local STORAGE_VERSION_KEY = "@@version" local function migrate_v1_to_v3() local file = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath().."/mail.db", "r") assert(file) print("[mail] Migration from v1 to v3 database") local data = file:read("*a") local oldmails = minetest.deserialize(data) file:close() for name, oldmessages in pairs(oldmails) do print("[mail,v1] + migrating player '" .. name .. "'") local entry = mail.get_storage_entry(name) for _, msg in ipairs(oldmessages) do table.insert(entry.inbox, { id = mail.new_uuid(), from = msg.sender or msg.from, to = msg.to or name, subject = msg.subject, body = msg.body, time = msg.time or os.time(), }) end mail.set_storage_entry(name, entry) end -- rename file print("[mail,v1] migration done, renaming old mail.db") os.rename(minetest.get_worldpath().."/mail.db", minetest.get_worldpath().."/mail.db.old") end local function read_json_file(path) local file = io.open(path, "r") local content = {} if file then local json = file:read("*a") content = minetest.parse_json(json or "[]") or {} file:close() end return content end -- migrate from v2 to v3 database local function migrate_v2_to_v3() local maildir = minetest.get_worldpath().."/mails" minetest.mkdir(maildir) -- if necessary (eg. first login) print("[mail] Migration from v2 to v3 database") -- defer execution until auth-handler ready (first server-step) minetest.after(0, function() for playername, _ in minetest.get_auth_handler().iterate() do local entry = mail.get_storage_entry(playername) local player_contacts = read_json_file(maildir .. "/contacts/" .. playername .. ".json") for _, c in pairs(player_contacts) do table.insert(entry.contacts, { name = c.name, note = c.note }) end local saneplayername = string.gsub(playername, "[.|/]", "") local player_inbox = read_json_file(maildir .. "/" .. saneplayername .. ".json") print("[mail,v2] + migrating player '" .. playername .. "'") for _, msg in ipairs(player_inbox) do table.insert(entry.inbox, { id = mail.new_uuid(), from = msg.sender or msg.from, to = msg.to or playername, cc = msg.cc, subject = msg.subject, body = msg.body, time = msg.time or os.time(), read = not msg.unread, }) end mail.set_storage_entry(playername, entry) end print("[mail,v2] migration done") end) end function mail.migrate() -- check for v2 storage first, v1-migration might have set the v3-flag already local version = mail.storage:get_int(STORAGE_VERSION_KEY) if version < 3 then -- v2 to v3 migrate_v2_to_v3() mail.storage:set_int(STORAGE_VERSION_KEY, 3) end -- check for v1 storage local v1_file = io.open(minetest.get_worldpath().."/mail.db", "r") if v1_file then -- v1 to v3 migrate_v1_to_v3() mail.storage:set_int(STORAGE_VERSION_KEY, 3) end end