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2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
-- lzb.lua
-- Enforced and/or automatic train override control, providing the on_train_approach callback
Documentation of train.lzb table
train.lzb = {
2021-02-19 14:15:18 +01:00
trav_index = Current index that the traverser has advanced so far
checkpoints = table containing oncoming signals, in order of index
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pos = position of the point
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index = where this is on the path
speed = speed allowed to pass. nil = no effect
callback = function(pos, id, train, index, speed, lzbdata)
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-- Function that determines what to do on the train in the moment it drives over that point.
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-- When spd==0, called instead when train has stopped in front
-- nil = no effect
lzbdata = {}
-- Table of custom data filled in by approach callbacks
-- Whenever an approach callback inserts an LZB checkpoint with changed lzbdata,
-- all consecutive approach callbacks will see these passed as lzbdata table.
udata = arbitrary user data, no official way to retrieve (do not use)
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trav_lzbdata = currently active lzbdata table at traverser index
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The LZB subsystem keeps track of "checkpoints" the train will pass in the future, and has two main tasks:
1. run approach callbacks, and run callbacks when passing LZB checkpoints
2. keep track of the permitted speed at checkpoints, and make sure that the train brakes accordingly
To perform 2, it populates the train.path_speed table which is handled along with the path subsystem.
This table is used in trainlogic.lua/train_step_b() and applied to the velocity calculations.
Note: in contrast to node enter callbacks, which are called when the train passes the .5 index mark, LZB callbacks are executed on passing the .0 index mark!
If an LZB checkpoint has speed 0, the train will still enter the node (the enter callback will be called), but will stop at the 0.9 index mark (for details, see SLOW_APPROACH in trainlogic.lua)
The start point for the LZB traverser (and thus the first node that will receive an approach callback) is floor(train.index) + 1. This means, once the LZB checkpoint callback has fired,
this path node will not receive any further approach callbacks for the same approach situation
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
local params = {
ADD_STAND = 2.5,
ADD_SLOW = 1.5,
ZONE_HOLD = 5, -- added on top of ZONE_ROLL
ZONE_VSLOW = 3, -- When speed is <2, still allow accelerating
function advtrains.set_lzb_param(par, val)
if params[par] and tonumber(val) then
params[par] = tonumber(val)
error("Inexistant param or not a number")
2021-02-19 14:15:18 +01:00
local function resolve_latest_lzbdata(ckp, index)
local i = #ckp
local ckpi
while i>0 do
ckpi = ckp[i]
if ckpi.index <= index and ckpi.lzbdata then
return ckpi.lzbdata
return {}
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
local function look_ahead(id, train)
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local lzb = train.lzb
if lzb.zero_checkpoint then
-- if the checkpoints list contains a zero checkpoint, don't look ahead
-- in order to not trigger approach callbacks on the wrong path
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
local acc = advtrains.get_acceleration(train, 1)
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-- worst-case: the starting point is maximum speed
local vel = train.max_speed or train.velocity
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local brakedst = ( -(vel*vel) / (2*acc) ) * params.DST_FACTOR
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--local brake_i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, train.index, brakedst + params.BRAKE_SPACE)
-- worst case (don't use index_by_offset)
local brake_i = atfloor(train.index + brakedst + params.BRAKE_SPACE)
atprint("LZB: looking ahead up to ", brake_i)
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--local aware_i = advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, brake_i, AWARE_ZONE)
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local trav = lzb.trav_index
-- retrieve latest lzbdata
if not lzb.trav_lzbdata then
lzb.trav_lzbdata = resolve_latest_lzbdata(lzb.checkpoints, trav)
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if lzb.trav_lzbdata.off_track then
--previous position was off track, do not scan any further
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while trav <= brake_i and not lzb.zero_checkpoint do
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local pos = advtrains.path_get(train, trav)
-- check offtrack
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if trav - 1 == train.path_trk_f then
lzb.trav_lzbdata.off_track = true
advtrains.lzb_add_checkpoint(train, trav - 1, 0, nil, lzb.trav_lzbdata)
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-- run callbacks
-- Note: those callbacks are defined in trainlogic.lua for consistency with the other node callbacks
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advtrains.tnc_call_approach_callback(pos, id, train, trav, lzb.trav_lzbdata)
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2021-02-19 14:15:18 +01:00
trav = trav + 1
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lzb.trav_index = trav
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2021-02-19 14:15:18 +01:00
advtrains.lzb_look_ahead = look_ahead
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2021-02-19 14:15:18 +01:00
local function call_runover_callbacks(id, train)
if not train.lzb then return end
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
local i = 1
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local idx = atfloor(train.index)
local ckp = train.lzb.checkpoints
while ckp[i] do
if ckp[i].index <= idx then
atprint("LZB: checkpoint run over: i=",ckp[i].index,"s=",ckp[i].speed)
-- call callback
local it = ckp[i]
if it.callback then
it.callback(it.pos, id, train, it.index, it.speed, train.lzb.lzbdata)
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-- note: lzbdata is always defined as look_ahead was called before
table.remove(ckp, i)
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i = i + 1
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-- Flood-fills train.path_speed, based on this checkpoint
local function apply_checkpoint_to_path(train, checkpoint)
if not checkpoint.speed then
atprint("LZB: applying checkpoint: i=",checkpoint.index,"s=",checkpoint.speed)
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if checkpoint.speed == 0 then
train.lzb.zero_checkpoint = true
-- make sure path exists until checkpoint
local pos = advtrains.path_get(train, checkpoint.index)
local brake_accel = advtrains.get_acceleration(train, 11)
-- start with the checkpoint index at specified speed
local index = checkpoint.index
local p_speed -- speed in path_speed
local c_speed = checkpoint.speed -- calculated speed at current index
while true do
p_speed = train.path_speed[index]
if (p_speed and p_speed <= c_speed) or index < train.index then
--we're done. train already slower than wanted at this position
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-- insert calculated target speed
train.path_speed[index] = c_speed
-- calculate c_speed at previous index
advtrains.path_get(train, index-1)
local eldist = train.path_dist[index] - train.path_dist[index-1]
-- Calculate the start velocity the train would have if it had a end velocity of c_speed and accelerating with brake_accel, after a distance of eldist:
-- v0² = v1² - 2*a*s
c_speed = math.sqrt( (c_speed * c_speed) - (2 * brake_accel * eldist) )
index = index - 1
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
2021-02-19 14:15:18 +01:00
Distance needed to accelerate from v0 to v1 with constant acceleration a:
v1 - v0 a / v1 - v0 \ 2 v1^2 - v0^2
s = v0 * ------- + - * | ------- | = -----------
a 2 \ a / 2*a
-- Removes all LZB checkpoints and restarts the traverser at the current train index
function advtrains.lzb_invalidate(train)
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
train.lzb = {
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trav_index = atfloor(train.index) + 1,
checkpoints = {},
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
2021-02-19 14:15:18 +01:00
-- LZB part of path_invalidate_ahead. Clears all checkpoints that are ahead of start_idx
-- in contrast to path_inv_ahead, doesn't complain if start_idx is behind train.index, clears everything then
function advtrains.lzb_invalidate_ahead(train, start_idx)
if train.lzb then
local idx = atfloor(start_idx)
local i = 1
while train.lzb.checkpoints[i] do
if train.lzb.checkpoints[i].index >= idx then
table.remove(train.lzb.checkpoints, i)
train.lzb.trav_index = idx
-- FIX reset trav_lzbdata (look_ahead fetches these when required)
train.lzb.trav_lzbdata = nil
-- re-apply all checkpoints to path_speed
train.path_speed = {}
train.lzb.zero_checkpoint = false
for _,ckp in ipairs(train.lzb.checkpoints) do
apply_checkpoint_to_path(train, ckp)
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
-- Add LZB control point
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-- lzbdata: If you modify lzbdata in an approach callback, you MUST add a checkpoint AND pass the (modified) lzbdata into it.
-- If you DON'T modify lzbdata, you MUST pass nil as lzbdata. Always modify the lzbdata table in place, never overwrite it!
-- udata: user-defined data, do not use externally
function advtrains.lzb_add_checkpoint(train, index, speed, callback, lzbdata, udata)
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
local lzb = train.lzb
local pos = advtrains.path_get(train, index)
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local lzbdata_c = nil
if lzbdata then
-- make a shallow copy of lzbdata
lzbdata_c = {}
for k,v in pairs(lzbdata) do lzbdata_c[k] = v end
local ckp = {
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
pos = pos,
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index = index,
speed = speed,
callback = callback,
lzbdata = lzbdata_c,
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udata = udata,
2021-02-19 14:15:18 +01:00
table.insert(lzb.checkpoints, ckp)
apply_checkpoint_to_path(train, ckp)
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advtrains.te_register_on_new_path(function(id, train)
2021-02-19 14:15:18 +01:00
-- Taken care of in pre-move hook (see train_step_b)
--look_ahead(id, train)
advtrains.te_register_on_invalidate_ahead(function(id, train, start_idx)
advtrains.lzb_invalidate_ahead(train, start_idx)
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
advtrains.te_register_on_update(function(id, train)
if not train.path or not train.lzb then
atprint("LZB run: no path on train, skip step")
2021-02-19 14:15:18 +01:00
-- Note: look_ahead called from train_step_b before applying movement
-- TODO: if more pre-move hooks are added, make a separate callback hook
--look_ahead(id, train)
call_runover_callbacks(id, train)
2020-11-16 17:58:14 +01:00
end, true)