Return the skin object assigned to the player. Returns default if nothing assigned
## skins.assign_player_skin(player, skin)
Check if allowed and assign the skin for the player without visual updates. The "skin" parameter could be the skin key or the skin object
Returns false if skin is not valid or applicable to player
## skins.update_player_skin(player)
Update selected skin visuals on player
## skins.set_player_skin(player, skin)
Function for external usage on skin selection. This function assign the skin, call the skin:set_skin(player) hook to update dynamic skins, then update the visuals
## skins.get_skin_format(file)
Returns the skin format version ("1.0" or "1.8"). File is an open file handle to the texture file
- playername - Player assignment for private skin. Set false for skins not usable by all players (like NPC-Skins), true or nothing for all player skins
- in_inventory_list - If set to false the skin is not visible in inventory skins selection but can be still applied to the player
- _sort_id - Thi skins lists are sorted by this field for output (internal key)
## skin:get_meta_string(key)
Same as get_meta() but does return "" instead of nil if the meta key does not exists
## skin:is_applicable_for_player(playername)
Returns whether this skin is applicable for player "playername" or not, like private skins