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2020-10-25 19:05:08 +01:00
Creatures MOB-Engine API
creatures.register_mob(#Creature definition)
-registers a mob at MOB-Engine; returns true when sucessfull
-returns a weighted random table element; chance_sum of table must be 1
^ example: creatures.rnd({elem1 = {chance = 0.7}, {elem2 = {chance = 0.3}})
creatures.compare_pos(pos1, pos2)
-returns true if pos1 == pos2
creatures.findTarget(search_obj, pos, radius, search_type, mob_name, xray, no_count)
-returns table of found objects (as ObjectRef) and boolean player_near
^ search_obj is searching object; can be nil
^ pos is starting position for search radius
^ radius for searching in blocks/node
^ search_type that specifies returned object requirements
^ "all" -- returns every object except dropped Items
^ "hostile" -- returns every object(creature) that has hostile setting or is player
^ ignores "mob_type" if specified
^ "nonhostile" -- returns every object that is not hostile or player
^ "player" -- returns all players
^ "mates" -- returns all objects(creatures) that are of same kind
^ requires "mob_type" specifies
^ mob_type specifies creature that is ignored or searched, depending on search_type
^ xray allows searching through blocks/nodes (default == false)
^ no_count skips collecting loop and returns just the boolean player_near
^ table is empty
creatures.dropItems(pos, drops)
-drops items at position pos
^ pos where to drop Items
^ drops table in #ItemDrops format
<Itemname>, -- e.g. "default:wood"
<amount>, -- either a <number> or table in format {min = <number>, max = <number>}; optional
<rarity> -- "chance = <value>": <value> between 0.0 and 1.0
Will drop with a chance of 30% 1 to 3 items of type "default:wood"
and with a chance of 100% 2 items of type "default:stone"
{"default:wood", {min = 1, max = 3}, chance = 0.3},
{"default:stone", 2}
#Creature definition
name = "", -- e.g. "creatures:sheep"
stats = {
hp = 1, -- 1 HP = "1/2 player heart"
hostile = false, -- is mob hostile (required for mode "attack") <optional>
lifetime = 300, -- after which time mob despawns, in seconds <optional>
dies_when_tamed = false, -- stop despawn when tamed <optional>
can_jump = 1, -- height in nodes <optional>
can_swim = false, -- can mob swim or will it drown <optional>
can_fly = false, -- allows to fly (requires mode "fly") and disable step sounds <optional>
can_burn = false, -- takes damage of lava <optional>
can_panic = false, -- runs fast around when hit (requires mode "walk") <optional>
has_falldamage = false, -- deals damage if falling more than 3 blocks <optional>
has_kockback = false, -- get knocked back when hit <optional>
sneaky = false, -- disables step sounds <optional>
light = {min, max}, -- which light level will burn creature (requires can_burn = true) <optional>
modes = {
idle = {chance = <part of 1.0>, duration = <time>, moving_speed = <number>, update_yaw = <yawtime>},
^ chance -- number between 0.0 and 1.0 (!!NOTE: sum of all modes MUST be 1.0!!)
^ if chance is 0 then mode is not chosen automatically
^ duration -- time in seconds until the next mode is chosen (depending on chance)
^ moving_speed -- moving speed(flying/walking) <optional>
^ update_yaw -- timer in seconds until the looking dir is changed <optional>
^ if moving_speed > 0 then the moving direction is also changed
-- special modes
attack = {<same as above>}
follow = {<same as above>, radius = <number>, timer = <time>, items = <table>},
^ same as above -- all possible values like specified above
^ radius -- search distance in blocks/nodes for player
^ timer -- time in seconds between each check for player
^ items -- table of items to make mob follow in format {<Itemname>, <Itemname>}; e.g. {"farming:wheat"}
eat = {<same as above>, nodes = <table>},
^ same as above -- all possible values like specified above
^ items -- eatable nodes in format {<Itemname>, <Itemname>}; e.g. {"default:dirt_with_grass"}
model = {
mesh = "creatures_sheep.x", -- mesh name; see Minetest Documentation for supported filetypes
textures = {"creatures_sheep.png"}, -- table of textures; see Minetest Documentation
collisionbox = <NodeBox>, -- defines mesh collision box; see Minetest Documentation
rotation = 0.0, -- sets rotation offset when moving
backface_culling = false, -- set true to enable backface culling
animations = { -- animation used if defined <optional>
idle = {#AnimationDef}, -- see #AnimationDef
... -- depends on modes (must correspond to be used);
^ supported "special modes": eat, follow, attack, death, swim, panic
sounds = {
on_damage = {#SoundDef}, -- see #SoundDef <optional>
on_death = {#SoundDef}, -- see #SoundDef <optional>
swim = {#SoundDef}, -- see #SoundDef <optional>
random = { -- depends on mode <optional>
idle = {#SoundDef}, -- <optional>
... -- depends on modes (must correspond to be used); supports "special modes": eat, follow, attack
drops = {#ItemDrops}, -- see #ItemDrops definition <optional>
^ can also be a function; receives "self" reference
combat = { -- specifies behavior of hostile mobs in "attack" mode
attack_damage = 1, -- how much damage deals each hit
attack_speed = 0.6, -- time in seconds between hits
attack_radius = 1.1, -- distance in blocks mob can reach to hit
search_enemy = true, -- true to search enemies to attack
search_timer = 2, -- time in seconds to search an enemy (only if none found yet)
search_radius = 12, -- radius in blocks within enemies are searched
search_type = "player", -- what enemy is being searched (see types at creatures.findTarget())
spawning = { -- defines spawning in world <optional>
abm_nodes = {
spawn_on = {<table>}, -- on what nodes mob can spawn <optional>
^ table -- nodes and groups in table format; e.g. {"group:stone", "default:stone"}
neighbors = {}, -- what node should be neighbors to spawnnode <optional>
^ can be nil or table as above; "air" is forced always as neighbor
abm_interval = <interval>, -- time in seconds until Minetest tries to find a node with set specs
abm_chance = <chance>, -- chance is 1/<chance>
max_number = <number>, -- maximum mobs of this kind per mapblock(16x16x16)
number = <amount>, -- how many mobs are spawned if found suitable spawn position
^ amount -- number or table {min = <value>, max = <value>}
time_range = <range>, -- time range in time of day format (0-24000) <optional>
^ range -- table {min = <value>, max = <value>}
light = <range>, -- min and max lightvalue at spawn position <optional>
^ range -- table {min = <value>, max = <value>}
height_limit = <range>, -- min and max height (world Y coordinate) <optional>
^ range -- table {min = <value>, max = <value>}
spawn_egg = { -- is set a spawn_egg is added to creative inventory <optional>
description = <desc>, -- Item description as string
texture = <name>, -- texture name as string
spawner = { -- is set a spawner_node is added to creative inventory <optional>
range = <number>, -- defines an area (in blocks/nodes) within mobs are spawned
number = <number>, -- maxmimum number of mobs spawned in area defined via range
description = <desc>, -- Item description as string <optional>
light = <range>, -- min and max lightvalue at spawn position <optional>
^ range -- table {min = <value>, max = <value>}
on_rightclick = func(self, clicker) -- called when mob is rightclicked
^ prevents default action when returns boolean true
on_punch = func(self, puncher) -- called when mob is punched (puncher can be nil)
^ prevents default action when returns boolean true
on_step = func(self, dtime) -- called each server step
^ prevents default action when returns boolean true
on_activate = func(self, staticdata) -- called when mob (re-)actived
^ Note: staticdata is deserialized by MOB-Engine (including costum values)
get_staticdata = func(self) -- called when mob is punched (puncher can be nil)
^ must return a table to save mob data (serialization is done by MOB-Engine)
^ e.g:
return {
costum_mob_data = self.my_value,
#AnimationDef {
start = 0, -- animation start frame
stop = 80, -- animation end frame
speed = 15, -- animation speed
loop = true, -- if false, animation if just played once <optional>
duration = 1 -- only supported in "death"-Animation, sets time the animation needs until mob is removed <optional>
#SoundDef {
name = <name>, -- sound name as string; see Minetest documentation
gain = 1.0, -- sound gain; see Minetest documentation
distance = <number>, -- hear distance in blocks/nodes <optional>
time_min = <time> -- minimum time in seconds between sounds (random only) <optional>
time_max = <time> -- maximum time in seconds between sounds (random only) <optional>