The WorldEdit API is composed of multiple modules, each of which is independent and can be used without the other. Each module is contained within a single file.
If needed, individual modules such as visualization.lua can be removed without affecting the rest of the program. The only file that cannot be removed is init.lua, which is necessary for the mod to run.
For more information, see the [README](
### value = worldedit.version
Contains the current version of WorldEdit in a table of the form `{major=MAJOR_INTEGER, minor=MINOR_INTEGER}`, where `MAJOR_INTEGER` is the major version (the number before the period) as an integer, and `MINOR_INTEGER` is the minor version (the number after the period) as an integer. This is intended for version checking purposes.
### value = worldedit.version_string
Contains the current version of WorldEdit in the form of a string `"MAJOR_INTEGER.MINOR_INTEGER"`, where `MAJOR_INTEGER` is the major version (the number before the period) as an integer, and `MINOR_INTEGER` is the minor version (the number after the period) as an integer. This is intended for display purposes.
Contained in manipulations.lua, this module allows several node operations to be applied over a region.
### count = worldedit.set(pos1, pos2, node_name)
Sets a region defined by positions `pos1` and `pos2` to `node_name`. To clear a region, use "air" as the value of `node_name`.
If `node_name` is a list of nodes, each set node is randomly picked from it.
Stretches the region defined by positions `pos1` and `pos2` by an factor of positive integers `stretchx`, `stretchy`. and `stretchz` along the X, Y, and Z axes, respectively, with `pos1` as the origin.
Returns the number of nodes stretched, the new scaled position 1, and the new scaled position 2.
Rotates a region defined by the positions `pos1` and `pos2` by `angle` degrees clockwise around the y axis (supporting 90 degree increments only).
Returns the number of nodes rotated, the new position 1, and the new position 2.
### count = worldedit.orient(pos1, pos2, angle)
Rotates all oriented nodes in a region defined by the positions `pos1` and `pos2` by `angle` degrees clockwise (90 degree increment) around the Y axis.
Returns the number of nodes oriented.
### count = worldedit.fixlight(pos1, pos2)
Fixes the lighting in a region defined by positions `pos1` and `pos2`.
Returns the number of nodes updated.
### count = worldedit.clearobjects(pos1, pos2)
Clears all objects in a region defined by the positions `pos1` and `pos2`.
Returns the number of objects cleared.
Contained in primitives.lua, this module allows the creation of several geometric primitives.
Adds a cylinder-like at `pos` along the `axis` axis ("x" or "y" or "z") with length `length`, base radius `radius1` and top radius `radius2`, composed of `node_name`.
Executes `code` as a Lua chunk in the global namespace with the variable `pos` available, for each node in a region defined by positions `pos1` and `pos2`.
Returns an error if the code fails or nil otherwise.