is technically possible,
-- in practise this just enters an unnecessary extra empty route item.
over_ts = advtrains.interlocking . db.get_ts ( adv_tcbs.ts_id )
next_tc_bs = over_ts.tc_breaks
can_over = # next_tc_bs <= 2
cannotover_rsn = " End of interlocking "
local over_sigd = nil
if can_over then
if next_tc_bs and # next_tc_bs == 2 then
local sdt
if vector.equals ( next_tc_bs [ 1 ] . p , tcbpos ) then
sdt = next_tc_bs [ 2 ]
if vector.equals ( next_tc_bs [ 2 ] . p , tcbpos ) then
sdt = next_tc_bs [ 1 ]
if not sdt then
error ( " Inconsistency: " .. dump ( next_ts ) )
-- swap TCB direction
over_sigd = { p = sdt.p , s = otherside ( sdt.s ) }
return is_endpoint , true , this_sigd , this_ts , can_over , over_ts , over_sigd , cannotover_rsn
local function show_routing_form ( pname , tcbpos , message )
local rp = player_rte_prog [ pname ]
if not rp then return end
local is_endpoint , advance_valid , this_sigd , this_ts , can_over , over_ts , over_sigd , cannotover_rsn = check_advance_valid ( tcbpos , rp )
-- at this place, advance_valid shows whether the current route can be advanced
-- over this TCB.
-- If it can:
-- Advance over (continue programming)
-- End here
-- Advance and end (only <=2 TCBs, terminal signal needs to be known)
-- if not:
-- show nothing at all
-- In all cases, Discard and Backtrack buttons needed.
local form = " size[7,9.5]label[0.5,0.5;Advance/Complete Route] "
if message then
form = form .. " label[0.5,1; " .. message .. " ] "
if advance_valid and not is_endpoint then
form = form .. " label[0.5,1.8;Advance to next route section] "
form = form .. " image_button[0.5,2.2; 5,1;at_il_routep_advance.png;advance;] "
form = form .. " label[0.5,3.5;-------------------------] "
form = form .. " label[0.5,2.3;This TCB is not suitable as] "
form = form .. " label[0.5,2.8;route continuation.] "
if advance_valid or is_endpoint then
form = form .. " label[0.5,3.8;Finish route HERE] "
form = form .. " image_button[0.5, 4.2; 5,1;at_il_routep_end_here.png;endhere;] "
if can_over then
form = form .. " label[0.5,5.3;Finish route at end of NEXT section] "
form = form .. " image_button[0.5,5.7; 5,1;at_il_routep_end_over.png;endover;] "
form = form .. " label[0.5,5.3;Advancing over next section is] "
form = form .. " label[0.5,5.8;impossible at this place.] "
if cannotover_rsn then
form = form .. " label[0.5,6.3; " .. cannotover_rsn .. " ] "
form = form .. " label[0.5,7;-------------------------] "
if # rp.route > 0 then
form = form .. " button[0.5,7.4; 5,1;retract;Step back one section] "
form = form .. " button[0.5,8.4; 5,1;cancel;Cancel route programming] "
minetest.show_formspec ( pname , " at_il_rprog_ " .. minetest.pos_to_string ( tcbpos ) , form )
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields ( function ( player , formname , fields )
local pname = player : get_player_name ( )
local tcbpts = string.match ( formname , " ^at_il_rprog_([^_]+)$ " )
local tcbpos
if tcbpts then
tcbpos = minetest.string_to_pos ( tcbpts )
if tcbpos then
-- RPROG form
local rp = player_rte_prog [ pname ]
if not rp then
minetest.close_formspec ( pname , formname )
local is_endpoint , advance_valid , this_sigd , this_ts , can_over , over_ts , over_sigd = check_advance_valid ( tcbpos , rp )
if advance_valid then
if fields.advance then
-- advance route
if not is_endpoint then
do_advance_route ( pname , rp , this_sigd , this_ts.name )
if fields.endhere then
if not is_endpoint then
do_advance_route ( pname , rp , this_sigd , this_ts.name )
finishrpform ( pname )
if can_over and fields.endover then
if not is_endpoint then
do_advance_route ( pname , rp , this_sigd , this_ts.name )
do_advance_route ( pname , rp , over_sigd , over_ts and over_ts.name or " --EOI-- " )
finishrpform ( pname )
if fields.retract then
if # rp.route <= 0 then
minetest.close_formspec ( pname , formname )
rp.tmp_locks = rp.route [ # rp.route ] . locks
rp.route [ # rp.route ] = nil
chat ( pname , " Route section " .. ( # rp.route + 1 ) .. " removed. " )
if fields.cancel then
player_rte_prog [ pname ] = nil
advtrains.interlocking . clear_visu_context ( " prog_ " .. pname )
chat ( pname , " Route discarded. " )
minetest.close_formspec ( pname , formname )
advtrains.interlocking . visualize_route ( rp.origin , rp.route , " prog_ " .. pname , rp.tmp_lcks , pname )
minetest.close_formspec ( pname , formname )
if formname == " at_il_routepf " then
if not fields.save or not fields.name then return end
if fields.name == " " then
-- show form again
finishrpform ( pname )
local rp = player_rte_prog [ pname ]
if rp then
if # rp.route <= 0 then
chat ( pname , " Cannot program route without a target " )
local tcbs = advtrains.interlocking . db.get_tcbs ( rp.origin )
if not tcbs then
chat ( pname , " The origin TCB has become unknown during programming. Try again. " )
local terminal = get_last_route_item ( rp.origin , rp.route )
rp.route . terminal = terminal
rp.route . name = fields.name
table.insert ( tcbs.routes , rp.route )
advtrains.interlocking . clear_visu_context ( " prog_ " .. pname )
player_rte_prog [ pname ] = nil
chat ( pname , " Successfully programmed route. " )
advtrains.interlocking . show_route_edit_form ( pname , rp.origin , # tcbs.routes )
end )
-- Central route programming punch callback
minetest.register_on_punchnode ( function ( pos , node , player , pointed_thing )
local pname = player : get_player_name ( )
if not minetest.check_player_privs ( pname , " interlocking " ) then
local rp = player_rte_prog [ pname ]
if rp then
-- determine what the punched node is
if minetest.get_item_group ( node.name , " at_il_track_circuit_break " ) >= 1 then
-- get position of the assigned tcb
local meta = minetest.get_meta ( pos )
local tcbpts = meta : get_string ( " tcb_pos " )
if tcbpts == " " then
chat ( pname , " This TCB is unconfigured, you first need to assign it to a rail " )
local tcbpos = minetest.string_to_pos ( tcbpts )
-- show formspec
show_routing_form ( pname , tcbpos )
advtrains.interlocking . visualize_route ( rp.origin , rp.route , " prog_ " .. pname , rp.tmp_lcks , pname )
if advtrains.is_passive ( pos ) then
local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts ( pos )
if rp.tmp_lcks [ pts ] then
clear_lock ( rp.tmp_lcks , pname , pts )
local state = advtrains.getstate ( pos )
rp.tmp_lcks [ pts ] = state
chat ( pname , pts .. " is held in " .. state .. " position when this route is set and freed " )
advtrains.interlocking . visualize_route ( rp.origin , rp.route , " prog_ " .. pname , rp.tmp_lcks , pname )
end )
--TODO on route setting
-- routes should end at signals. complete route setting by punching a signal, and command as exceptional route completion
-- Create simpler way to advance a route to the next tcb/signal on simple sections without turnouts