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Teleporter networks that allow players to choose a destination out of a list
Copyright (C) 2013 Sokomine
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Version: 2.2 (with optional abm for self-healing)
Please configure this mod in config.lua
22.09.18 - Move up/move down no longer close the formspec.
22.09.18 - If in creative mode, wield a diamond pick to dig the station. This avoids
conflicts with too fast punches.
24.12.17 - Added support for localization through intllib.
Added localization for German (de).
Door opening/closing can now handle more general doors.
17.07.17 - Added more detailled licence information.
TNT and DungeonMasters ought to leave travelnets and elevators untouched now.
Added function to register elevator doors.
Added elevator doors made out of tin ingots.
Provide information about the nearest elevator network when placing a new elevator. This
ought to make it easier to find the right spot.
Improved formspec.
16.07.17 - Merged several PR from others (Typo, screenshot, documentation, mesecon support, bugfix).
Added buttons to move stations up or down in the list, independent on when they where added.
Fixed undeclared globals.
Changed deprecated functions set_look_yaw/pitch to current functions.
22.07.17 - Fixed bug with locked travelnets beeing removed from the network due to not beeing recognized.
30.08.16 - If the station the traveller just travelled to no longer exists, the player is sent back to the
station where he/she came from.
30.08.16 - Attaching a travelnet box to a non-existant network of another player is possible (requested by OldCoder).
Still requires the travelnet_attach-priv.
05.10.14 - Added an optional abm so that the travelnet network can heal itshelf in case of loss of the savefile.
If you want to use this, set
travelnet.enable_abm = true
in config.lua and edit the interval in the abm to suit your needs.
19.11.13 - moved doors and travelnet definition into an extra file
- moved configuration to config.lua
05.08.13 - fixed possible crash when the node in front of the travelnet is unknown
26.06.13 - added inventory image for elevator (created by VanessaE)
21.06.13 - bugfix: wielding an elevator while digging a door caused the elevator_top to be placed
- leftover floating elevator_top nodes can be removed by placing a new travelnet:elevator underneath them and removing that afterwards
- homedecor-doors are now opened and closed correctly as well
- removed nodes that are not intended for manual use from creative inventory
- improved naming of station levels for the elevator
21.06.13 - elevator stations are sorted by height instead of date of creation as is the case with travelnet boxes
- elevator stations are named automaticly
20.06.13 - doors can be opened and closed from inside the travelnet box/elevator
- the elevator can only move vertically; the network name is defined by its x and z coordinate
13.06.13 - bugfix
- elevator added (written by kpoppel) and placed into extra file
- elevator doors added
- groups changed to avoid accidental dig/drop on dig of node beneath
- added new priv travelnet_remove for digging of boxes owned by other players
- only the owner of a box or players with the travelnet_remove priv can now dig it
- entering your own name as owner_name does no longer abort setup
22.03.13 - added automatic detection if yaw can be set
- beam effect is disabled by default
20.03.13 - added inventory image provided by VanessaE
- fixed bug that made it impossible to remove stations from the net
- if the station a player beamed to no longer exists, the station will be removed automaticly
- with the travelnet_attach priv, you can now attach your box to the nets of other players
- in newer versions of Minetest, the players yaw is set so that he/she looks out of the receiving box
- target list is now centered if there are less than 9 targets
travelnet = {};
travelnet.targets = {};
-- Boilerplate to support localized strings if intllib mod is installed.
if minetest.get_modpath( "intllib" ) and intllib then
travelnet.S = intllib.Getter()
travelnet.S = function(s) return s end
local S = travelnet.S;
minetest.register_privilege("travelnet_attach", { description = S("allows to attach travelnet boxes to travelnets of other players"), give_to_singleplayer = false});
minetest.register_privilege("travelnet_remove", { description = S("allows to dig travelnet boxes which belog to nets of other players"), give_to_singleplayer = false});
-- read the configuration
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("travelnet").."/config.lua"); -- the normal, default travelnet
-- TODO: save and restore ought to be library functions and not implemented in each individual mod!
-- called whenever a station is added or removed
travelnet.save_data = function()
local data = minetest.serialize( travelnet.targets );
local path = minetest.get_worldpath().."/mod_travelnet.data";
local file = io.open( path, "w" );
if( file ) then
file:write( data );
print(S("[Mod travelnet] Error: Savefile '%s' could not be written."):format(tostring(path)));
travelnet.restore_data = function()
local path = minetest.get_worldpath().."/mod_travelnet.data";
local file = io.open( path, "r" );
if( file ) then
local data = file:read("*all");
travelnet.targets = minetest.deserialize( data );
print(S("[Mod travelnet] Error: Savefile '%s' not found."):format(tostring(path)));
-- punching the travelnet updates its formspec and shows it to the player;
-- however, that would be very annoying when actually trying to dig the thing.
-- Thus, check if the player is wielding a tool that can dig nodes of the
-- group cracky
travelnet.check_if_trying_to_dig = function( puncher, node )
-- if in doubt: show formspec
if( not( puncher) or not( puncher:get_wielded_item())) then
return false;
-- show menu when in creative mode
if( creative
and creative.is_enabled_for(puncher:get_player_name())
-- and (not(puncher:get_wielded_item())
-- or puncher:get_wielded_item():get_name()~="default:pick_diamond")) then
) then
return false;
local tool_capabilities = puncher:get_wielded_item():get_tool_capabilities();
if( not( tool_capabilities )
or not( tool_capabilities["groupcaps"])
or not( tool_capabilities["groupcaps"]["cracky"])) then
return false;
-- tools which can dig cracky items can start digging immediately
return true;
-- minetest.chat_send_player is sometimes not so well visible
travelnet.show_message = function( pos, player_name, title, message )
if( not( pos ) or not( player_name ) or not( message )) then
local formspec = "size[8,3]"..
"label[3,0;"..minetest.formspec_escape( title or "Error").."]"..
"textlist[0,0.5;8,1.5;;"..minetest.formspec_escape( message or "- nothing -")..";]"..
"field[20,20;0.1,0.1;pos2str;Pos;".. minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).."]";
minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "travelnet:show", formspec);
-- show the player the formspec he would see when right-clicking the node;
-- needs to be simulated this way as calling on_rightclick would not do
travelnet.show_current_formspec = function( pos, meta, player_name )
if( not( pos ) or not( meta ) or not( player_name )) then
-- we need to supply the position of the travelnet box
formspec = meta:get_string("formspec")..
"field[20,20;0.1,0.1;pos2str;Pos;".. minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).."]";
-- show the formspec manually
minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "travelnet:show", formspec);
-- a player clicked on something in the formspec he was manually shown
-- (back from help page, moved travelnet up or down etc.)
travelnet.form_input_handler = function( player, formname, fields)
if(formname == "travelnet:show" and fields and fields.pos2str) then
local pos = minetest.string_to_pos( fields.pos2str );
-- back button leads back to the main menu
if( fields.back and fields.back ~= "" ) then
return travelnet.show_current_formspec( pos,
minetest.get_meta( pos ), player:get_player_name());
return travelnet.on_receive_fields(pos, formname, fields, player);
-- most formspecs the travelnet uses are stored in the travelnet node itself,
-- but some may require some "back"-button functionality (i.e. help page,
-- move up/down etc.)
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields( travelnet.form_input_handler );
travelnet.reset_formspec = function( meta )
if( not( meta )) then
meta:set_string("infotext", S("Travelnet-box (unconfigured)"));
meta:set_string("station_name", "");
meta:set_string("owner", "");
-- some players seem to be confused with entering network names at first; provide them
-- with a default name
if( not( station_network ) or station_network == "" ) then
station_network = "net1";
-- request initinal data
"label[2.0,0.0;--> "..S("Configure this travelnet station").." <--]"..
"field[0.3,1.2;9,0.9;station_name;"..S("Name of this station")..":;"..
minetest.formspec_escape(station_name or "").."]"..
"label[0.3,1.5;"..S("How do you call this place here? Example: \"my first house\", \"mine\", \"shop\"...").."]"..
"field[0.3,2.8;9,0.9;station_network;"..S("Assign to Network:")..";"..
minetest.formspec_escape(station_network or "").."]"..
"label[0.3,3.1;"..S("You can have more than one network. If unsure, use \"%s\""):format(tostring(station_network)).."\".]"..
"field[0.3,4.4;9,0.9;owner;"..S("Owned by:")..";]"..
"label[0.3,4.7;"..S("Unless you know what you are doing, leave this empty.").."]"..
travelnet.update_formspec = function( pos, puncher_name, fields )
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
local this_node = minetest.get_node( pos );
local is_elevator = false;
if( this_node ~= nil and this_node.name == 'travelnet:elevator' ) then
is_elevator = true;
if( not( meta )) then
local owner_name = meta:get_string( "owner" );
local station_name = meta:get_string( "station_name" );
local station_network = meta:get_string( "station_network" );
if( not( owner_name )
or not( station_name ) or station_network == ''
or not( station_network )) then
if( is_elevator == true ) then
travelnet.add_target( nil, nil, pos, puncher_name, meta, owner_name );
-- minetest.chat_send_player(puncher_name, "DEBUG DATA: owner: "..(owner_name or "?")..
-- " station_name: "..(station_name or "?")..
-- " station_network: "..(station_network or "?")..".");
-- minetest.chat_send_player(puncher_name, "data: "..minetest.serialize( travelnet.targets ));
travelnet.reset_formspec( meta );
travelnet.show_message( pos, puncher_name, "Error", S("Update failed! Resetting this box on the travelnet."));
-- if the station got lost from the network for some reason (savefile corrupted?) then add it again
if( not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ] )
or not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ] )
or not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ station_name ] )) then
-- first one by this player?
if( not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ] )) then
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ] = {};
-- first station on this network?
if( not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ] )) then
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ] = {};
local zeit = meta:get_int("timestamp");
if( not( zeit) or type(zeit)~="number" or zeit<100000 ) then
zeit = os.time();
-- add this station
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ station_name ] = {pos=pos, timestamp=zeit };
minetest.chat_send_player(owner_name, S("Station '%s'"):format(station_name).." "..
S(" has been reattached to the network '%s'."):format(station_network));
-- add name of station + network + owner + update-button
local zusatzstr = "";
local trheight = "10";
if( this_node and this_node.name=="locked_travelnet:travelnet" ) then
zusatzstr = "field[0.3,11;6,0.7;locks_sent_lock_command;"..S("Locked travelnet. Type /help for help:")..";]";
trheight = "11.5";
local formspec = "size[12,"..trheight.."]"..
"label[3.3,0.0;"..S("Travelnet-Box")..":]".."label[6.3,0.0;"..S("Punch box to update target list.").."]"..
"label[0.3,0.4;"..S("Name of this station:").."]".."label[6.3,0.4;"..minetest.formspec_escape(station_name or "?").."]"..
"label[0.3,0.8;"..S("Assigned to Network:").."]" .."label[6.3,0.8;"..minetest.formspec_escape(station_network or "?").."]"..
"label[0.3,1.2;"..S("Owned by:").."]" .."label[6.3,1.2;"..minetest.formspec_escape(owner_name or "?").."]"..
"label[3.3,1.6;"..S("Click on target to travel there:").."]"..
-- "button_exit[5.3,0.3;8,0.8;do_update;Punch box to update destination list. Click on target to travel there.]"..
local x = 0;
local y = 0;
local i = 0;
-- collect all station names in a table
local stations = {};
for k,v in pairs( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ] ) do
table.insert( stations, k );
-- minetest.chat_send_player(puncher_name, "stations: "..minetest.serialize( stations ));
local ground_level = 1;
if( is_elevator ) then
table.sort( stations, function(a,b) return travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ a ].pos.y >
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ b ].pos.y end);
-- find ground level
local vgl_timestamp = 999999999999;
for index,k in ipairs( stations ) do
if( not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].timestamp )) then
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].timestamp = os.time();
if( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].timestamp < vgl_timestamp ) then
vgl_timestamp = travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].timestamp;
ground_level = index;
for index,k in ipairs( stations ) do
if( index == ground_level ) then
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].nr = S('G');
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].nr = tostring( ground_level - index );
-- sort the table according to the timestamp (=time the station was configured)
table.sort( stations, function(a,b) return travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ a ].timestamp <
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ b ].timestamp end);
-- does the player want to move this station one position up in the list?
-- only the owner and players with the travelnet_attach priv can change the order of the list
-- Note: With elevators, only the "G"(round) marking is actually moved
if( fields
and (fields.move_up or fields.move_down)
and owner_name
and owner_name ~= ""
and ((owner_name == puncher_name)
or (minetest.check_player_privs(puncher_name, {travelnet_attach=true})))
) then
local current_pos = -1;
for index,k in ipairs( stations ) do
if( k==station_name ) then
current_pos = index;
local swap_with_pos = -1;
if( fields.move_up ) then
swap_with_pos = current_pos - 1;
swap_with_pos = current_pos + 1;
-- handle errors
if( swap_with_pos < 1) then
travelnet.show_message( pos, puncher_name, "Info", S("This station is already the first one on the list."));
elseif( swap_with_pos > #stations ) then
travelnet.show_message( pos, puncher_name, "Info", S("This station is already the last one on the list."));
-- swap the actual data by which the stations are sorted
local old_timestamp = travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ stations[swap_with_pos]].timestamp;
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ stations[swap_with_pos]].timestamp =
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ stations[current_pos ]].timestamp;
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ stations[current_pos ]].timestamp =
-- for elevators, only the "G"(round) marking is moved; no point in swapping stations
if( not( is_elevator )) then
-- actually swap the stations
local old_val = stations[ swap_with_pos ];
stations[ swap_with_pos ] = stations[ current_pos ];
stations[ current_pos ] = old_val;
-- store the changed order
-- if there are only 8 stations (plus this one), center them in the formspec
if( #stations < 10 ) then
x = 4;
for index,k in ipairs( stations ) do
-- check if there is an elevator door in front that needs to be opened
local open_door_cmd = false;
if( k==station_name ) then
open_door_cmd = true;
if( k ~= station_name or open_door_cmd) then
i = i+1;
-- new column
if( y==8 ) then
x = x+4;
y = 0;
if( open_door_cmd ) then
formspec = formspec .."button_exit["..(x)..","..(y+2.5)..";1,0.5;open_door;<>]"..
"label["..(x+0.9)..","..(y+2.35)..";"..tostring( k ).."]";
elseif( is_elevator ) then
formspec = formspec .."button_exit["..(x)..","..(y+2.5)..";1,0.5;target;"..tostring( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].nr ).."]"..
"label["..(x+0.9)..","..(y+2.35)..";"..tostring( k ).."]";
formspec = formspec .."button_exit["..(x)..","..(y+2.5)..";4,0.5;target;"..k.."]";
-- if( is_elevator ) then
-- formspec = formspec ..' ('..tostring( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].pos.y )..'m)';
-- end
-- formspec = formspec .. ']';
y = y+1;
--x = x+4;
formspec = formspec..
"label[8.0,1.6;"..S("Position in list:").."]"..
"button[9.6,1.6;1.4,0.5;move_up;"..S("move up").."]"..
"button[10.9,1.6;1.4,0.5;move_down;"..S("move down").."]";
meta:set_string( "formspec", formspec );
meta:set_string( "infotext", S("Station '%s'"):format(tostring( station_name )).." "..
S("on travelnet '%s'"):format(tostring( station_network )).." "..
S("(owned by %s)"):format(tostring( owner_name )).." "..
S("ready for usage. Right-click to travel, punch to update."));
-- show the player the updated formspec
travelnet.show_current_formspec( pos, meta, puncher_name );
-- add a new target; meta is optional
travelnet.add_target = function( station_name, network_name, pos, player_name, meta, owner_name )
-- if it is an elevator, determine the network name through x and z coordinates
local this_node = minetest.get_node( pos );
local is_elevator = false;
if( this_node.name == 'travelnet:elevator' ) then
-- owner_name = '*'; -- the owner name is not relevant here
is_elevator = true;
network_name = tostring( pos.x )..','..tostring( pos.z );
if( not( station_name ) or station_name == '' ) then
station_name = S('at %s m'):format(tostring( pos.y ));
if( station_name == "" or not(station_name )) then
travelnet.show_message( pos, player_name, S("Error"), S("Please provide a name for this station." ));
if( network_name == "" or not( network_name )) then
travelnet.show_message( pos, player_name, S("Error"),
S("Please provide the name of the network this station ought to be connected to."));
if( owner_name == nil or owner_name == '' or owner_name == player_name) then
owner_name = player_name;
elseif( is_elevator ) then -- elevator networks
owner_name = player_name;
elseif( not( minetest.check_player_privs(player_name, {interact=true}))) then
travelnet.show_message( pos, player_name, S("Error"),
S("There is no player with interact privilege named '%s'. Aborting."):format(tostring( player_name )));
elseif( not( minetest.check_player_privs(player_name, {travelnet_attach=true}))
and not( travelnet.allow_attach( player_name, owner_name, network_name ))) then
travelnet.show_message( pos, player_name, S("Error"),
S("You do not have the travelnet_attach priv which is required to attach your box to "..
"the network of someone else. Aborting."));
-- first one by this player?
if( not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ] )) then
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ] = {};
-- first station on this network?
if( not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ network_name ] )) then
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ network_name ] = {};
-- lua doesn't allow efficient counting here
local anz = 0;
for k,v in pairs( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ network_name ] ) do
if( k == station_name ) then
travelnet.show_message( pos, player_name, S("Error"),
S("A station named '%s' already exists on this network. Please choose a diffrent name!"):format(station_name));
anz = anz + 1;
-- we don't want too many stations in the same network because that would get confusing when displaying the targets
if( anz+1 > travelnet.MAX_STATIONS_PER_NETWORK ) then
travelnet.show_message( pos, player_name, S("Error"),
S("Network '%s',"):format(network_name).." "..
S("already contains the maximum number (=%s) of allowed stations per network. "..
"Please choose a diffrent/new network name."):format(travelnet.MAX_STATIONS_PER_NETWORK));
-- add this station
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ network_name ][ station_name ] = {pos=pos, timestamp=os.time() };
-- do we have a new node to set up? (and are not just reading from a safefile?)
if( meta ) then
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, S("Station '%s'"):format(station_name).." "..
S("has been added to the network '%s'"):format(network_name)..
S(", which now consists of %s station(s)."):format(anz+1));
meta:set_string( "station_name", station_name );
meta:set_string( "station_network", network_name );
meta:set_string( "owner", owner_name );
meta:set_int( "timestamp", travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ network_name ][ station_name ].timestamp);
"field[0.3,0.6;6,0.7;station_name;"..S("Station:")..";".. minetest.formspec_escape(meta:get_string("station_name")).."]"..
"field[0.3,3.6;6,0.7;station_network;"..S("Network:")..";"..minetest.formspec_escape(meta:get_string("station_network")).."]" );
-- display a list of all stations that can be reached from here
travelnet.update_formspec( pos, player_name, nil );
-- save the updated network data in a savefile over server restart
-- allow doors to open
travelnet.open_close_door = function( pos, player, mode )
local this_node = minetest.get_node( pos );
local pos2 = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z};
if( this_node.param2 == 0 ) then pos2 = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=(pos.z-1)};
elseif( this_node.param2 == 1 ) then pos2 = {x=(pos.x-1),y=pos.y,z=pos.z};
elseif( this_node.param2 == 2 ) then pos2 = {x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=(pos.z+1)};
elseif( this_node.param2 == 3 ) then pos2 = {x=(pos.x+1),y=pos.y,z=pos.z};
local door_node = minetest.get_node( pos2 );
if( door_node ~= nil and door_node.name ~= 'ignore' and door_node.name ~= 'air' and minetest.registered_nodes[ door_node.name ] ~= nil and minetest.registered_nodes[ door_node.name ].on_rightclick ~= nil) then
-- at least for homedecor, same facedir would mean "door closed"
-- do not close the elevator door if it is already closed
if( mode==1 and ( string.sub( door_node.name, -7 ) == '_closed'
-- handle doors that change their facedir
or ( door_node.param2 == this_node.param2
and door_node.name ~= 'travelnet:elevator_door_glass_open'
and door_node.name ~= 'travelnet:elevator_door_steel_open'))) then
-- do not open the doors if they are already open (works only on elevator-doors; not on doors in general)
if( mode==2 and ( string.sub( door_node.name, -5 ) == '_open'
-- handle doors that change their facedir
or ( door_node.param2 ~= this_node.param2
and door_node.name ~= 'travelnet:elevator_door_glass_closed'
and door_node.name ~= 'travelnet:elevator_door_steel_closed'))) then
if( mode==2 ) then
minetest.after( 1, minetest.registered_nodes[ door_node.name ].on_rightclick, pos2, door_node, player );
minetest.registered_nodes[ door_node.name ].on_rightclick(pos2, door_node, player);
travelnet.on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, player)
if( not( pos )) then
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos);
local name = player:get_player_name();
-- the player wants to quit/exit the formspec; do not save/update anything
if( fields and fields.station_exit and fields.station_exit ~= "" ) then
-- show help text
if( fields and fields.station_help_setup and fields.station_help_setup ~= "") then
-- simulate right-click
local node = minetest.get_node( pos );
if( node and node.name and minetest.registered_nodes[ node.name ] ) then
travelnet.show_message( pos, name, "--> Help <--",
-- TODO: actually add help page
S("No help available yet."));
-- if the box has not been configured yet
if( meta:get_string("station_network")=="" ) then
travelnet.add_target( fields.station_name, fields.station_network, pos, name, meta, fields.owner_name );
if( fields.open_door ) then
travelnet.open_close_door( pos, player, 0 );
-- the owner or players with the travelnet_attach priv can move stations up or down in the list
if( fields.move_up or fields.move_down) then
travelnet.update_formspec( pos, name, fields );
if( not( fields.target )) then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Please click on the target you want to travel to."));
-- if there is something wrong with the data
local owner_name = meta:get_string( "owner" );
local station_name = meta:get_string( "station_name" );
local station_network = meta:get_string( "station_network" );
if( not( owner_name )
or not( station_name )
or not( station_network )
or not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ] )
or not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ] )) then
if( owner_name
and station_name
and station_network ) then
travelnet.add_target( station_name, station_network, pos, owner_name, meta, owner_name );
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Error")..": "..
S("There is something wrong with the configuration of this station.")..
" DEBUG DATA: owner: "..( owner_name or "?")..
" station_name: "..(station_name or "?")..
" station_network: "..(station_network or "?")..".");
if( not( owner_name )
or not( station_network )
or not( travelnet.targets )
or not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ] )
or not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ] )) then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Error")..": "..
S("This travelnet is lacking data and/or improperly configured."));
print( "ERROR: The travelnet at "..minetest.pos_to_string( pos ).." has a problem: "..
" DATA: owner: "..( owner_name or "?")..
" station_name: "..(station_name or "?")..
" station_network: "..(station_network or "?")..".");
local this_node = minetest.get_node( pos );
if( this_node ~= nil and this_node.name == 'travelnet:elevator' ) then
for k,v in pairs( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ] ) do
if( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].nr --..' ('..tostring( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ k ].pos.y )..'m)'
== fields.target) then
fields.target = k;
-- if the target station is gone
if( not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ fields.target ] )) then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Station '%s'"):format( fields.target or "?").." "..
S("does not exist (anymore?) on this network."));
travelnet.update_formspec( pos, name, nil );
if( not( travelnet.allow_travel( name, owner_name, station_network, station_name, fields.target ))) then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Initiating transfer to station '%s'."):format( fields.target or "?"));
if( travelnet.travelnet_sound_enabled ) then
minetest.sound_play("128590_7037-lq.mp3", {pos = pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 10,})
if( travelnet.travelnet_effect_enabled ) then
minetest.add_entity( {x=pos.x,y=pos.y+0.5,z=pos.z}, "travelnet:effect"); -- it self-destructs after 20 turns
-- close the doors at the sending station
travelnet.open_close_door( pos, player, 1 );
-- transport the player to the target location
local target_pos = travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ fields.target ].pos;
player:moveto( target_pos, false);
if( travelnet.travelnet_sound_enabled ) then
minetest.sound_play("travelnet_travel.wav", {pos = target_pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 10,})
if( travelnet.travelnet_effect_enabled ) then
minetest.add_entity( {x=target_pos.x,y=target_pos.y+0.5,z=target_pos.z}, "travelnet:effect"); -- it self-destructs after 20 turns
-- check if the box has at the other end has been removed.
local node2 = minetest.get_node( target_pos );
if( node2 ~= nil and node2.name ~= 'ignore' and node2.name ~= 'travelnet:travelnet' and node2.name ~= 'travelnet:elevator' and node2.name ~= "locked_travelnet:travelnet" and node2.name ~= "travelnet:travelnet_private") then
-- provide information necessary to identify the removed box
local oldmetadata = { fields = { owner = owner_name,
station_name = fields.target,
station_network = station_network }};
travelnet.remove_box( target_pos, nil, oldmetadata, player );
-- send the player back as there's no receiving travelnet
player:moveto( pos, false );
-- do this only on servers where the function exists
elseif( player.set_look_horizontal ) then
-- rotate the player so that he/she can walk straight out of the box
local yaw = 0;
local param2 = node2.param2;
if( param2==0 ) then
yaw = 180;
elseif( param2==1 ) then
yaw = 90;
elseif( param2==2 ) then
yaw = 0;
elseif( param2==3 ) then
yaw = 270;
player:set_look_horizontal( math.rad( yaw ));
player:set_look_vertical( math.rad( 0 ));
travelnet.open_close_door( target_pos, player, 2 );
travelnet.remove_box = function( pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger )
if( not( oldmetadata ) or oldmetadata=="nil" or not(oldmetadata.fields)) then
minetest.chat_send_player( digger:get_player_name(), S("Error")..": "..
S("Could not find information about the station that is to be removed."));
local owner_name = oldmetadata.fields[ "owner" ];
local station_name = oldmetadata.fields[ "station_name" ];
local station_network = oldmetadata.fields[ "station_network" ];
-- station is not known? then just remove it
if( not( owner_name )
or not( station_name )
or not( station_network )
or not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ] )
or not( travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ] )) then
minetest.chat_send_player( digger:get_player_name(), S("Error")..": "..
S("Could not find the station that is to be removed."));
travelnet.targets[ owner_name ][ station_network ][ station_name ] = nil;
-- inform the owner
minetest.chat_send_player( owner_name, S("Station '%s'"):format(station_name ).." "..
S("has been REMOVED from the network '%s'."):format(station_network));
if( digger ~= nil and owner_name ~= digger:get_player_name() ) then
minetest.chat_send_player( digger:get_player_name(), S("Station '%s'"):format(station_name)..
S("has been REMOVED from the network '%s'."):format(station_network));
-- save the updated network data in a savefile over server restart
travelnet.can_dig = function( pos, player, description )
if( not( player )) then
return false;
local name = player:get_player_name();
local meta = minetest.get_meta( pos );
local owner = meta:get_string('owner');
local network_name = meta:get_string( "station_network" );
-- in creative mode, accidental digging could happen too easily when trying to update the net
if(creative and creative.is_enabled_for(player:get_player_name())) then
-- only a diamond pick can dig the travelnet
if( not(player:get_wielded_item())
or player:get_wielded_item():get_name()~="default:pick_diamond") then
return false;
-- players with that priv can dig regardless of owner
if( minetest.check_player_privs(name, {travelnet_remove=true})
or travelnet.allow_dig( name, owner, network_name )) then
return true;
if( not( meta ) or not( owner) or owner=='') then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("This %s has not been configured yet. Please set it up first to claim it. Afterwards you can remove it because you are then the owner."):format(description));
return false;
elseif( owner ~= name ) then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("This %s belongs to %s. You can't remove it."):format(description, tostring( meta:get_string('owner'))));
return false;
return true;
if( travelnet.travelnet_effect_enabled ) then
minetest.register_entity( 'travelnet:effect', {
hp_max = 1,
physical = false,
weight = 5,
collisionbox = {-0.4,-0.5,-0.4, 0.4,1.5,0.4},
visual = "upright_sprite",
visual_size = {x=1, y=2},
-- mesh = "model",
textures = { "travelnet_flash.png" }, -- number of required textures depends on visual
-- colors = {}, -- number of required colors depends on visual
spritediv = {x=1, y=1},
initial_sprite_basepos = {x=0, y=0},
is_visible = true,
makes_footstep_sound = false,
automatic_rotate = true,
anz_rotations = 0,
on_step = function( self, dtime )
-- this is supposed to be more flickering than smooth animation
self.object:setyaw( self.object:getyaw()+1);
self.anz_rotations = self.anz_rotations + 1;
-- eventually self-destruct
if( self.anz_rotations > 15 ) then
if( travelnet.travelnet_enabled ) then
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("travelnet").."/travelnet.lua"); -- the travelnet node definition
if( travelnet.elevator_enabled ) then
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("travelnet").."/elevator.lua"); -- allows up/down transfers only
if( travelnet.doors_enabled ) then
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("travelnet").."/doors.lua"); -- doors that open and close automaticly when the travelnet or elevator is used
if( travelnet.abm_enabled ) then
dofile(minetest.get_modpath("travelnet").."/restore_network_via_abm.lua"); -- restore travelnet data when players pass by broken networks
-- upon server start, read the savefile